Review of “The Contract Between Heaven and Earth” by Gwen Plano and John Howell

Marcha Fox an outstanding Sci-Fi author of the Star Trails Tetralogy series has reviewed The Contract. Marcha has a fascinating background at NASA and her “about” tab makes for great reading. You can also find her books there. Thank you so much, Marcha.

Marcha's Two-Cents Worth


I really enjoyed the original premise of this fast-moving thriller. I must admit that it is the first book in quite a while that I stayed up into the wee-hours of the night to finish. The characters were well-developed and engaging. I also appreciated the fact that it was nicely edited, thus lacking any typos or other issues that tripped up my engagement with the characters and plot.

It was truly cross-genre, not only of two, i.e. thriller and romance, but also a paranormal/spiritual element as well, all of which were nicely intertwined in a non-contrived manner. I have only two criticisms, one of which is I would have liked to have seen a bit more plot complexity for something that supposedly had the potential to destroy the world. Exactly who, how, and why were never satisfactorily revealed. My other criticism is that there was at least one major loose…

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  1. Another excellent review!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Yes it is, Jan. Thank you.


  2. Great review, John, and I still plan to write one as I promised. 🙂

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    1. Not to worry, Lauren.

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      1. Thank you! 🙂

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