The Contract – between heaven and earth

Today Gwen and I are with Craig Boyack on his fascinating blog Entertaining Stories. Craig specializes in telling stories that are not only entertaining but demonstrate Craig’s exceptional creative talent. His newest release, The Yak Guy Project promises to be a terrific read. Thank you for having us, Craig.

Entertaining Stories

I’m really excited to have John and Gwen stop by today. I had the honor of being a beta reader on this story, and I think you guys are going to like it.

The CONTRACT between heaven and earth

By John W. Howell & Gwen M. Plano

Thank you, Craig, for inviting us to join you today. We are super excited to be featured on your blog where some of the most imaginative writing takes place. Also, we are so thrilled to meet Lisa Burton. We’ve wanted to try on The Hat, but we promised to be on our best behavior and besides who knows what could happen if we did. Thanks again.

The Contract

Available on Kindle and Paperback

Kindle priced at $0.99 for the introduction.

The CONTRACT is a different story for writers John W. Howell and Gwen M. Plano. For either of them, it is their first attempt at…

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