Thursday – A Little Personal – #RRBC Spotlight Author Tour with J.A.Stinger

Welcome to J.A Stinger. I will be interviewing this amazing author today on Rave Waves Radio “Bring on the Spotlight” at 11:00 AM CST Here is the link to listen.  Now to the tour and more about the author.

Author Pic

Make me feel it

blue emotions


In my opinion, there’s nothing better than an intensely powerful, emotional scene in a novel. I love writing a chapter that has left me drained at the end, and left me with a profound feeling so strong that I can only hope that it gives my readers the same.

Now, here’s my caveat… I’ve used it sparingly. I don’t want to take my readers on such an emotional roller-coaster that they can’t wait to get off. But, I don’t want to do it just for the shock value either. I want my readers to be there with my characters to feel the joy, sorrow, pain, and loss. I don’t want them to be so far away that they feel like spectators at the zoo, and not too close that they feel like they are looking over the shoulders with a magnifying glass.

I do put the warning label on the back cover of my books that lets everyone know that the novel ends in a cliffhanger, but I let readers off the hook right away in the first paragraph of the next novel. I had a co-worker send me a text message to let me know she was at an airport and wanted to know when the next book would be out because she needed to know what happened. She was so connected to the characters that she didn’t want to wait. Thankfully, the next book isn’t too far away.


J.A. Stinger is the co-author of

Generations Beyond

A military sci-fi with a romantic flair

J.A. started writing seriously after being diagnosed with Multiple Sclerosis and craved a creative outlet. She is a wife, mother, and Army veteran. J.A. writes with her husband, P.W.


 j.a. stinger generations beyond cover


Get Your Copy of Generations Beyond At:





Social Media Links:


Twitter: @Jenniferstinger







  1. Everyone has such a love/hate relationship with cliffhangers. 😀
    Good luck to JA with this one. Unfortunately, I’ll miss the radio interview. Hugs to you both!

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Drama addiction is a serious problem for writers – luckily our capacity for (cerebral) self-flagellation usually means we stop it pretty quick due to (figurative) blood-loss.. 😛
    Hear you later guys – looking forward to it! 😀

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thanks Jan. I still don’t know how to stop it quickly.


  3. MY GRL and HIS REVENGE are top-rate thrillers and I do love the way you skillfully wrap up a story and still leave readers begging for more. Kudos! Sharing the post…

    Liked by 1 person

  4. You’re an author’s best friend, John.
    Well done.

    Liked by 1 person