Thursday – A Little Personal – #RRBC RAVE WAVES Spotlight Honors Interview with Karl Morgan

Spotlight Honors


I am very pleased to be hosting Karl Morgan on the RAVE WAVES Spotlight Honors broadcast live today at 11:00 Central Time. Here are the details and link.

Welcome to RAVE REVIEWS BOOK CLUB’S BlogTalkRadio production of RAVE WAVES “SPOTLIGHT HONORS,” where HOST JOHN W. HOWELL is joined by AUTHOR KARL MORGAN. We will be discussing his novel, THE OLD HOUSE. Join us as we explore this book and become better acquainted with the author. Here is the link to the broadcast.

This segment of SPOTLIGHT HONORS is being sponsored by ANGEL OF DEATH by author JENNY HINSMAN.


Karl Morgan


Karl Morgan has a lifelong fascination with stories in the science fiction and fantasy genres, whether it was the Tom Swift novels by Victor Appleton he read as a young boy, or television like Lost in Space and Star Trek, and especially films like Star Wars, Harry Potter and Lord of the Rings. All of those tales put the protagonist in terrible situations where the odds are against them and, yet, somehow they prevail. The reader/viewer is always left with a sense that something greater than ourselves is watching over us. The reliance on Divine Providence, the power of friendship, and the desire to learn and grow are cornerstones of the author’s Dave Brewster, Heartstone and Modern Prophet series. The Old House is somewhat different, and based on the dreams of Chris Gullet, a friend. This love story spans the ages as two soul mates encounter one another in life after life. It explores the idea that if love can survive death, then perhaps other less savory emotions can as well. Karl lives in the San Diego area with his wife, Aida, and their beloved puppies. Their two grown children have fled the nest and started their own adventures in life.

The Old House



  1. John Fioravanti · ·

    Have a great show today, John!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thanks, Charles


  2. Fun stuff! I love that cover.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. it is great. Thanks, Jill

      Liked by 1 person

  3. Looking forward to this interview!


      1. Enjoyed, once again. I was happy you asked the question about getting confused/derailed at any point. Tough subject matter, yet sounds like a great read, John.

        Liked by 1 person

      2. I thought it sounded fantastic. It’s free why not?

        Liked by 1 person

  4. Just dropping in during lunch. I’m sure the broadcast is fabulous.
    Have a thriving Thursday. Hugs!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thanks for stopping bye. i hoe lunch was yummy. 🙂 Hugs


      1. Onion rings! 😀 Solace for dealing with lazy b@$t@r%s, and revenge at once. Just breathe on them. 😉

        Liked by 1 person

      2. Ooooh. My favorite. I had to do with turkey and avocado on sour dough. (It was good)


  5. You’ve got a heart as cast as the Arizona desert, John.
    Karl appears to be one helluva writer.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thanks, Hook. His story is really interesting and creative.


  6. F.a.b.u.l.o.u.s. podcast. 😀

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thank you, Tess. 🙂

      Liked by 1 person

      1. You are more than welcome, John. 🙂

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