Friday – JohnKu – AKA – TGIF

“I call this living Little One.”
“Me too, Lucy. Me too.”

Friday is here at last. “Gee, I wish it was Monday,” said no one ever. Always lovely to see the weekend within sight.

If you checked out my post yesterday then you know the landscaping at our place is done. We are all so happy to have that item checked off. We were plagued with gumbo mud every time it rained, which was often. The dogs were forced to stay on a leash until the mess dried, which was about three days. Then we would get a day or two of no rain followed by rain and another three days of the leash. Well, those days are hopefully over.

My WIP is plugging along. I am at 28,000 plus words, which means my 1000 word a day goal is being met. The story is developing well, and it sounds like it might fit the speculative fiction genre. A lot of stuff happening that is not necessarily confined to one or more traditional genres. All I know is it is fun to write, and so I’ll just keep plugging.

Today’s JohnKu talks about fun and writing. I hope you have a very restful and fun weekend.

Fun and Writing by John W. Howell © 2109

To have to work hard,

At something that brings no joy . . .

Must be hell on Earth.


  1. Gumbo mud sounds horrible. Glad it’s a thing of the past. Enjoy your weekend.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Me too. Thanks, Charles.


  2. Great JohnKu, John and so true. The girls look so happy! Happy Friday!

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    1. Thank you, Jill. 😊 Happy Friday as well.

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  3. It’s going to feel like hell on earth in Niagara today; the humidex is going to shatter an all-time record.
    Send cool, positive vibes my way, won’t you, John?

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    1. I have my cool meter on for you. Stay hydrated, Hook


  4. Cheers … the mud is gone, but now a bog … then a yard! Enjoy the weekend!!!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Yes. We are in the “floating chunks of grass stage.” Thanks, Frank.


  5. True words, John. No one should have to do that.

    The yard looks great. The girls seem to approve. Have a great weekend.

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    1. Thank you, Dan. Have a super weekend as well

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  6. I’ve worked at a few jobs that brought no joy, but they did bring a paycheck, so I found my joy elsewhere. That can work, too.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Sometimes the paycheck is the joy. Thanks, Linda.


  7. Well, ain’t that the truth! Is sod the last item? Are you now finished?

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    1. Fini. Just need a couple of chaises and an umbrella and it’s done.

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      1. Yes!! 😀

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  8. It sounds as though that previous mess in the yard served no purpose if you didn’t enjoy making mud pies. Small children or pigs would have probably loved it. I’m sure it’s a huge relief to now have sod there. Congratulations on the steady progress of your new novel. Have a great weekend, John. 🙂 — Suzanne


    1. Thank you, Suzanne. Have a great weekend as well.

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  9. It’s great to see the two sisters enjoying the grass! 🙂 Congrats on your WIP, John! I love the JohnKu!

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    1. Thank you, Jan. Have a great weekend.

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  10. Sounds like things are marching along at your place. Upgrades and a book all at the same time. Nice situation to have.

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    1. Yup. Finished with the upgrades. The book? 1/4 done,

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  11. Congratulations on the landscaping and the writing goals. Happy Friday.


  12. I’ve always been a huge believer in the philosophy, “Find a job you love, and you’ll never work a day in your life.” Glad you’re finding joy in your writing — I imagine your future readers will, too!!


  13. The girls sure look content in their sunning spot. Happy Friday, John!


  14. Smooth as last night’s tumbler, Boss.

    I’m guessing the enjoyment is always a post-game dynamic, huh?


  15. I am glad your garden is complete and the mud is now under control. Most people hate their jobs. I think if you happen to like your job, you are lucky.

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    1. I think you are right, Robbie. It is a sad thing though.


  16. D.L. Finn, Author · ·

    Congrats on your word count John:) Have a great weekend!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thank you, Denise. Have a good weeken too.


  17. It’s a lovely (and so true) Johnku, but your sense of gratitude shines through. I always admire how much you manage to write in a single day, John. I barely do that in a week. Have a fabulous Friday. Hugs on the wing!

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    1. Thank you, Teagan. For me it becomes a necessity or I’m afraid I would diddle daddle forever.

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  18. Gwen M. Plano · ·

    Gumbo mud, great image and expression. 😀 Celebrate this weekend — a new yard, wonderful progress on your new book, happy pups….life is good!

    Liked by 2 people

    1. Life is good. Thnaks, Gwen.


  19. As you know, I am far from a professional writer. Can you tell me what ‘speculative fiction’ actually is?


    1. Here is the defination. “A genre of fiction that encompasses works in which the setting is other than the real world, involving supernatural, futuristic, or other imagined elements.” It is fairly generalized but seems to cover what I’m working on now. My previous books have been thrillers so this is a major departure. Thanks, GP.

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  20. So wonderful when all things come together as planned… well, maybe not as fast as planned but still.

    And way to go on the writing. Your vision of hell sounds mighty fine to me.

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  21. I couldn’t agree more with your poem, John. I’m so glad your landscaping is done and you’re moving along with your WIP. Speculative fiction sounds interesting. Have a great weekend and Happy Writing! 😀 xo

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    1. Thank you, Vashti

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  22. Ha-ha-ha,dear John! You have caught them in the right moment. Twiggy & Lucy: “I’m watching you!”

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    1. Thanks. Maria.

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  23. Retired Me: What’s a Monday?
    Retired Wife: [thinks about it] It’s the day after we go to church.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Ha ha ha. Good one.


    1. Thank you, Traci.

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  24. Re your Johnku this week… truer words were never spoken.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thank you, Lynne. Nice to see you here.
