Tuesday – Anything Possible – Kreative Kue #101 by Keith Channing

Here is what it is all about in Keith’s words.

“Using this photo (below) as inspiration, write a short story, flash fiction, scene, poem; anything, really; and either put it (or a link to it) in a comment or email it to me at keithkreates@channing.fr before 6pm next Sunday (if you aren’t sure what the time is where I live, this link will tell you). If you post it on your own blog or site, a link to this page would be appreciated, but please do also mention it in a comment here – pingbacks don’t work.

Go on. You know you want to. Let your creativity and imagination soar. I shall display the entries, with links to your own blog or web site, next Monday.”

Here is the photo.


Just Thinking by John W. Howell © 2016

“So I was wondering. Would you like to go to the movie with me? I know it is forward of me to ask, but I have admired you from across the bazaar. I have been watching you for weeks now and think I almost know you. You don’t have to answer right now. I can come back. I was thinking we could go to the movie but grab a little dinner first. I know this beautiful place that has killer appetizers. It is a very public place, so you won’t have to feel uncomfortable. The movie is rated PG, so there will be no embarrassing, funny stuff on the screen. After the film, we could get some dessert. There is a lovely bistro that serves the best eclairs. Oh, maybe I misspoke. You may not like eclairs. That’s okay you can have anything you want. Their menu is quite extensive. Then after dessert, I will walk you home to make sure you arrive safely.  So what do you think? ”

“Excuse me. Are you talking to me?”

“Uh. Yes, I was.”

“I’m sorry I was deep in thought. Please excuse me.”

“Not a problem. I was rambling anyway.”

“Rambling about what?”

“Oh, nothing much. You know the weather and such.”

“Yes, it is quite lovely today.”

“It is. Well, I won’t keep you. Have a pleasant afternoon.”

“You as well.”

“Bye now.”





  1. That is funny and a little sad. Well done as always my friend.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thanks, Pam. You caught it totally. So many times two people interact but are not really hearing the other. I think he could have saved it but was caught in his own insecurity. She of course, was lost in her world with no possibility of seeking other experiences. (Sorry for the analysis). This was a metaphor for society today. Lots of talk, no real listening.


  2. LOL. Good save. I love the photo and her expression. Have a terrific Tuesday, John. Mega hugs.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thanks, Teagan. Glad you liked it. 🙂


  3. Gwen Plano · ·

    Good writing, John. Definitely an “anything possible” story…who could have anticipated its closure?

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thanks, Gwen. I’d hoped the ending wasn’t too obvious. 🙂


  4. Ouch. Well, at least he tried. One step closer to getting the courage up again.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Might take him a while. Thanks, Charles.


  5. All those good thoughts, wasted 😦

    Nicely done, John.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thanks, Dan. 🙂

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  6. Those are some green bananas.

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  7. Such a polite rejection. Nice job, John!

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    1. Thank you, Jill. A metaphor for the how I wish society would behave. 🙂

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  8. Aww – and we never knew whether they like eclairs! 😛

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    1. Well, he certainly does and will be having all he wants alone. Thanks, Jan.


  9. Sorry for the guy. I can tell it took a lot to start the conversation. What a letdown. Great ending, too. 😀

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Yeah. he’ll try again next year. 🙂


  10. Poor bloke had probably rehearsed that speech in front of the mirror for days beforehand. Even so, he was braver than I would have been!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Yes. I think he was brave. Crushed he was.:-(

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  11. Aw, now I’m feeling sorry for the poor guy. Well, at least he tried, right? Nothing ventured, nothing gained, and all that. Guess he’ll have to fish for another one!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Yes. He put his all in it. 🙂

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  12. Well done, good sir! You’re right – lots of talking, not much listening.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Yes, true. Thanks, John


  13. Wow. Who hasn’t been there?
    Beautiful slice of life piece, John.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. I remember asking a major crush for a dance in middle school and she pretended not to hear me. Was a fun time. 😀


  14. That was super sad. Yea, I’m with them. Ya just have to walk away from that one. Been there. As the listening type, I’m forever being asked how I am and not really being heard by the one ive spent hours lending my ear for. One learns not to bother.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. That does happen. Giving needs to be a two way street and most haven’t learned that yet. (or ever)


  15. I love this photo because it reminds me of Guatemala. Do you run this prompt? I’m a little confused as to why I’d email this Keith Guy and I can’t find anything consistent using the search feature on my phone. Vacations get in the way of blogging via computer and and old fashioned internet.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. I don’t run this prompt. A fellow in France by the name of Keith Channing is the one. See is a link to his latest post http://channing.info/wp/2016/11/27/sunday-serialisation-the-orphans-16-2/


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