Wednesday Story Day – AKA – Hump Day


“We going to siege the day or not Little One?”
“What day is it?”
“Carpe Friday.”

It is Wednesday Story Time again, and last week, we were with Larry and Andrew as they were trying to figure out how to get free from the restraints that the “so-called” agents put on them. Lucky for both, Agent Moore showed up and confirmed that the guys that took Pricilla were not agents he had called. It appears they work for Cortez. He freed Andrew and Larry, and Larry suggested they call Lieutenant Mayfield to give him a heads up and stop those guys from taking Lazar.


“Good idea Larry. Let me call him now.”

“Try his cell.”

“Good idea. Hold on, it’s ringing.”


“Just went to voice mail.”

“Of course, it did. Do we ever get a break? Call the main number.”

“It’s ringing. Yes hello. This is agent Mike Moore with the FBI. May I speak to lieutenant Mayfield? He did? How long ago? Can you reach him by radio? I called his cell, and he’s not picking up? How can that be? Is that standard protocol? Do you know where they are going? Crap. You need to issue a BOLO for the lieutenant, the ADA, Lazar Popović, and those two agents. Who’s order? Mine. Agent Moore of the FBI. Badge number 011556. Those agents are suspected of kidnapping ADA Thomas, Lieutenant Mayfield, and Lazar Popović. There is no telling what is going to happen to them. I don’t give a crap what authorization you think they had. That was a phony warrant. Unless you want to turn your incompetence into federal obstruction charges, you’ll issue the BOLO. Here’s my number 512-555-6621. Call me when the BOLO is issued. Moore out. Shit.”

“That didn’t seem to go well.”

“Those stupes at the highway patrol let the phony agents walk out of headquarters with not only Lazar but the lieutenant as well.”

“How could that happen?”

“They had some kind of warrant, and Agent Thomas directed them to cuff Lazar, and apparently, the lieutenant volunteered to be an escort as well.”


“One of the desk guys expressed some concern about releasing a prisoner, and so the lieutenant stepped up and said he would accompany Lazar. Looks like the warrant authorized the movement of Lazar to a safer location.”

“I wonder if there was a specified destination?”

“The warrant just said ‘unspecified safe house.’”

“Yeah, that’s helpful. What do we do now?”

“Wait for the call on the BOLO and then pray someone spots them.”

“I wonder if they are all in the same vehicle.”

“I asked the desk guy if the lieutenant could be reached on the radio. He said the lieutenant didn’t take his car and that his radio is still at headquarters.”

“Is that when you asked about protocol?”

“Yeah, and the answer was that it was not. I wanted to say, ‘Then why the hell did you let them go?’ but I’m sure I would be wasting my breath. In the face of two agents, the ADA and the lieutenant, I’m sure the desk guy was overwhelmed.”

“I’m not too good with sitting on my hands. Is there anything we can do?”

“I think we should stay close in case someone needs to talk with us.”

“Like who?”

“ADA Thomas. Maybe she can call or something.”

“Like that is going to happen.”

“Hold on, let me get this. Agent Morre. Okay, thanks.”

“Who was that.”

“The desk guy. The BOLO is issued.”

Also, this is the last day Eternal Road – The final stop Ebook is on sale for 99¢ in the US. Here is the link.


  1. Sounds like the villains are better organised than law enforcement. I would have assumed CCTV would show them leaving HQ and give an indication of the vehicle they left in.

    Liked by 2 people

    1. But you are smarter than my characters. 😁

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  2. Somehow, I’m not holding out much hope that the BOLO will have its intended result.

    I love Lucy and Twiggy’s Wednesday conversation. No point in sieging a Wednesday.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. That is true, Liz. Thank you.


  3. Sitting on ones hands doesn’t sound like much of a pain…or very comfortable.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Hahaha. Thanks, Jill. Not the way to go here.


  4. Well, that did not go well. Or maybe it did. I’m guessing if the guy at the desk had tried to stop them, he’d be dead. I’m trying to figure out who’s a good guy and who’s not. At least our two guys are safe…for now.

    I hope Friday comes through for the girls.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Good guys and bad guys are a little fuzzy right now. We’ll have to see how this plays out. Thanks, Dan.

      Liked by 2 people

  5. There are enough missing people now that they ought to start tripping over them.

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  6. Gwen M. Plano · ·

    Lucy and Twiggy know how to pull the heartstrings. 💗 Looks like a waiting game between law enforcement and the criminals. Till next week!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Yup on the waiting game. These two do get to the heartstrings for sure. Lucy had her teeth cleaned yesterday and is still recovering. 😊


  7. At least one side has their act together. I can see this getting worse.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. It does look taht way, Charles. 😁


  8. These guys can’t catch a break.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. I think they feel the same way, Teri. Thanks. 😊

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  9. One thing? I’d like you to meet Another. Now I want you two rascals to create every possible obstacle to our dynamic duo. Remember YOLO when they decide to BOLO!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Hahaha. Don’t forget going Solo.

      Liked by 1 person

      1. I am always on my toes when it comes to your stories. You made me this way! 😉

        Liked by 1 person

      2. Hahaha. Thank you, Marc.

        Liked by 1 person

  10. I agree with Larry. I’m never good at sitting on my hands. I get the feeling this story may be heading toward a showdown and conclusion. I hope the sales for “Eternal Road” have been great, John! I’ve been sharing!


    1. Thank you so much, Jan. I appreciat your help. I haven’t checked the numbers because Amazon is famously behind reporting. We shall see.


  11. BOLO is probably gonna give us a whole lotta nil…. however, I have faith in our guys. They are going to come up with a fab plan!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Wow, you do have faith. Thanks, Dale.

      Liked by 1 person

      1. I have to! It can’t all come to naught!

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      2. yes it would. wouldn’t it? 🙄

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      3. Don’t you roll those eyes at me!!!


  12. John, you and Dan are right about it being fuzzy about who is a good guy or bad guy… But this story is definitely a peach. Hugs on the wing.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Hahahaha. Good one, Teagan.


  13. Well just like the Hump day plot WP notifications were running late. Like they say at the Highway Patrol when discussing protocol ‘lets chuck this in and see what it does to the fan… oops !’

    Liked by 1 person

    1. I was pulled over by the Ohio Hightway Patrol once. I was driving a nisson 280ZX. It was one of the cars that talked to you. The officer wanted to know what the car could say, so I gave him a demonstration. He concluded with, “Too bad it didn’t say you are going too damn fast.” He let me go with a warning.

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  14. I’m not too good at sitting on my hands, either … they get numb and then they don’t work right. Ah well … it’s only for a week! 7 days. 168 hours.

    Liked by 1 person

  15. Hi,
    I think the Lieutenant and ADA Thomas could be in on this together.
    Next question – why is it only on sale in the USA?
    Shalom aleichem

    Liked by 1 person

    1. The leutenent and ADA Thomas might be in cahoots. 😁 On why only the US is because Amazon only let’s you run one market at a time. The US is my biggest market.

      Liked by 1 person

      1. Thanks For the answer, John. Shalom aleichem

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  16. Lucy & Twiggy: 2 spies at the door. 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Yes, they are listening.😊

      Liked by 1 person

      1. True…Friday is somewhere on his way 🙂


  17. Wow! Will these guys ever get a break? Hope is still my middle name. I wonder about Janet…
