Smorgasbord Posts from Your Archives -Summer 2020- Pot Luck – Top Ten Things Not to Do at the First Sale of #Coca-Cola in 1886 by John W. Howell

Sally Cronin is posting one of my Top Ten posts from earlier this year. This is on her ” Smorgasbord Posts from Your Archives -Summer 2020- Pot Luck –” As you all know Sally is very supportive of Indie authors and I thank her for this beautiful post. Go visit and see all that Sally has to offer.


  1. Thanks for the lovely intro John.. always a pleasure to have you over..hugs


  2. Thanks for sharing, Sally. Dr. John Pemberton certainly started something so huge that I’m sure he couldn’t even begin to imagine!

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  3. I still love the Coca-Cola ladies.

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    1. Me Too. The ones from the 40’s knock me out.

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  4. This was such a great post. Thanks for sharing, Sally!

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    1. Thank you, Jill. 😁

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  5. Great post, John, and it’s nice of Sally to share. I wonder how long it takes you to write up the posts for the “top ten things not to do.” 🙂

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    1. It takes about 3 hours, Laren. They are by far the longest of the week. There is research to be done and then the actual writing. I go to Today in History first th see what happened the week of the post. Thanks for asking.

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      1. I knew they took some time and research. Always great to read!

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      2. Thank you. 😊

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  6. A pleasure to read this again, John. Great to see you at Sally’s.

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    1. Thank you, Jennie.

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      1. You’re welcome, John.

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