Today I’m With Craig Boyack at Entertaining Stories

I am very pleased that Craig volunteered to have me on his site to talk about Eternal Road – The final stop during the tour.

Here is the link:

I’m sure you all have heard of Craig since he is one of the most inventive writers on the scene today. His books are very entertaining and since he calls his work Speculative Fiction, he is unbound by traditional genres.

Here is a little about Craig in his words

Craig Boyack

“I’m on the verge of being an empty nester, and I like to write fiction. This blog is to share ideas with readers and writers. I have a decent body of work on Amazon, and I hope you’ll check some of them out. They are all speculative fiction, but seem to stay closest to science fiction, paranormal, and fantasy.

I have other interests that may sneak in from time to time. I like the great outdoors and all it has to offer. Morels and huckleberrys are particularly fun. I once caught and released a 7-foot white sturgeon from the Snake River.”

Right now, Craig is in the process of launching two books but has many more from which to choose.

H.M.S Lanternfish and Murder They Wrote with Seven Authors

Here is a link to all his books

I think you will enjoy a visit to Craig’s place since I have an excerpt of Eternal Road for you to read there.


  1. D.L. Finn, Author · ·

    I just finished, and loved HMS Lanternfish. Murder They Wrote is slated for Halloween reading:)

    Liked by 2 people

    1. Thanks, Denise. Super comment.


  2. Big fan of Craig’s books. Currently enjoying Voyage of the Lanternfish right now 😁

    Liked by 2 people

    1. He is a terrific story teller for sure.

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  3. I can’t imagine launching two books at the same time. Congratulations, Craig!

    Liked by 2 people

    1. Yes, well done Craig. (Better nerves than mine)

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  4. Congrats John and Craig on each of your books. Headed over to Craig’s place now, too 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thank you, Harmony. 😁

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  5. Reblogged this on Musings on Life & Experience and commented:
    John W. Howell is visiting Craig Boyack today and talks about Craig’s books as well as his latest work ETERNAL ROAD.


    1. Thank you, Suzanne.


  6. Just came from Craig’s site! Enjoyed the post.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thank you, Joan. 😊

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  7. I’m off to see his site.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thank you, GP.Leave breas crumbs so you can get back. 😁

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  8. Visited Craig’s site earlier, and really enjoyed the excerpt you shared, John. Thanks for sharing this fun information on Craig here, too. So nice of you to do this for the hosts of your book tour! Wishing you the very best with Eternal Road and the same to Craig with his latest, HMS Lanternfish. You both deserve HUGE success! 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thank you, Marcia. I think Craig and I would agree with you. 😁


  9. Congrats, Craig, and thanks John, for the introduction. Exciting times for both of you!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Yes it is Lauren. Thank you.

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  10. Wonderful, John! Craig is a great host!

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