Wednesday Story Day – AKA Hump Day

Wednesday story day is here already. Seems like a good thing to have the week more or less zoom by, but we need to remember that life is about the journey, not the destination. Would be a good idea to remind ourselves to live in the moment and make each and every minute count. This week’s story is about making every minute count and of course our boy Frank will be the prime example of not following this advice. The story is titled Moment and I hope you like it.

Moment by John W. Howell ©2014

“So Frank. How can you just lie there watching Tv all day.”

“I find the television to be a source of great knowledge.”

“Oh, sure Frank. Like what knowledge?”

“Well for one I get the latest news.”

“The news in ten second sound bites.”

“Okay, how about the information on shows like Wheel of Fortune and Jeopardy.”

“Give me a break Frank. Those pieces of information are useless.”

“What if I get on one of those shows. What then?”

“You think they will ask the same questions?”

“I guess I never thought of it before.”

‘So why don’t you get up and do something worthwhile.?”

“I think you are right. I’m going to get up and go out.”

“Now that’s better. Look at you. On your feet.”

“I admit it feels strange.”

“Where are you going to go?”

“Thought I would go to Wal-Mart.”

“Okay, that’s a start. What’s at Wal-Mart?”

“A whole big wall of TVs. See you later.”


  1. I remember people like that when I was in Florida. They threw Discovery Channel and History Channel into the mix for learnin’.


    1. I met a guy who thought Tic Tac Dough was advanced learnin’ 😉


      1. Think he ever graduated to Connect 4?

        Liked by 1 person

  2. I’m guilty of watching Jeopardy every night…we get very competitive. 🙂


    1. Understand. I really like the show.


  3. Regarding what Charles said: I’ve actually heard people say they were experts on history because they watch the History Channel. On another note: Frank is forever clueless, which makes him such an “endearing” character 😉


    1. Yes, he is clueless. The problem with Frank is he is a sociopath and narcissist and has few redeeming values. Thanks, Marie.


  4. I haven’t had a good veg day watching TV in a.g.e.s. 😀 😀 😀


    1. I know, right? I get about 60 minutes a day and watch recorded shows and the news. I haven’t seen a commercial in years.


      1. I haven’t watched television in ages except I try to on Sundays.


      2. Sounds like a good move to me.

        Sent from my iPhone



  5. You know, reading this story actually slowed time down for me. Frank made the moment last. It’s actually a little zen to think about going to Walmart just to gaze at all the TVs.


    1. I have done it. It can be dizzying.


      1. 🙂 And yet………maybe not so bad. I would never do it, just saying’…. Nice thought!

        Liked by 1 person

  6. Is Frank still in prison John? I get confused….


    1. He is not today. He is an iconic character who is not in a continuing situation, but exhibits continuing stupidity.


      1. Shame, I was hoping he was on day release or some such


  7. Frank actually had a pretty clever idea. When I was a small child we had a black and white, but would walk down to the furniture store on Saturday mornings to watch cartoons in color on their set.


    1. I remember the days of TVs in the windows. Great memory


  8. This was fabulous for my morning chuckle!


    1. Glad you liked it. 🙂


  9. I’m one of those guys who also go to Walmart to check out the wall of TVs. Great read, and dialog, John!


    1. Thank you Jack. I appreciate you stopping by.

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  10. Hahaha! That’s the perfect ending, John.

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