Today I am with Miriam Hurdle at Her Blog – The Showers of Blessings

Today I’m with Miriam Hurdle at her blog The Showers of Blessings. We have a new, and I might add the last excerpt from Eternal Road – The last stop. Come on over. Miriam also has some food and drinks so there’s no reason not to go. Here is the link.

A little about Miriam in her words

“Hi, I’m Miriam Hurdle. I grew up in Hong Kong, where I finished college and worked for several years before coming to the United States. While in Hong Kong, I taught Chinese as a Second Language in the Hong Kong Baptist University and the Chinese University of Hong Kong. I was also the Director of Children’s Department for Asian Outreach, where I published four Children’s books.

In 1977, I came to the United States for my graduate studies and received three master’s degrees in Education, Counseling, and School Administration, as well as earned a Doctor of Education from La Verne University in California. I worked two years as a rehabilitation counselor, then went into education. After teaching in California public school for fifteen years, I was promoted to a school district administrative position, which kept me busy for ten years before retirement. The retirement made life easier since I survived a stage IV melanoma cancer.

In my retired life, I enjoy volunteer counseling, reading, writing, blogging, singing, drawing, watercolor painting, gardening, photographing, and traveling. I’m married to Lynton Hurdle, have one married daughter, one two and a half years old granddaughter, and the second granddaughter is on her way.

I love writing poetry. Some of my poems have appeared in four anthologies: Letter to Gaia, Whispers & Echoes Issue 2, Whispers & Echoes Issue 3, and Outcast & More Words.

I created my blog in 2011 but only wrote twelve posts from 2011 to 2014. My blogging didn’t take off until July 2016. At that time, I was to write about my cancer and recovery experiences. It has become further and wider than expected. I have been writing short memoir, poetry, short stories, flash fiction, family stories, travel journey, and post photography.

When I gained energy during the recuperation, I joined several writing and publishing groups. The Publishing group has retired professionals help each other to publish. Being around the writers and helpers was an encouragement for me to publish the first Book, Songs of Heartstrings–Poems of Gratitude and Beatitude, published in October 2018. The poems reflect different stages in my life, and it is storytelling in poetry form. I used my photography and watercolor paintings to illustrate the poems. The following watercolor paintings are two of several paintings included in the book.


I took part in an Anthology publication. My article about the cancer was included in the UNDERSTANDING: An Anthology of True and Significant Life Events, compiled by Stevie Turner, which was published in early April 2019.

Her books


  1. Headed there now, John. This has been a great tour.
    It’s lovely to learn more about Miriam here. And I love her paintings 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Yes. Thank you, Harmony. Thanks for all your support on this tour. 😁

      Liked by 1 person

  2. That’s All Folks….
    (on my over there)

    Liked by 2 people

    1. Hahaha. T-t-thanks, G-GP. 🐖

      Liked by 2 people

  3. Headed that way!

    Liked by 2 people

    1. Thank you, Joan 😊

      Liked by 2 people

  4. It was great getting to know you better, Miriam. Thanks for hosting, John.


  5. Heading to Miriam’s now, John, and her paintings are beautiful!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thank you, Lauren.

      Liked by 1 person

  6. I’m headed over to Miriam’s now. This has been a great book tour!!

    Liked by 1 person