Watch RWISA Write Blog Tour – Marlena Smith – #RWISA #RRBC

Rave Reviews Book Club. One of the objectives of the club is to recognize outstanding talent in its membership. A literary group has been established within RRBC named Rave Writers – International Society of Authors (RWISA). This month the club is featuring these authors on a tour. I will be hosting them throughout the month and I hope you enjoy being introduced to some excellent writing.



Marlena Smith

Marlena Smith

Will it ever be enough?
Will I ever be complete?
These questions haunt me;
They scream out defeat.

A mind vacant of answers;
A soul lost in time;
A heart full of sadness;
And eyes that just won’t shine.

A whisper full of sorrow;
A smile full of regret;
A life less than ordinary;
One I wish to forget.

* * *

Life is too precious to not make the most of every day.
Cherish memories.
Strive to make more.
Make every moment count.
Tell others you love them.
Forgive quickly.
Laugh often.
Pray every day.
Have a thankful heart.

* * *


Author Bio:

Marlena Smith is a true Southern Belle at heart. Her home has always been in Alabama, and she couldn’t imagine living anywhere else. Growing up as a preacher’s daughter, faith and family played a large part in her life.

Her earliest memory of writing was that of 2nd grade when she was selected to attend the Young Author’s Conference in her home state. Little did she know then that her future was being mapped out.

Marlena now wears many hats, including writer, author, blogger, freelancer, reader, reviewer, researcher, paranormal enthusiast, traveler, and Secretary of Rave Reviews Book Club. Writing, though, has and always will be her main passion in life.

Marlena has several works in progress, including an upcoming short romance, titled THE POWER OF LOVE. This debut book is expected to be out in 2017. In addition to her debut, she has a romance novel, a cookbook and a horror screenplay on her to do list.

Thank you for supporting this member along the WATCH “RWISA” WRITE Showcase Tour today!  We ask that if you have enjoyed this member’s writing, to please visit their Author Page on the RWISA site, where you can find more of their writing, along with their contact and social media links, if they’ve turned you into a fan.  WE ask that you also check out their books in the RWISA or RRBC catalogs.  Thanks, again for your support and we hope that you will follow each member along this amazing tour of talent!  Don’t forget to click the link below to learn more about this author:


Marlena Smith RWISA Author Page


    1. Than you for the reblog, Michael.


  1. karenringalls · ·

    Simply said, “Beautiful.” Thank you for sharing your gift of writing, Marlena. John, your hosting is appreciated.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thank you, Karen


  2. Marlena’s poem is beautiful and straight from the heart.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thank you for the visit, Jan


  3. harmonykentonline · ·

    Mar, this is a beautiful poem that touches deep.
    John, thank you for showcasing Mar today 😃

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thank you for the visit, Harmony.


  4. Beautiful, Marlena. I love the difference between opening and close, and the positive thoughts that replace those at the beginning.

    Liked by 1 person

  5. This is so beautiful, Marlena. Thanks for hosting, John!

    Liked by 1 person

  6. What beautiful poem by Marlena!! Thanks for sharing John – very kind of you to be doing that!


  7. John, no words can express my gratitude to you and your unwavering support. Thank you… And thank you to everyone that has already visited and shared your kind thoughts. I am beyond grateful.


    1. Thank you for the reblog, Don.

      Liked by 1 person

  8. Lovely poem, Marlena!! Thanks for hosting her, John.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. My pleasure, Micki. Thanks for the visit.
