Wednesday Story Day – AKA – Hump Day

Twiggy and Lucy

“And so after a hard day at the couch, the canines decide that a proper Hump Day celebration is another nap.”
“Huh? Who said that, Lucy?”
“The narrator. Pay no attention Little One.”

It is Wednesday Story Day again, and last week, we witnessed the arrival of Lake Tahoe’s finest. Yes, once again, Larry and Andrew are under suspicion of breaking the law. Jerry Foster is standing around, waiting to see what will happen. I know the officer has returned from contacting his dispatch to check on Larry and Andrew’s background. Let’s get there to be witness to the good news or bad.

“Okay, detective. Looks like you are well known to the department here. I’ve been instructed to give you whatever assistance you need.”
“I appreciate that, officer … uh does your nametag say, Fife?”
“I’ve heard them all, detective, so don’t even go there.”
“Well, Andrew and I appreciate the offer, but we think we have this. We just need to get back to the Hyatt and ask Wentworth a few questions. Also, we need to take Jerry here with us.”
“Okay, detective. Have it your way, but from the looks of things, you are facing some pretty mean hombres. I would think you would welcome a little protection.”
“I think the best protection would be to find out who is behind this kind of mayhem.”
“Well, I think I have an idea although t is not my place to accuse those who I can’t prove are involved.”
“Can you give me a hint, and then I can follow up unofficially.”
“Yeah, I guess that would work. Chercher Cortez.”
“There’s that name again.”
“You’ve heard it before.”
“You bet. We have been cherching Cortez since the beginning of this stupid story.”
“He’s not hard to find. Just go into the Hyatt bar, and he’s got a regular table off to the right. He does all his business from there.”
“Much obliged officer Fife. We will keep that in mind. So, Andrew, you ready?”
“Well, Larry, we have a couple of loose ends to tie up before we walk into the lion’s den.”
“Remind me.”
“We need to get some information out of Jerry, here so that we can tie Mrs. Rafferty and her boyfriend to the killing of her husband.”
“Yeah, okay. Jerry, you willing to talk?”
“Yes, sir. I’ll tell you all I know.”
“Good. What else, Andrew?”
“We need to find out why Wentworth lied to us.”
“Yes. That is a good one.”
“I can tell you that.”
“Go ahead, Jerry.”
“He’s under Cortez’s thumb.”
“Excuse me, detective.”
“Yes, Officer, Fife.”
“If you three have no more need for us, we need to ask you to leave. The crime lab guys are headed this way, and we need to secure the scene.”
“Thank you, officer. We are on our way.”
“Hey, hold on you three.”
“Ah, Mr. Landlord. What can we do for you?”
“Who’s gonna pay for the frickin door?”
“I would guess Jerry’s rental insurance.”
“Excuse me, sir, but I asked you to leave the last time you got in the way. Unless you want a citation for interfering with a criminal investigation, I would suggest you go back to your apartment.”
“Thanks, Officer Fife. On behalf of the three of us.”




  1. Okay, I’ll admit…I had a hard time moving past “I appreciate that, officer … uh does your nametag say, Fife?” LOL! Good installment, John!

    Liked by 2 people

    1. I laughed at that, too!

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  2. Love the landlord.

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  3. Nice line about being after Cortez since the beginning of the “stupid story” LOL. Between that and Officer Fife this made for another fun entry while building the mystery.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thank you, Mae. 😁

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  4. “Who’s gonna pay for the frickin’ door?” 😀

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Hahahaha. Thanks, Liz.

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      1. I think it needs to become the new pop culture catch-phrase.

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      2. The problem is the pop culture is about 50 years younger than me. Anything I come up with is labeled “vintage.”

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      3. I know what you mean. Perhaps we Boomers should develop the New Counter Culture.

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      4. I am a pre-boomer so not sure what I would do.

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      5. Ah, it’s all very confounding, isn’t it?


  5. “Barney” thumps the landlord, nice touch. This is all starting to make sense, except most of it. We know the players, but why? Maybe Wentworth will have some answers. Good to see there was no hassle from the local PD.

    Good episode, John. The two girls are pretty cute, but I think Twiggy Needs a bigger pillow.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. The pillow is big enough but she seems to like living on the edge. Thanks, Dan 😁

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  6. Officer Fife – of course that’s his name, lol.

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    1. Yes. Hahahahaha.

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  7. At least Officer Fife is good for landlord control.

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    1. Hahahaha. That’s for sure. Thanks, Craig.

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  8. The girls live a really hard life. I feel for them…

    Nice of Fife to be so accomodating and then to get them out of the landlord’s clutches!

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    1. Yes he was good that way.

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  9. And, the beautiful princesses sleep on the sofa while ‘Dad’ ravels the yarn! Poor landlord! Anyone seen ‘Hymie’ around? ♥♥♥

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Where is hymie anyway?


      1. He’s watching from the bushes! Cuidado, mi amigo…es un hombre peligroso! Just saying… ♥♥♥

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      2. Hahahaha. Thanks for the warning


  10. The girls have it made.

    As for Andrew and Larry, not so much. We have full circled it back to Cortez, whose table at the Hyatt may as well have a hornets next attached to it. So of course, the boys will be sidling up to it in no time flat.

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    1. Yeah, they are drawn to danger like a moth to the flame.

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      1. And awaaaay we go!!!

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  11. Lucy & Twiggy: After Friday & before the Friday. It is a very wise shot, dear John. It makes ponder that our life is so short, while weeks between Fridays are so long! 🙂

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    1. Hahaha. This is the old philosopher, Maria talking. Good one.

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      1. 🙂 Thanks, dear John! I appreciate that…Well…from the hi-tech point of view the photo shows the dogs who have gone online. Bow-wowbook is calling! Don’t wait them until Friday 🙂

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      2. They must wait.

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  12. Lucy and Twiggy have the right idea. We’ve had twice our normal rainfall this winter- even I’m tired of the gloominess.
    I think the guys are headed for trouble!

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    1. They are headed for trouble for sure. Thanks, Jacquie.

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  13. D.L. Finn, Author · ·

    Barney Fife was always a favorite:) it always leads back to the same person it seems.

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  14. Cortez does his business at the Hyatt?? Well, that’s a darn sight better than the Motel 6, right? Precious photo of your two snoozers!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thank you, Debbie.


  15. Gwen M. Plano · ·

    Absolutely adore the photo of the pups (and your comments)! They help me manage the intensity of the story. Well done, John, on both fronts. 😀

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thank you, Gwen. 😊


  16. Yes, I sense the tying up of many loose ends headed this way. Although I’m sure they will not go quietly. 😀 Nicely done, John. And that photo of the girls is particularly adorable. Hugs!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Not sure about loose ends but quiet is not the syle here. Thanks you, Teagan. Hugs


      1. That didn’t come out right. More ‘threads’ than loose ends. Can’t wait to see what happens at the hotel. 🙂

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      2. I like threads. These guys need to get woth Wentworth for sure. Cortez not so much. Thanks, Teagan. Hugs.


  17. Well, that went much better than I had imagined. But really? Officer Fife? Only us older folks will get that one, John. 🙂 Another great segment. But, I have to tell you that I’m missing Gloria. 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Yeah. We need to get back to Boston. It is on the wish list. Thanks, Jan.

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  18. When I read “Fife” I burst out laughing! I liked how you put out the reminders of the key players. This is exciting. Off to Cortez! Why am I worried things might not go smoothly…

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    1. I think you should worry. It’s like rooting for a team except in this case you know there’s going to be trouble. Thanks, Jennie

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      1. I knew you were going to say that, and you depicted it perfectly. 🙂

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  19. Once again, I’m late to the party. Something keeps taking up all my ‘spare’ time. That said … I loved the officer’s name, and was wondering if the department makes him keep his single bullet in his pocket. Thanks, John … I do love this series!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Hahaha. I wonder about the bullet too.

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