Category story

Tuesday – Anything Possible – Short Story

I found this helmet while walking on the beach last week. Like most things, it prompted a story.   Look You There by John W. Howell © 2015 “Hey you there.” “What do you want?” “You know hanging off that structure is dangerous?” “Yeah, but you ought to see the view from up here.’ “Look you […]

Literary Holiday is as Literary Holiday Does

I was again surfing the net (sigh) looking for Fiction Favorites material and stumbled on to the following blog written by the staff writers at I thought the blog was the kind of thing that needs to be republished since it was originally put up in July 2010. You can click on the various holidays […]

List is as List Does

As you can see I love lists. I stumbled across the Modern Library’s governing board’s list of the greatest books of the twentieth century.  The board members were: Christopher Cerf, Gore Vidal, Daniel J. Boorstin, Shelby Foote, Vartan Gregorian, A.S. Byatt, Edmund Morris, John Richardson, Arthur M. Schlesinger Jr. and William Styron. This list was […]

Prompt is as Prompt Does

Nostrovia is a fine blog on poetry. Here is the link: .  Please feel free to visit; you will like it. It is also a place where great ideas pop up. This week the idea is a writing prompt around the following: “Those who were seen dancing were thought to be insane by those […]

Grumpy is as Grumpy Does

More research activity turned up an interesting article at Mental_Floss written by Stacy Conradt titled; 11 Authors Who Hated the Movie Versions of Their Books. I thought it interesting since there are listed some pretty good movies and some surprising reasons why the authors of the original story hated them.  Here is a recap of […]