Wednesday Story Day – AKA – Hump Day

Bailey and Twiggy

” Psst. What day is it, Bailey?”


“Hit snooze until Friday.”


Wednesday Story Day again and last week we saw Andrew let Paul take the tape to have it read at a supplier facility. Most of us wondered if that was such a good idea. Also, the cast seemed hell bent on getting something at the deli so none of us stepped up to question Andrew’s judgment. I’m pleased to say lunch hour is over and Paul is just getting to Larry’s office. Larry and Andrew had a nice Deli lunch and are just chatting when Paul comes through the door.


“Hey, guys.”

“Paul. Good to see you. Do you have any good news for us?”

“I do Andrew. Can I take a seat?”

“Of course, Paul. Excuse us. We seem to have lost our manners.”

“Since this is my office I will also ask if you would like some coffee.”

“Oh, No thanks, Larry. I just had an egg cream and am about to burst. Let me get the file out of my case.”

“Take your time Paul.”

“Yeah, Paul. We are actually on your time frame since you are the man of the hour.”

“Okay, you two. Let me cut to the chase. The tape I ran actually had a different file than the one currently in your records at the M.E.’s office.”

“Different how?”

“Here take a look. I brought two copies.”

“I have the one currently in the M.E.’s file.”

“Good, Larry. You guys can skip the first two pages because the two are identical. Turn to page three.”

“Oh my gosh. Here are all the notes that I made on the heart residue.”

“That’s right, Andrew. You said you had made additional comments and here they are.”

“You have two full pages of comments. I see you were of the belief that some kind of shock wave was used.”

“Notice I was careful not to say that was the definitive way the heart was destroyed.”

“I see that. You still believe that was the way, don’t you?”

“Off the record?”

“For heaven’s sake. Yes, off the record.”

“I do.”

“So why was it such a big deal to get our hands on this version of the autopsy?”

“So that we can establish a theoretical cause of death that was recorded at the time. This theoretical cause of death had a method that you have to admit was unusual.”

“To say the least.”

“So now all we have to do is figure out who might have the capability to explode a heart.”

“Don’t forget we need motive as well.”

“I think if we find out who can do the deed, then why will fall in pretty quickly.”

“Okay, now we have the file. Now what?

“We need to make sure it stays safe.”

“Hey, Paul.”

“Yes, Paula. I’ve been waiting to do that for years. Excuse me, Larry. What?”

“Did you make any copies of the backup while you were on the reader?”

“I sure did. I have a CD and thumb drive.”

“May I have them?”

“Uh. Sure. You don’t trust me?”

“I just would feel more comfortable if the chain of evidence is unbroken.”

“Yeah, okay. Here you go.”


“So Paul. I think we are done here.”

“Sure. If you need anything else let me know.”

“Will do, Paul.”

“Thanks, again, Paul.”

“You’re welcome, Andrew. Bye.”


“You were pretty rude to Paul.”

“Get over it, Andrew. We need to keep this pretty close to the vest. I don’t need an IT guy tweaking the file and losing the whole thing.”

You think he would do that?”

“Tweaking is in his DNA.”

“You’re the boss.”


  1. Gwen Plano · ·

    Such a great photo of Bailey and Twiggy! The little one is not so little anymore. 🙂 You’ve done a great job of building the suspense in the story, John. Waiting a week is just tooooo long. 😀

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Such a nice thing to say, Gwen. Thank you.


  2. I don’t suppose the poor schmuck’s heart was bursting with love, though.

    Liked by 2 people

    1. Um. I think you are right. 😀


  3. Smart move. Best to keep things close and controlled.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. I think so, Charles. Thanks.


  4. Never trust a “tweaker.” Love the photo!

    Liked by 1 person

  5. Great photo – I’d have so many copies of that file, it wouldn’t be funny. Never trust a tweaker, indeed. Then again, I’m not sure I trust you, John. Sorry, but your reputation precedes you. I’m keeping the head restraints in place. I do like where this is going.

    Liked by 2 people

    1. I don’t blame you at all, Dan. 😀

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  6. Whew! At least they finally got the real unadulterated file. Now to begin the search. He was right to keep all the file backups. At this point, trust no one. Great episode, John. I love the “Paul, Paula” dialogue. 🙂

    Liked by 2 people

    1. Thank you, Jan. I knew you would get the Paul/Paula reference. 😀

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  7. I’m glad he got those copies. It’s not that I don’t trust, Paul, but with all that is going on, best to keep everything close at hand!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. I have to agree, Mae. Thank you.

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  8. Wow, shades of Kill Bill. Five point palm exploding heart technique.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. There you go. 😀

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  9. Nailed it on the IT guy, John! Yep, they just can’t seem to resist a tweak here, a tweak there.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Ha haha. Thank you, Debbie


  10. “Hit snooze until Friday.”

    The correct response to waking on Saturday morning.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Ha haha. Lovely.


  11. So Paul is not entirely trusted. Well, we’ll see what happens next week. A good installment, John. The dogs seem to really get along well. 🙂 — Suzanne

    Liked by 1 person

    1. I don’t think anyone is trusted. Thanks, Suzanne.

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  12. I knew they’d find it! Love the pic of the girls.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thank you, Teri.

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  13. D.L Finn, Author · ·

    This has my curiosity! The idea of an exploding heart has has so many places to go;)

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thank you, Denise. I thought so as well.

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  14. Yay! Paul came through. LOL, I think *not* having a twist there actually *was* a twist!
    And as for the lovely music reference — I was up there somewhere in the cosmos listening to tunes before I was a glimmer in my daddy’s eye. 😉 (Okay, so I was actually a little toe-headed tot… I had to look it up.)
    Thanks for a great chapter, John. Hugs!

    Liked by 2 people

    1. Thank you, Teagan. Paul and Paula were pulled out of my teen days. 😀

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  15. John,

    I realize there was no twist, but somehow I feel as if there WAS a twist and maybe we just don’t know it was a twist. Yet. Ugh! John . . you’re too good at toying with us!

    Keep up the great work. 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Sometimes you have to do a Dirty Harry. “Now with all the excitement I can’t remember. Did I fire five shots or was it six? How about it do you feel lucky? Huh do you punk?

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  16. As I’m still new to this story, I feel I can’t trust any of them!
    I’m loving this weekly “allotment”… (And I still have to play catch-up!)

    Liked by 1 person

    1. You haven’t missed too much. Thanks, Dale


  17. I’m glad I wasn’t the only one who got/loved the Paul & Paula line. That was smooth, John. And now I am hooked on Twiggy, Lucy, and Bailey having a “Wait till Friday” photo on your Wednesdays. So, you might get a ‘reader’s revolt’ if that changes 🙂.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. I like them too, Jenne. Not too many good memes left

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    1. Thank you, Traci.

      Liked by 1 person

      1. You’re welcome, John!

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