Stream of Consciousness Saturday – Prompt “Affirm”

Stream of Consciousness

It is Stream of Consciousness Saturday time again and this weeks prompt is, “affirm.” Linda Hill is not offering bonus points this week but does advise us to have fun. So with that in mind if you would like to join this merry band who like nothing more than having fun, visit Linda’s blog to read how to become involved. It is effortless. Here is the link.

The Friday Reminder and Prompt for #SoCS Feb. 2/19

Affirm by John W. Howell © 2019

“Hey there. Hello. Anyone home?”

“Oh, I’m sorry I was listening to a CD with my headphones on.”

“What you listening to, The Grateful Dead?”

“No, I’m listening to affirmations.”

“Affirmations? What the heck are affirmations?”

“It is a wonderful set of motivational speakers who talk regarding positive affirmations.”

“That tells me a lot. You can’t define a word using the word.”

“Yeah, I see that. Okay. These folks use soft words to help you feel good about what you are doing.”

“And you don’t feel good.”

“I feel terrific.”

“Why’s that?.”

“I think it is obvious.”

“Not to me.”

“Because I affirm I feel terrific.”

“How much did these CD’s cost you?”

“You just don’t understand.”

“I guess I have to wonder about self-affirmation.”

“I got it from all the other affirmations I received on the CDs.”

“Can you affirm me?”

“That might be hard.”


“Because you are a mess.”


  1. Quality John and exactly like my own internal conversations with a very similar conclusion at the end!

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    1. Thank you, Gary.

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  2. Gwen Plano · ·

    LOL…great ending. Have a wonderful weekend, John.:)

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thank you, Gwen. You as well.


  3. I’ve loved the word Affirm ever since watching the thoroughbred (who was actually called Affirmed) win the Triple Crown in 1978. It was the first sporting event I remember getting really excited about, as I wasn’t much of a sports fan when I was a boy.

    Great going on the positive affirmation! 🙂

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    1. Thank you, Marc. Why does it not surprise me you would be following the tripe crown as a kid? 😀

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      1. I loved boxing most of all. But Mom watched all the big horse races when they were still being shown on TV.

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  4. Ha ha ha – I love that ending, John!


    1. Thank you, Dan.

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  5. LOL! You crack me up, John! Happy Saturday!

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    1. Thank you , Jill. Happy Saturday to you. *sung to the tune of Brother Love by Neil Diamond.


  6. Yeah, a mess. I think we all have a little bit (or a lot) of that in us. Thank goodness we have CDs or the internet to tell us how good we are. :-p

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    1. Love this comment, Mary. 😂

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  7. I love the dodge when he was asked about the price.

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    1. Ha haha. Glad you saw that. 😀


  8. Hey buddy, consider yourself affirmed.

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    1. I am affirmed 🙏


  9. I’m not a mess, you’re a mess. Just kidding. Classic!

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    1. No you are. Thanks, Jilly

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  10. I listen to the Grateful Dead when I want to feel good.

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    1. Keep on Truckin then. ✌️

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  11. Affirming your affirmation! – ‘This is a recording!’

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  12. I got a letter from affirm once. It was a law firm.

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  13. Yep. A mess for sure! 🙂

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  14. LOL! Well, then he might need those affirmations more than anyone … 😉 This was fun! Also, I ‘stalked you’ to the SoCS page and now I’ve done one, too. First time there and I think I’ll come again. These SoCS stuff are right up my alley kind of go with the flow (and yeah, why not mix some metaphors while I’m at it … ;)).

    Liked by 1 person

    1. I love mixed metaphors. Your post was excellent. Glad you stalked me over there. 😀

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      1. Yay, thank you! Glad my metaphor salad didn’t give you indigestion … 🙂 And … thank you for the kind feedback. Aren’t associations fantabulous?

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  15. Too funny. For some strange reason, I have the whole “Who’s on First” thing going on in my mind thanks to his “affirmation explanation” 😉

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    1. I know what you mean. Thanks, Dale.

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  16. D.L Finn, Author · ·

    Sounds like my thought process after a long day…lol

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  17. 😊I enjoy being a mess. I’m the best mess I can be.😉 Great post, John.

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  18. *grin* I liked this one…

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    1. Thank you, Jessica.

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  19. Jami Carder · ·

    I chuckled at the “mess” comment…as I am definitely messy. And when I’m in my weekly meditation workshop, in which we use affirmations, I always think of how there’s a few messes in there who need a heck of a lot more help than affirmations and meditations!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Ha haha. Thanks, Jami.


  20. Lol, fun post! DH and I had an affirmation CD on marriage many years ago. It was on the differences between men and women- I know, the list is endless!
    The husband in the CD was trying to fix the car and nothing seemed to be working. He got more and more frustrated. When his wife came home and saw his anger she wanted to help, so she took a slow walk around the car, then stared at the license plate.
    Her husband asked what she was looking at and she replied, “The license plate is crooked.”
    Of course, he stared at her like she was nuts, but being a dutiful husband he fixed the plate for her.
    She said, “Okay, try it now.”
    He shook his head, but again proceeded to do as she asked.
    I bet you can guess the rest of the story 🙂
    The moral: trust your wife, she knows best!

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    1. I love the story, Jacquie. Thank you for sharing

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  21. You’re good enough and you’re smart enough, John.
    And gosh darn it, people like you.

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    1. Aw. Your are the best , Hook.


      1. i can’t argue with you, John..

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  22. Good one, John. Loved the ending!

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    1. Thanks, Jennie.

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      1. You’re welcome, John.

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