Friday JohnKu – AKA – TGIF

Lucy and Bailey

“Uh, Lucy. It’s Friday. Time to get up and party.”

Black Friday has physically arrived. It has been preceded by virtual black Fridays since the fourth of July (Obvious exaggeration). This is the only day of the year where you can save tons of money by spending tons of money. (only in America is this possible)

Today’s JohnKu explores this phenomenon. I hope you have a super weekend

Black Friday by John W. Howell © 2018

Invest your money,

In gifts, toys, appliances . . .

Think of what you saved.


  1. Stores in Europe, not satisfied with the usual sale seasons (Christmas, New Year, Easter etc. etc.) have embraced Black Friday and Cyber Monday, too. I find that quite sad. I suppose we’ll all be getting bombarded with Singles Day soon, too.

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    1. How about shingles day?

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      1. I’m fully expecting to see that go global before the end of this decade.

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  2. Gwen Plano · ·

    Your Haiku is perfect, John. I avoid unruly crowds, which is to say I avoid Black Friday whether or not money is to be made or lost. 😀

    Liked by 2 people

    1. I do my Howard Hughes impersonation today as well. Thanks, Gwen


  3. I have explained this logic to my husband many times, John. Tee hee.

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    1. Ha ha ha. I have had it explained to me many times as well. 😀

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  4. Here’s my Friday – more football and leftover turkey!

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    1. Sounds good. University of Texas and Kansas today.

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      1. Last I looked, Kansas had better picked things up!!

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      2. You were right.

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  5. I’m going to save time and aggravation, John. I have a dog resting on me who looks like your pups. I’m going to follow that lead, at least until the temperature crawls out of the single-digits.

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    1. Yeah. Don’t move. All is good.

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  6. A perfect JohnKu, John! I’ll be hunkered in my writing room all day with a few breaks to count the money I’m saving. 🙂 GP has a good idea, too! Enjoy the day.

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    1. Thanks, Jill. I’ll be doing the same.

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  7. That picture says it all. A great way to spend the day.

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    1. I agree. Thanks, Greg.

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  8. we should change the activities and rename the day 🙂 sleep till you drop?…

    Liked by 2 people

    1. Ha ha ha. I agree.

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      1. Here’s calm tho…I was at the mall lol probably ppl r shopping online 🙂

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      2. I’ll bet they are.

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  9. Good point on the spending money to save money. It’s almost like not shopping isn’t an option.

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    1. Like the guy who said he saved a fortune by spending a fortune.


      1. Now he’s a penny richer . . . until taxes.

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  10. Something tells me more special days will appear magically in future. That has nothing to do with crystal balls, mind reading, tea leaves, etc. It has everything to do with sales firms and greeting card companies. 😀 — Suzanne

    Liked by 2 people

    1. You are right I’m sure. How about red Tuesday? Why? I don’t know. Thanks, Suzanne.

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      1. I’d suggest Red Letter Tuesday. That’s a bit fancier. 😀 — Suzanne

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      2. It is. Scarlett Letter Tuesday is one mor degree. Thanks, Suzanne.

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  11. Even the phrase ‘black Friday’ irritates me. I’m going to spend my day as far as possible from the reality it points to. A little housecleaning, a little walk in the woods, and a little nap ought to do the trick — your pups are the perfect role models.

    Liked by 2 people

    1. Oooh. A nap. As I write the pups are napping.


  12. There is nothing on the face of this earth I would fight Black Friday crowds for. Nothing! 🙂 Great Haiku, John. I hope you had a fabulous Thanksgiving!

    Liked by 3 people

    1. We did, Jan. Thanks. I agree with you. I’ll go one step further. There is nothing on the face of this earth that would cause me to go into a store. Nothing. 😀

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  13. Laughing. But not sharing this one with my guy, who has your sense of the ridiculousness of Black Friday. 🙂 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

    1. I already sent it ti him. 😀


  14. I have to work today, darn it. Ha ha ha ha ha!

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    1. On line for you then.

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  15. Good morning, John,
    For us, it will be an at-home day. We feel uncomfortable with the masses in the stores. We might make use of the low prices, though, as we need new appliances to the renovated old place in Karnes City. But if so, we’ll buy online. Hopefully, we’ll be able to save tons of money! 😀
    Have a wonderful weekend,

    Liked by 1 person

    1. I agree with you on Black Friday.

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  16. Great Johnku. I can’t stand Black Friday. Hope you had a good Thanksgiving.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. I’m with you, Guy. Thanksgiving was a smash.


  17. D.L Finn, Author · ·

    Happy Black Friday. I do not venture out shopping today, but I will look a sale online. I’ve heard more than once to really save money don’t spend it, from a non shopper;)

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Aw that non shopper is a buzzkill.

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      1. D.L Finn, Author · ·


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  18. What a perfect picture of Lucy and Bailey and exactly what we should all be doing on this Friday, ‘stead of losing our minds and money….

    Liked by 1 person

    1. So true and with the cold and all.

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      1. Cold. What do you know from cold? You’ve been in Texas how long now? 😉

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      2. Moved here form California seventeen years ago. Was in California for eleven years so a total of 28 years out of the snow. We do suffer at 50 degrees though.

        Liked by 1 person

      3. So, yeah. You don’t know from the cold anymore 😉 I’m sure you do suffer at 50 degrees… Hell, I’m starting to be a wimp. The other day it was -15C (5F) – no big whup, normally. Felt it in my bones, I swear.

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      4. Don’t look back, something may be gaining on you.

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      5. I fear you are right..

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      6. Exprience taught me that.


      7. As it is teaching me…

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  19. I love the photo of Lucy and Bailey snuggling together! Sometimes I venture out on Black Friday, but not today. (there was a time many years ago when I used to stand in long lines with friends). Online shopping and 16 degree weather made a huge difference today. Plus, I’m looking forward to Cyber Monday 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Yeah 16 degrees would definately keep me from standing in line. 😀

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  20. Ah the snuggle pups. I expect a moment later Twiggy took a flying leap and landed on top of them. It’s a wonderful Johnku. Nicely done, my friend.
    I love nice things. I hate to shop. Conundrum solved by the Internet — unfortunately. LOL.
    Have a wonder-filled weekend. Hugs.

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    1. Thank you, Teagan. I do all my shopping on line. Not sure how to act in a store.

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  21. Interesting how we justify purchases through savings. Well done, John – especially for the season!

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    1. Thank you, Frank.


  22. That’s the sweetest picture!

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  23. It’s a no shopping anywhere day for me. I saved tons by not shopping! The dogs have the right idea. 😃

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    1. I think so too. Thanks, Deborah.

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  24. What a country! Hahaha!

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