Ten Things Not to Do When You Have a Honey-Do List

Honey Do List

The inspiration for this list has been a number of years of being the recipient of lists of things that needed fixing. I hope you enjoy it.

10 If you receive a honey-do list, do not laugh at the items on the list. If you do, at best you’ll get one of those looks that turn brave thoughts to flee instincts. At worst, you’ll have to try to defend the undefendable fact that you haven’t kept up with normal maintenance. (The couch is pretty lumpy wouldn’t you say?)

9 If you receive a honey-do list, do not take shortcuts to complete the list. If you do, At best the inspection will produce some embarrassing deficiencies. At worst, you find yourself in the do-over mode, and it will take longer than the original mode would have taken. (Was that game you rushed to see worth it, Buster?)

8 If you receive a honey-do list, do not try to substitute available materials for those that require a store trip. If you do, at best the fix will last a month or two. At worst, you’ll find at the conclusion of the job definite evidence that you blew it.(How do feel about a bedroom full of water? Bunky)

7 If you receive a honey-do list, do not try to do it if you don’t know how. If you do, at best you will need to call a pro to complete the work. At worst, you will need to call a pro to fix what you messed up and then finish the work. (Feel good about paying twice what the project would have cost in the first place?)

6 If you receive a honey-do list, do not call your friends to help. If you do, at best they will all but prevent the job from being completed. At worst, none of them will have the skills needed but will make an attempt to help with questionable results. (You did incur beer and food costs in addition to the repair of the repair costs, huh, Bud?)

5 If you receive a honey-do list, do not ignore the instructions as to the desired outcome. If you do, at best the job will never be satisfactory. At worst, your usual roundabout way of doing things will add time and cost to the project. (Maybe it wasn’t necessary to dig that hole and build a foundation for the flower box after all, right?)

4 If you receive a honey-do list, do not fail to finish each item. If you do, at best you will appear to be someone who needs planning help. At worst, you will be faced with someone who has been hired to complete what you start. (Man those labor costs are killers aren’t they?)

3 If you receive a honey-do list, do not make excuses for not doing the items. If you do, at best your excuses will fall on deaf ears. At worse, the excuses will be used as justification for engaging Beaucoup Bucks & Sons contracting.(What’s in a name? Whoa!)

2 If you receive a honey-do list, do not put off getting to work on it immediately. If you do, at best the list will only get longer. At worst, there will be a growing feeling that you will never get the list done which will culminate in an introduction to Beaucoup Bucks & Sons. (Man those sons sure have dirty shoes don’t they?)

1 If you receive a honey-do list, do not fail to report results of projects completed. If you do, at best there will be no record of accomplishment. At worst, you will not have confirmation that the job is complete, and it may just show up again. (You have to demonstrate you can get things done, Buford.)


  1. All very good advice. Though, I tend to give myself lists. Not sure what you would call those.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Me do lists. The advice still holds. Thanks, Charles.


  2. Good warnings!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thank you. I hope to serve mankind.


  3. Great list, John. I love the company, Beaucoup Bucks & Sons. I think I’ve heard about them. 😀 — Suzanne


  4. I think Beaucoup Bucks and Sons has a franchise office in Boise.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. They are worldwide I think. Thanks, Craig.

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  5. Great advice here, John…especially #7. Of course, I love the meme!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. There were so many but most had bad words in them. LOL. Thanks, Jill.

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  6. LOL… I’m not getting in the middle of this one. No way. I think there was more than a grain of truth in it. 😀 Have a marvelous Monday my friend. Mega hugs.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thank you, Teagan. Magnificent Monday to you. Hugs.


      1. Oh it is marvelous and magnificent — I just learned my boss (well, one out of two of them) is on vacation. 😀

        Liked by 1 person

      2. Oh wonderful. Merry Monday!!!! 😀


  7. I think I may had independently researched some of these. I can corroborate your conclusions, John.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thanks, Dan. Lot of learning in this list.

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      1. One that I would add – after you’re done, don’t brag about is like anything was your idea.

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      2. Good one, Dan. I’ve been guilty.

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  8. Reblogged this on Writing and Music and commented:
    A comprehensive guide to a peaceful if not happy marriage. 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thank you, Jan. I hope I can help shed some light on peace and harmony. It took me a few years to catch on.


  9. I think you may have just written (from a man’s POV), a guide to a peaceful if not happy marriage. 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thank you, Jan. I normally write gender neutral posts but I couldn’t resist this one.


  10. Now how did you get that picture of me up there at the beginning of your post??!! 😉
    Have a great day,

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Ha ha ha. Somehow I think you jump on projects.


  11. My husband is yet to complete his Honey-Do list… I’ve only been waiting THREE YEARS!

    Great list though. I’ll show him this!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Sounds like a list that would choke a horse. Hide my name when you show him. 😀

      Liked by 1 person

      1. Haha! I will do.


  12. Hahaha…I’ll have to forward this to the RS. He’s really good, but will procrastinate. If he goes longer than six months (but still has time to work on his boat: : If you receive a honey-do list, do not make excuses for not doing the items. If you do, at best your excuses will fall on deaf ears. At worse, the excuses will be used as justification for engaging Beaucoup Bucks & Sons contracting.(What’s in a name? Whoa!) Happens. He really hates when that happens.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. I hate when that happens as well. Thanks, Susan.

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  13. We established early on in the marriage that my hubby had no aptitude for household maintenance whatsoever unless he was heavily supervised – instead he got honey-find-someone-to-do-these-chores-properly lists, hastily amended to honey-find-someone-to-do-these-chores-properly-and-not-the-cheapest-quote lists. I’m sure we saved a lot of money and a great list of reliable artisans that way! 😉

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Sounds like a good method. I very seldom hire outside support but I generally don’t go to the cheapest. Thanks, Jan.


  14. Pity the poor hubby who finds himself too proud to admit he’s all thumbs when it comes to home maintenance! Nicely done, John.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Yeah. A tough position to be in. Thanks, Debbie


  15. Those dreaded lists. Ha ha ha. I remember the days when…
    I found the best way was not to hand over a list–too overwhelming. Something along the lines of, “Might you do me a favor? The (fill in job required). When that is finally done, take a deep breath and mention the next one.
    These are super great and so true. 😎 😀

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thanks, Tess. I would like that approach.


  16. You gotta love this list, John! My Honey-Do’s go on my refrigerator in plain view of all visitors who will gleefully monitor my progress – or lack thereof!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Ha ha ha. I can see that, John. I can also see a visitor asking for a status report.


  17. From Douglas Adams’ excellent “The Meaning Of Liff” (the dictionary that gives a name to things with no definition, taking all the words from place names around the world):

    Worksop (n.)
    A person who never actually gets round to doing anything because he spends all his time writing out lists headed ‘Things to Do (Urgent)’.

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  18. Here’s the whole thing, if you haven’t seen it before…Genius.


    Liked by 1 person

    1. OMG how funny. You’re right genius. 😀


  19. You are a brave man, John! I usually give my Honey just one thing at a time and am grateful he has learned #7 after all these years!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Ha ha ha. Good way. 🙂


  20. Great advice, John!

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