Friday JohnKu – AKA – TGIF


Looks like we made it. Well, another eight hours will tell the tale. What’re eight hours anyway?  We did forty-eight before today, so this will be a snap. (Unless you are hanging by a frayed rope over the Grand Canyon)

Interesting week. I had to get another proof for My GRL. It seemed when I went to print stage there was a setting which I had not double checked. It was in the style set up under “normal.” For some reason, the default .o5 indent reestablished itself even though aI had set it a zero. Well, this is all too boring so let me say that when the proof arrived, I was stunned. I had to go back and redo the setup. I didn’t want to take a chance again, so I created a new document. Long story short I’m waiting for the new proof. If it is still messed up I will go ahead and launch the kindle version and follow with the paper edition since the turn around time is too long to make the March 1 date.

I’m telling you all this so that you will not even think of launching a paper edition without getting a proof copy first. This would have been a major embarrassment, and at this stage of life, I can’t afford much more.

Today’s JohnKu talks about checking your work. I hope you have a great weekend.

Double Check by John W. Howell © 2017

Measure twice cut once,

Advice born out of error . . .

Why then the short rope?



  1. Gwen Plano · ·

    What a headache…but you figured it out and are doing it. Bravo for that. “Why the short rope?” Good question…and very clever JohnKu. 🙂


  2. Have a Great Weekend John.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thanks, David. You as well. 🙂


  3. Ugh…sorry to hear about your difficulties, John. It did result in a great JohnKu for you. 🙂 Happy Friday! Phew!

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    1. That is the super half full way of looking at it. Thanks, Jill. Happy weekend! 🙂

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  4. The devil is in the details, isn’t it. Try not to let it get you down, John. Wishing you a fabulous Friday. Mega hugs.

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    1. Thanks, Teagan. Fantastic Friday to you. I hope you are looking forward to President’s Day. Hugs 🙂


      1. Pos-i-lutely! I lose my telework day, but at least I don’t have to be tied to Mordor at all that day! 😀 More hugs.

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      2. Yes. You can actually of outside. YAY.


  5. Good advice. Sorry the proof didn’t come back and hope it’s all fixed. At least it’s the weekend.

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    1. You have that correct. (you can tell I’ve been editing) Thanks, Charles.


      1. Ah, editing. The fun part of the process.

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      2. UGH. *crossed eyed look*

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  6. John Fioravanti · ·

    Great JohnKu, good sir. Aren’t paperback preparations the bane of our existence as authors! E-books are such a breeze!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. I know right? I have no hair left. 😀 Thanks, John


  7. Good luck with it all, John – both versions! 🙂

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    1. Thanks, Jan. Version one will be pulled by the publisher. 🙂


  8. Oh, you have plenty of room left for embarrassment. It’s kinda fun. Prayers for a productive next week. Hugs.
    Enjoyed the haiku, John

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    1. Thanks, Audrey. When it comes to my books I have a low tolerance for error. Drives me up the wall. I’m just glad I caught it.

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  9. I know nothing about the formatting – but I do know it sounds like one big headache. Glad you caught it. Happy Friday, John!

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    1. You don’t want to learn.


  10. “I’ve cut this board three times and it’s still too short!”

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    1. Ha ha ha. I have been there. I learned to do base and crown moulding and must have chewed up hundreds before I got it.

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      1. Crown mounding has the added excitement of cutting it to the right length, if you were installing it upside down.

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      2. Um….Have to think on that one.

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  11. Those proof copies are so important. Sorry you had to go through the formatting again. I know that’s a headache.
    Happy Friday, John!

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    1. Thanks, Mae Clair. Never had so much trouble before. Must be elves or something.

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      1. Pesky things 🙂

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  12. A busy week hasn’t dulled your edge, John.

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    1. Thank you , Hook. Hope the weekend is good for you.


      1. We’ll see.
        This has been a horrible winter in terms of tips.

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      2. That is not good. Must be Trump’s fault.


  13. Ah, John, I do empathize. Having just completed several intensive edits of my own — and finding more formatting issues than you could shake a stick at — I know how hard it is. Here’s to a wonderful weekend!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thank you , Debbie. 🙂


  14. All part of the process … so keep moving forward. Edits are intense enough with just the words … and formatting is its own animal. Great last line on the JohnKu.

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    1. Thank you, Frank. The proof arrived and it is perfect.

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      1. Time to celebrate with a toast … clink!

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  15. The high point, you caught the boo-boo. Technology is great when it works. Sigh. Always double check. Have a restful weekend, John. 🙂

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    1. Thank you Tess. The proof arrived and it is perfect.


  16. Great post. Rick used to call double checking his measurements, “Chiney Checking.” I never asked him what that meant. 🙂

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    1. I’ll bet it was kin to double check. I have not heard that before.


  17. Hope the proof comes back A Okay so you’re good to go!

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    1. Came in and is perfect. Thanks, Deborah.

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