Tuesday – Anything Possible – Fingerpoint Prompt – Big Smack

Keith Channing is still not settled in his house in the UK, so his prompt from Kreative Kue will not be done this week. I have substituted the Finger Point prompt. I have chosen the book Circumstances of Childhood from that internationally well-known author John W. Howell. I opened to a random page and pointed. The result is pictured below and is “big smack.” I could have just chosen big but thought it too easy.

Anything possible

Big Smack by John W. Howell © 2019

“Hi there.”

“Oh, hi.”

“You want to go to the park with me?”

“Erm. I don’t know you. Why would I want to go to the park with you?”

“I thought we could sit on a bench and feed the birds.”

“That would not be something I would want to do.”

“Okay, how about go for a rowboat ride?”

“I don’t think so.”

“Get some ice cream?”

“Look. I don’t know you and am not about to go anywhere with you.”

“Okay. Can’t fault a fella for trying.”

“You giving up?”

“Yeah. You’ve made it plain I’m wasting my time.”

“Are you looking for a big smack.”

“Uh. No.”

“Well, you are about to get one if you don’t keep trying.”

“You mean you might go to the park with me?”

“Oh that’s never going to happen, but I really like the attention.”

“Well, then I’m still wasting my time.”

“But in a good way. Come on. How about a picnic?”

“I love picnics. Will you go?”

“Ah, no.”



  1. He gets points for persistence, but loses them for not taking a hint. 😁

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Give and take for sure. Net zero.


  2. This reminds me of my eighth grade romance with Ellen Bauer. Well, it wasn’t so much a romance as a lesson in abject suffering.

    Big smack was the way to go on this one, Boss. 🙂

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    1. Yeah, mine was Ellen Schmink. Where do we get these names anyway?

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      1. LOL!

        I don’t know, but I wonder. Do they ever tell stories about us? Like, does Ellen sit there with her grand kids and talk about the dork named Marc who had a crush on her.

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      2. I think we are not even memorable. Well, except the heater in my car wasn’t working (2 below zero )and Ellen thought it was a ploy to have her sit closer to me. I told her to hug the passenger door and that the damn heater was broken. She may remember that.

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      3. You’re not wrong about that.
        Buahahaha! And yes, I think she probably talks about it still.


  3. She’s a meanie! Nice job, John. 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Yes,​ she is. Thanks, Jill.

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  4. Why am I reminded of Lucy from Peanuts? Either that or my attempts at dating in college. Nicely done, John.

    Liked by 2 people

    1. “Go ahead and kick the football, Charlie. I’ll hold it for you.” Been there and got the shirt.

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  5. Jane Sturgeon · ·

    So many layers in this, John and I chuckled. x

    Liked by 1 person

    1. To get a chuckle is well worth the effort. Thanks, Jane

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  6. Nice one, John!

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    1. Thank you, Teri 😊

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  7. She’s a tease. Talking to him the way she did to lead him on could be asking for trouble…

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Of course, he seems to be a glutton for punishment. Thanks, Ronnie.


  8. Hand them each a brick bat, I think slapstick is about to break out.

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    1. I think you are right, Craig.

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  9. She’s the one looking for a big smack! Lemme hold her for you!

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    1. Ha haha. Love this​, Dale.

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  10. Ha Ha! There is something to be said for persistence. 🙂 Thanks for the laugh, John!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thanks for letting me know, Jan.

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  11. Very cute, snappy, and clever!

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    1. Thank you, Mae.

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  12. D.L. Finn, Author · ·

    Talk about playing hard to get lol.

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    1. For sure, Robbie.


  13. Fun read! I won’t call her by the name I gave her!

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    1. Ha ha ha. Thanks, Jim

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  14. I thought of Lucy from the Peanuts gang too. Fun read and little story John.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thank you, Deborah.

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  15. Fun Fact: (To me at least) It’s been decades since I was on a picnic, John.


  16. This was good, John. Memories…. 😀
