Top Ten Things Not to Do While Bungee Jumping.

Photo by Jeffrey Grospe on Unsplash

This post first appeared on February 27th, 2017. Since its purpose was simple humor, I think running again is okay.

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The inspiration for this list was the desire to do a top ten post that would provide no useful information but just an attempt at humor. I picked bungee jumping since most of you have never contemplated doing something that obscure. If you have, then all the better. I hope you enjoy the list, even though it may not apply to you.

Top Ten Things Not to Do While Bungee Jumping.

10 While Bungee jumping, do not attempt to light your smoke. If you do, at best, you’ll still be trying at the bottom of the jump. At worst, you’ll be successful, and between the highs and lows of the leap, your shirt is now on fire. (Tough to put out with this wind, huh, Bunky?)

9 While Bungee Jumping, do not attempt to tighten your ankle cuffs. If you do at best, you will turn the keys properly for tightening. At worst, you’ll be confused and loosen them instead. (Sure feels funny this free-flight thing, huh, Pilgrim?)

8 While Bungee jumping, do not try to impress your friends with too many acrobatics. If you do, at best, that Triple Lux comes off without a hitch. At worst, you have extended the Bungee cords about one foot too far. (You could have used that foot when you hit the canyon floor, Buford?)

7 While Bungee jumping, do not try to eat your leftover Pad Thai mid-air. If you do, at best, you might get a bite or two. At worst, you’ll finish the jump looking like the after photo of a food fight. (If careful, you can save some of those noodles, Buster.)

6 While Bungee jumping, do not group text your friends. If you do, At best, your text won’t be understood. At worst, the auto-correct feature will alienate every friend you have. (You thought the message, “Best of Luck to You,” would be well received, huh, Leroy?”)

5 While Bungee jumping, do not edit your latest manuscript. If you do, at best, you get one or two words covered before the first bounce. At worst, the wind will take your manuscript and spread it over several miles. (Should have numbered those pages, huh, Slick?)

4 While Bungee jumping, do not close your eyes on the way down. If you do, at best, you might miss the good parts. At worst, the ride personnel will assume you’ve passed out and throw you into an EMS vehicle despite your protestations. (Who ever heard of someone taking a nap on a bungee jump, Ferd?)

3 While Bungee jumping, do not jump before taking care of that 32 oz Big Gulp drink you just finished. If you do, at best, you’ll feel like a full watermelon when the g-forces hit you at the bottom. At worst, you treat all the bystanders to a show at your expense. (Now, where will you find some dry pants, Tex?)

2 While Bungee jumping, do not turn the GoPro camera to capture your face. If you do, at best, you forgot to turn it on. At worst, the video of you screaming like a kid will go viral. (You could have taken some beautiful shots of the valley, but no, you had to be a hero, huh, Ralph?)

1 While Bungee jumping, do not forget to tip the cuff connector guy. If you do, at best, you can take care of it after the jump is over. At worst, Tiny, the WWF champ, was highly offended you forgot him. (That ground comes up fast without those bothersome lines huh, Burt?)


  1. How about NOT bungee jumping to begin with? I tried that one and the results were outstanding!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. I have never but must say it looks pretty scary. Thanks, Marc.

      Liked by 1 person

      1. Yes. Yes it does.

        Liked by 1 person

    2. Cannot agree more. The first thing to not do is bungee jumping. What a thing,

      Liked by 2 people

      1. That would top the list for me. Thanks, Ankur


  2. Think I’ll pass on putting my life in the hands of a giant rubber band. Heights and I don’t mix.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. I always wondered what would happen if the rubber band was four inches too long. Well, I’ll never find out. 😁


      1. Face go splat.

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  3. I saw the clip where a jumper band broke. It must have been awful seeing your life flash before your eyes. He suffered multiple injuries. The older I get the fewer risks I want to take.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. It seems like a foolish way to put your life at risk. Thanks for the comment, Paula.

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      1. Part of me think Gosh you are so brave putting your life in the hands of someone else. Then the other part of me thinks ‘Are you nuts’ 🤷‍♀️🤦‍♀️

        Liked by 1 person

      2. Indeed. 🤣

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  4. I won’t be needing these, John, but good to know, and it’s always good to start Monday with a chuckle. I hope you have a great week.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thanks, Dan. I hope you have a great week as well.

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  5. I never understood the thrill of bungee jumping. Your list reinforces my belief!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. I agree with you, Jill. 😳


  6. I won’t ever have to worry about any of these, but it’s nice to start Monday with some humor.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. I agree. I won’t have to worry either. Thanks, Joan

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  7. I had trouble reading this list, John. Right at No. 10, I was hysterical laughing !!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Glad you got some laughs, GP. That was the idea. 😁

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  8. Shouldn’t have had that extra sauerkraut on my hotdog before jumping.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. That bean burrito didn’t help either.

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  9. Heights and I don’t tango well. Looking at NYC from the observation deck at the Empire State Building was a thrill I won’t forget. But a bungee jump? It’s an experience I’d only have in a nightmare. Hilarious Top Ten Things, John. 😄

    Liked by 1 person

    1. You described it perfectly. A nightmare. Thanks, Gwen. 😁


  10. I bungee jumped years ago – so much fun – but I sure wouldn’t recommend drinking the Big Gulp or asking for extra sauerkraut on my hotdog before jumping. That equates to a serious cleanup on aisle four.

    Liked by 1 person

  11. So funny, John! Thanks for the Monday morning laughs!!

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    1. I’m glad you got them, Jennie.

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      1. Me, too! 😀

        Liked by 1 person

  12. Yeah. No. I like some adventurous things and I think I’d jump out of a plane with parachute, of course, before throwing myself at the mercy of an elastic cord (both of these my son has done, by the way.)

    Liked by 1 person

    1. I will leave it to the youth to do these things.Thanks, Dale.

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      1. You and me both, John 🙂

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  13. Good ones, John, but I’m not sure thrill seekers would listen to logical advice.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. No never. Thanks, Tim.

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  14. It’s an amusing list, but totally irrelevant for me. Bungee jumping is so far down my list it doesn’t even appear!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Mine either. You can chalk this one up to a slow day in the writing office.


  15. Ten reasons NOT to bungee jump! I started reading about all the side effects and decided this activity is a definite no-go!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. I agree. Noelle.

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  16. Dan C · ·

    Just a thought, can you imagine all the loose change on the ground under a bungee jumping site? Have a great week John.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Not to mention wallets and credit cards.


  17. A great Top Ten list I’ll never need, John. This is definitely NOT on my bucket list!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Mine either. Thanks, Jan

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  18. D.L. Finn, Author · ·

    Great advice, John 🙂 I always wanted to bungee jump way back in the day. Now its off my bucket list… lol.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. I’m with you, Denise. Of course I never wanted to do it.

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  19. A wonderful list for those who are gutsy enough to take that task on, John. I am secure in the fact that I won’t be joining them but if I ever did, boy would I make sure those “attachments” were secure.😃

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Yes, I won’t be joining either. Thanks, Bruce.

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  20. Good tips, John. I would probably be unconscious the second I left the platform! 😉

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Me too, Barbara. 😁

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  21. The Pad Thai and the Big Gulp were my favorite, John. Anything involving food is probably a really bad idea. Lol

    Liked by 1 person

    1. I could see all those tofu pieces all over the place.

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      1. LOL. Not good!

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  22. Since I have absolutely NO desire to bungee jump, I guess I’m safe from violating all these this week!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Yes I think you are safe.

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  23. Good advice for crazy folks! The worst I saw was someone who bungee jumped from a hot air balloon. And I was on the ground, of course, and would not even go up in a hot air balloon.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. I have done the hot air balloon but no bungee for me thanks.


  24. I’m of the don’t-bungee-jump-at-all persuasion. I’ve never understood the appeal of engaging in terrifying activities. Life is dangerous enough as it is.

    Liked by 2 people

    1. I so agree with you, Liz.

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  25. petespringerauthor · ·

    Solid advice, John, though I can’t say I’ve seriously contemplated doing this. I still hope to skydive at some point, but bungee jumping is totally out of the question.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. I agree, Pete

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  26. Dear John
    we never even thought of bungee jumping. Even looking at it we felt really funny. Whereas our two Bookfayries don’t have any problems with it. Well, they fly down.
    Keep well
    The Fab Four of Cley
    🙂 🙂 🙂 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Always good to have back up wings. 😁 Thanks F4C

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  27. I think the #1 thing to do when bungee jumping is not to bungee jump.

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