Friday JohnKu – AKA – TGIF

“What’s that baby doing in our yard, Lucy.”
“I think it wants you to come out and play.”
“Yeah, as if.”


Another Friday and like me, I hope you are looking forward to the weekend. Hmmm. Let me rephrase that. Another Friday and I hope you are able to make it through another weekend.

Things have opened up here in Texas, like other states, and with it are ever-increasing numbers of COVID-19 cases. If you all go back to your statistics courses and run a regression analysis on the data you will find the cases are increasing at an increasing rate. (Who am I kidding. No one is going back to their statistics course. It was almost fatal taking statistics the first time.) It looks like folks are not staying away from each other, and this virus is going to be around a while.

We now have Sahara dust moving into Texas. This stuff drives me half nuts. It is right up there with oak pollen and unfortunately, there is not much that can be done other than to wear a mask (Now that’s novel) and keep the rescue inhaler handy. I’m telling you this has been a crap year for asthmatics. Today’s JohnKu talks about the year. I do hope you have a super weekend.

The year 2020 by John W. Howell © 2020

It seemed nice at first,

Then somehow it got pissed off. . .

The year needs a friend.



  1. Gwen M. Plano · ·

    What a great Haiku, John. You’ve captured the movement of the year beautifully and powerfully. Take good care of yourself. I’m ever so grateful for my Oransi air purifier.

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    1. Thank you, Gwen. This is one for the record books for sure. I hope you have a super weekend.


  2. Great JohnKu, John. Stay safe!

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    1. You as well, Jill. Thanks.

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  3. Agree with everything you’ve said. I’m spitting feathers after our PM was asked how tourist go-to places can keep themselves safe … given that Cornwall has a largely ELDERLY population, and I’m shielding … his reply? … show some guts! Whaaat??? Um, yeah, can’t see me leaving the house anytime soon.

    That said, have a good weekend! 🙂

    As ever, I love the haiku. Yes, this year so needs a friend 🙂

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    1. I love the show some guts types. Love to show them to the door. Thanks, Harmony. I hope you have a lovely weekend.

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  4. You nailed it, John!

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    1. Thank you, Lori.

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  5. I was looking forward to some different looking sunsets with the Saharan dust, but the cloud going over FL went too far north. You do get most of it every year.

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    1. This is the first year that it seems to be pretty bad. The sunset last night was a erie orange.

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  6. Your JohnKu is spot-on. I love the fawn in your photo, so pretty and tentative.

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    1. He was telling me to get the heck out of there. He has a great foot stomp.

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  7. I don’t think the selection committee did a very good job of vetting 2020. Did anyone check its references?

    I hope you can stay in and breath easy, John. Maybe let the fawn in to play with Twiggy.

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    1. That fun has a great sense of humor. When it saw me taking its photo it stomped it foot and snorted. (More like a wheeze) So sute.

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  8. I was reading about the Saharan dust. Hope it passes quickly. Stay safe.

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    1. Me too. It’s supposed to be out of here by Sunday.

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      1. That’s good. Means July 4th is free to . . . Watch fireworks on the television?

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      2. Ours have been cancled so that will be the only way.


      3. I don’t know if ours has. I’d be surprised if the ones that are put on TV are cancelled. Probably heavily restricted though.

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  9. Love the Haiku, John. Yeah, this has been a terrible year.

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    1. It sure has. I don’t know anyone who thinks it’s great.

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  10. Stay in and stay healthy, John!

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    1. Thanks Teri. Started Subject A36 last night. Totally into it. 😀

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      1. Ack! Good to hear, but also nerve-wracking, lol.

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  11. I’ve not been around enough fawns to know for sure, but it seems to me they have to grow into those ears like a puppy grows into its feet!

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    1. So true, Linda. 😁

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  12. I’m sorry you’re having asthma problems, John. I don’t have it, but this air problem isn’t helped by the building going on. We live on rock, and when they dig for a new building, they have to break it up, sending dust flying. I hope you have a great weekend, regardless. That’s a darling deer in your picture. 🙂 — Suzanne.

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    1. Thank you, Suzanne. Yes the fawn is sweet. It s the same one I pictured a while back in the rock garden. I feel sorry of all the dust. Must be a pain.

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  13. I really feel for anyone with breathing issues such as asthma. So sorry you have to suffer unduly, mon ami.
    Excellent haiku. 2020 needs an extra special, super loving friend.

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    1. I don’t know who that will be, but you are right.

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      1. 😊🤗

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  14. D.L. Finn, Author · ·

    The year definitely seems pissed that’s for sure. Never heard of Sahara dust, ick.

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    1. You don’t have to worry. The west to East winds keep it from your neck of the woods. 😊

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  15. There’s nothing worse than windy conditions especially for asthmatic sufferers. You have my sympathies. Wind makes the best of us crazed. I keep hoping COVID cases will mellow out then realize “oh wait, it’s people we’re dealing with here” and know that’s going to be impossible. I worry about the family who live in Texas and pray they stay safe. This stuff is no picnic in the park and not just a case of the flu. Stay safe, sane and keep smiling.

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    1. We are tking our own precautions. We h ave stopped listening to the government.

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      1. There’s definitely a lot of contradictory information out there these days.

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      2. So true, Monika.

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  16. It amazes me how woefully ignorant some people are to the virus. I was talking to my brother last night and he mentioned my niece’s third birthday is coming up. I said it was too bad she couldn’t have a party. His answer, “why?”
    All you can do is shake your head and pray.

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    1. Well I hope someday he won’t regret not knowing.

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  17. Well-said, John. And just as quickly as Texas opened up bars and restaurants, they are closed and restricted again. We need some leadership who will take a proactive approach and who we can trust! Great JohnKu!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Can only trust yourself. (Unfortunately)


  18. This year began with bush fires that ravaged our east coast, and in the very early stages of recovery COVID 19 reared its terrifying head. It’s been an ugly year. My little family are maintaining our own strict precautions. I can’t believe how complacent some people are. It’s as if they have erased the horror of this past year, and gone back to their used-to-be world. I pray they don’t pay a hefty price for that decision. Great post, John.

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    1. I pray we all don’t have to pay for their foolishness.

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      1. I hear you, my friend. 😣

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  19. The year 2020 needs more than a friend! Sahara sand? Wow! 😮 My husband is asthmatic too, so I completely agree. Here in Florida we have ‘Hurricane Season’ to look forward to. :/ Have a fabulous weekend, my friend! ❤

    Liked by 1 person

    1. One of the reasons we moved was Hurricane Harvey.

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  20. Maybe you should start a Hug A Year group. I fancy spending time with 1992. Now that was crap and I’m sure would benefit from some TLC

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    1. I guess I could post a sign up sheet and set up a Go Fund Me account. T-shirts with “I Hug 1992” on the front (or year of choice) would be offered.


      1. Sounds like a plan!

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  21. Serious JohnKu, dear John!

    What a wonderful midsummer deer! The best friend of the Twiggy resort. 🙂

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    1. Yes. This one is very demanding. He stomps his hoof when he sees someone.

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  22. You are so right, John. LOL, but you’ve kept your sense of humor in the Johnku.
    I’m not so sure about the rest of the year — Have you looked at the letters that begin each month? J A S O N… Just don’t watch Friday the 13th. 😀 Hugs on the wing.

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    1. Good tip, Teagan. I’m going to avoid Jason at all costs.

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  23. I must say I’m thrilled to miss the Sahara dust. Yes, it’s time this year found a new friend.

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    1. I wonder who would step up and ask 2020 to be friends.

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  24. I’m happy to have the week-end here! I just looked at the map of where the Saharan dust is headed and it’s not good for you or my Mom in FL. UGH it’s already hawt and sticky there!

    I hope you don’t have to go outdoor much.

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    1. I have decided to stay in today which is the worst day. I’ve been wearing a mask to go out. Have a great weekend.

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  25. Your haiku sums it up perfectly.

    Stay safe through the latest round of abnormal, Boss

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    1. You too, Pilgrim.

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      1. Thanks Sheriff

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  26. You know that proverb/curse: “May you live in interesting times.” I’d say we’re there. Stay safe, John.

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    1. I agree, Mark. Thank you. 😊

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  27. I always have some allergy issues, but the rains have kept them tolerable this year. The rains are killing one of my trees, but it looks like I can’t have everything. Love the spotted fawn.

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    1. The fawn is a regular around here. Thanks, Craig. I have asthma so I can appreciate what you are saying about the rain. The Sarharian dust is killing me.

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