Friday JohnKu – AKA – TGIF

“You going to play with that squid, Little One?”
“For some reason, I’m thinking of Calamari for dinner.”


Happy Valentine’s Day. Another Friday and a reason to celebrate. Only eight more hours until Saturday Eve. This week seemed to go pretty fast at least for me.

On the WIP, I’m very glad to say the manuscript is in the editor’s hands. Once done, I have a decision to make. Do I self publish again for the sixth time or do I try to find an agent? I guess one of the deciding factors will be how much I think the story will resonate with an agent. Another is just how much rejection and time currency am I willing to spend. This thought of agent representation always comes to me at tax time when I get a chance to look at the amount of royalties I earn vs the amount of money I spend. I don’t think I’m alone in this conundrum. We shall see.

This week also witnessed the arrival of the tree trimmers. We asked our neighbors if they would be willing to trim the trees that rub our roof. Two said yes. Two said no. So we hired trimmers to take out the tree limbs that cross our property line on the ones that said no. All is good.

This week’s JohnKu talks about why we write. I hope you have a wonderful weekend.

Writing by John W. Howell Β© 2020

Is it the money?

Or maybe some other thing . . .

That holds us captive.


If it’s the money,

Is it Income or outflow?

A big conundrum.



  1. Lovely Haiku for today, John. One that resonates with me. I’ve seen a drop in sales in recent months, and then I found out that Blasty has closed its doors … so now I have nothing helping me tackle the vast piracy of my books. I have neither the time nor the energy to trawl the web and submit DCMA notices for each and every offending website … there are just so many! All of which has left me questioning … is it worth it? The thing is, I love to write!

    Have a wonderful weekend, and give the girls extra pats from me πŸ™‚

    Liked by 3 people

    1. Writing is worth it for sure. The other part…well. They loved their pats.Thanks, Harmony.


  2. Happy St. Valentine, dear John! I suppose that the agent will make your career brighter anyway. Twiggy looks happy with her pink sea friend. She knows so many sea creatures.

    Liked by 2 people

    1. Happy Valentine’s Day, dear Maria. She does know a lot of sea creatures for sure. She loves them all.

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      1. Amazing! So, she is a true undersea dog! πŸ™‚ πŸ™‚ πŸ™‚

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      2. Looks that way. πŸŠπŸ»β€β™€οΈ

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      3. Look, John! I got! Twiggy is Aquarius! They are very innovative in life!

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      4. And interested in water things. (Like sea animal toys)

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  3. Interesting question. I’m going with money in general. Most humans can’t even get the basic necessities of survival without money.

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  4. All the best in whatever you decide to do, John. Have a great weekend. πŸ™‚ — Suzanne

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    1. Thank you, Suzanne.

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  5. I like the concept of Saturday Eve, John. Tax time always brings out the debit/credit trolls.

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    1. Yes it does. Thank you, Dan

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  6. β€œFor some reason, I’m thinking of Calamari for dinner.” LOL! I hope little Twiggy gets some calamari tonight. πŸ™‚ I enjoyed you JohnKu. For me, writing isn’t about the money. Honestly, I found more pleasure putting words on the page when I didn’t make any money. Less stress! Wishing everyone in the Howell household a wonderful Valentine’s Day. I’m off work and plan to spend the day with my mother. ❀

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Happy Valentine’s Day. Great way to spend it. The Producer and daughter are doing the same thing. 😁 (Daughter has a half day off today.)


      1. I agree, John! It would be great if we lived close, the four of us would have a nice time together. πŸ™‚

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      2. I’ll bet you would. πŸ˜€

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  7. Do I self publish again for the sixth time or do I try to find an agent?

    As you work through this decision, it would be great to hear about your thinking on the matter.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Since I’ve already dragged you into my angst, I guess that would be a good idea. Thanks, Greg.

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    1. Thank you, Billy Ray.


  8. Good luck with whatever you decide, John! Know exactly what you mean about the royalties.

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    1. Thank you, Teri.

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  9. I’m definitely feeling that same conundrum about income vs out flow, John. As for the agent, I’ve never tried to get one, because I already know I couldn’t. Besides, from everything I’ve read and heard, neither the agents nor the publishers do much in the way of marketing or getting books sold… I’ll be interested to know which way you go. Hugs on the wing!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. It only really happens in the big five. I guess I’m looking for someone to take part of the load (at a fee of course)

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  10. I’m convinced we should never look at our 1099s. It kind of stifles the creativity we need for this business.

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  11. I’m still considering searching for an agent too, John, I just dread the thought of the effort it will take. I’ve also considered submitting to an online publisher again, but then I waffle on going indie. I’ve had good years and bad years with income vs expenses, but when all is said and done, I know I will continue to write and publish even if I end each year in the red. I enjoy writing too much to stop.
    Happy Friday!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Big effort and usually to no good end. I suppose I shoud just be happy doing my own thing, but there is this little itch.

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      1. I can relate!

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  12. John, you’ve brought up a subject ALL writers can identify with (and probably a few other creative types as well). Part of me wishes the entire publishing industry would revamp and get back to basics: marketing, promotion, and so forth, while leaving writers to do what we do best — write! The idea of having to go on public speaking tours, constantly try to sell books, run a business (because that’s what it’s become) makes most of us jittery. Happy St. V. Day to you and yours!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thank you, Debbie. What you say makes a lot of sense.

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  13. Calamari (and some wine) is a great elixir after a long day of figuring out the good neighbors, the advantages of representation and . . . ugh . . the fine print.

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    1. Yes fine print indeed. Thanks, Marc.

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      1. Now I’m in the mood for calamari. And wine.

        Liked by 1 person

      2. Yes. Sounds good here too.

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      3. You started something

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      4. I did? That never happens.

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      5. Yeah, uh huh. Hey, don’t leave town . . I may have more questions for you.

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      6. Yes sir. 😊

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      7. Hmmm . . you agreed much too easily.

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      8. It was that Glock that had my attention.

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      9. Oh . . sorry. I didn’t know I had it on me.

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      10. Sorry(less) about that

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  14. Sweet picture. I like the litte “toy squid”.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Most of her toys seem to be sea creatures. Maybe they are on sale more.


      1. That could be the case. Or the dog wants to go on vacation. Probably to the sea. πŸ˜ƒ

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      2. She spent a year on the Gulf coast so that may be.


  15. It’s been my experience that there’s never enough income to meet the outflow, John.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Hahaha. Someone once told me that to be really rich is when the end of the month comes around and there is still a balnce in the checkbook.


  16. D.L. Finn, Author · ·

    Tax time really does bring to light the cost indie writing incurs us. I guess it wouldn’t hurt to try? Never know.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Or maybe just be grateful I can write.

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  17. That is quite a conundrum, John. Hope it all works out one way or the other. Have a good weekend.

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  18. I’m with Twiggy – bring on the calamari!
    And conundrum indeed. I think, however, there must be the love of writing for the sake of it. The rest, one hopes, is bonus.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. I think that is were it is, Dale. Pure pleasure.

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  19. The costs of self-publishing most certainly are on the heavy end of the scale versus the income we receive from our hard work. I pitched to Editors and Agents this week through a Pitchfest on Savvy Authors. I am crossing my fingers. The biggest problem is that traditional publishing has undergone significant changes and traditional publishing is all but gone. Perhaps a hybrid publisher? Just a thought. The story is compelling. I can attest to that fact. Whatever you decide to do, I’m sure it will have a great outcome! Happy Valentine’s Day!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thank you, Jan. Fingers crossed for your pitch too.


  20. Good luck on your conundrum regarding to seek or not to seek (an agent). I shall look for your upcoming book soon in Barnes & Noble! Have a happy weekend, John!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Don’t look too hard. B&N has little use for Indies.

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      1. Yeah, so I’ve noticed. Sigh.

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  21. Hmmm, Saturday Eve! That makes the coming of Saturday even more special!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Doesn’t it? Thank you, Michelle.

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  22. Reblogged this on Where Genres Collide Traci Kenworth YA Author & Book Blogger and commented:
    Sounds like the week ended pretty good.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thank you , Traci.

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  23. Four neighbours whose trees brush your roof? Wow! You must live in a big house.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. No, just a lot of trees around it.

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  24. Yes, it’s a big conundrum. You have to weigh the positives and negatives. Money does seem to hold us captive. Dab Dab the duck finally had to say to Doctor Dolittle, β€œOh, do be sensible”, to which the doctor replied, β€œOh money. I wish it had never been invented.” πŸ™‚

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Yes. Don’t we all wish money would butt out.

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      1. Definitely! πŸ™‚

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