
About this blog – I established this blog to provide a forum for the free exchange of information and ideas on the subject of fiction favorites. The primary goal of this blog is to entertain the reader with short items daily. The week has the following structure:

Sunday is a View of the Neighborhood where I present some photos of my community that could be of interest.

Monday is Top Ten Things Not to Do.  A list of stuff that we should never do under the circumstance described.

Tuesday is for Anything Possible and usually is reserved for a story prompt from a fellow blogger named Keith Channing.

Wednesday Story Day is the continuation of a serial

Thursday is A Little Personal. I discuss an item that is personal to me.

Friday is a celebration of the end of the workweek and has a Haiku.

Saturday is a prompt from Linda Hill and is titled Stream of Consciousness Saturday.

I want to make clear that Fiction Favorites is a blog dedicated to humor. The stories are told in dialog without tags so that the reader can become part of the action. Not everyone can read these kinds of stories and appreciate them, but hopefully, you are one that can.

About the header picture – It changes from time to time.  It is currently an image of the front cover of my latest book Eternal Road – The final stop, which was launched on August  23rd, 2020. The image was created by Marcia Meara.

About your comments – They can be seen by clicking on the comment section of a particular subject.  Please feel free to leave a comment.  If you don’t want others to see it, please mark it private otherwise, I will assume it is okay to post.  I have also added a comments section on the front page so that the last five comments are visible. If you don’t see yours, please go to the individual post, and it should be there.

About John W Howell – I have been working in business for over forty years and now have the time to work in special areas of interest. My passion has always been to create compelling stories of fiction. I have authored five novels. The first novel is still in manuscript form and is a doorstop in the laundry room. The second is a fiction thriller novel titled My GRL and has been launched by Martin Sisters Publishing. I launched my third novel in October of 2105, titled His Revenge. My fourth is titled Our Justice and is available on Amazon. The fifth is in the editing stage and titled Circumstances of Childhood. I also write short stories and have had a number published. My short story Cold Night Out won an honorable mention in the Writers Digest Popular Fiction Contest. I dabble in poetry and have published a few. I am trying new forms and will sneak out of the dressing room and into the water once I think one is worth reading. I am primarily a Haiku fan. The one time I read a piece to a person, their only comment was, “it doesn’t rhyme.”

e-mail johnhowell.wave@gmail.com

I will continue to write, and hopefully, this blog will provide some entertainment and an interesting thought or two.

I live in Lakeway, Texas, with my wife Molly, and our spoiled rescue pets.



  1. Thanks for visiting and following too, I really appreciate it!
    I wonder if you are very far away from my friend Pit in Karne City, in the near of Port Aransas?


    best regards,


    1. Karne city is about one hundred Miles from me.


  2. Well, I tried hard finding a way commenting your Bram Stoker article, no way. Am I blind?
    Thanks for following my blog. I like reading your blog in the mornings after breakfast, it`s my morning treat.
    Greetings from the sunny North-Norfolk coast
    Klausbernd 🙂



    1. Klausbernd,
      I am sorry you had some trouble with a comment. The comment section on each post should work (at the bottom). I’ll look into it since I did get comments on Bram Stoker. It could be that WordPress has something against North-Norfolk Coasters :-). I see that you have a daytime temperature of about 15 degrees C. In South Texas we have a daytime temperature of 26.6 degrees C. Thanks for writing.


  3. Hi, John,

    today it works fine because the temperature is 2 C only 😉 I like cold weather what we usually don`t have at the North-Norfolk coast.

    Thanks for your answer.
    Take care
    Klausbernd 🙂


  4. jumeirajames · · Reply

    John– thanks for liking my post on Thomas Pynchon – it meant a lot to me. Seeing that you live in the Gulf was a pull-through to the stream of consciousness blog on V.
    I wrote the entire piece in one and posted it. The idea behind it is simple – there are some books that cannot be critiqued, you can only react to the work. V is as I described exactly – messy, sensual, violent, dirty and extraordinary. The only unreadable book you will ever need to read.
    Benny Profane needs to know.


    1. Jim, I enjoyed the fresh approach; Joyce, Mailer, Miller, and scene build. Bennie Profane finds out what he needs to know. thanks for the comment and visit. John


      1. jumeirajames · ·

        Yeah, I reckoned that a normal type of critique wouldn’t work for Pynchon’s books.


      2. I reckon you reckoned right. good job!!!


  5. minisculegiants · · Reply

    Hi, I just wanted to let you know I’m passing the Versatile Blogger Award on to you. Here’s the link to the post where I blogged about it: http://gwenbristol.com/2013/01/13/698/

    Thanks for a really great blog!


    1. Thank you so much for the honor. I will try to live up to your nomination – John


  6. John–You won the blog contest on Readful Things:) I shall require your address so I may send you your gift card as soon as it arrives at my doorstep. You may email me at readfulthings@gmail.com


  7. Hi John,

    Thank you for liking my post and for following my blog. I look forward to reading your posts.


    1. Let me hope you enjoy. I certainly will yours.-John


  8. Hi John: Thanks for visiting my site today. I’m glad you enjoyed the posting for National Poetry Month!


    1. I did enjoy it and will look forward to more. Thanks for the visit as well.-John


  9. Thanks so much for visiting my blog!


    1. Thank you as well. I always enjoy your posts


  10. I don’t do poetry well either, John. Some people seemed to like mine. Maybe you should put one of yours on display and see what people think?!


  11. John, thanks for the follow. I was immediately drawn to your post on Austin Boxer Rescue. A woman who worked for them found our beloved boxer, Scout, while we were at work. He had gotten out and ventured onto the highway near our property. He was struck in the head by a passing vehicle. It killed him instantly. I just blogged about him earlier this week since the 22nd was the anniversary of his death. 9 years later and it’s still so painful. I will be forever thankful to the woman from ABR because we may not have ever known what had happened to him and been able to bury him. Must stop now, too many tears to see the screen.


    1. Oh Melissa,
      I totally understand. I am so sorry for your loss and believe me time has no relevance to grief. I see so many boxers that have not had the love that you obviously gave yours. I hope you can find peace in the fact that Scott had a good home and was doing what all Boxers do. They want to see the entire world and won’t let a fence or door stand in the way. It is so tough sometimes.


      1. He definitely had a zest for life. He found enjoyment in the little things. Makes me smile just thinking about all the silly things he did. We can learn a lot about how to live from our pets 🙂


  12. Aashuli · · Reply

    thankyou to u too for following my blog, i am really enjoying your posts!


  13. Aashuli · · Reply

    my fav fiction is Pride and prejudice by jane austen and Fontain Head by Ayn rand!!


    1. Both in my favorite category as well. (I read them many years ago but still am reminded of their power


  14. Aashuli · · Reply

    true, they are my all time favourite and they are classics too 🙂


  15. […] I mentioned that I needed a vacation after the school holidays. A massive thank you to John (my hero) because now I’m off to the Gulf […]


  16. Hi John! I nominated you for the Best Moment Award. Please stop by my blog and check out the details. Here is the link:


    1. Melissa,
      Thank you so much for the nomination. I will comply with the rules unless it involves cleaning stalls. Congrats to you as well


  17. Thank you for stopping by my blog! It’s great to see you reading!!


    1. And writing. Thanks for the comment and visit


  18. Have you ever had the occasion to read any of Diana Galbaldon books? The Outlander series is the best writing I have ever come across. She is so descriptive that you actually feel like you are standing in the picture. My mother 90 is right behind me in this series and she too is mesmerized with her storytelling abilities. I have lots of favourite authors but currently this is # 1 on my list. I have read now all 10 of her books and waiting for the next one.


    1. I have not but will try to fit her in when I have some time. Currently running way behind


      1. It is hard to get to read everything out there especially if you are writing books yourself. Good Luck with your new one.


      2. 48,000 words and rising


  19. Compelling has to be one of my most favorite words to describe what I want to do, or how I want to participate (in life, groups, what-have-you). I look forward to reading more of your posts, and thank you for stopping by the D/A Dialogues, too! I feel very welcome to the RCC!


    1. Thanks as well. Participation is key.


  20. Good Posts..
    Sanoj Jose (Author, My Day Out With An Angel)


    1. Thanks for stopping by. Will try to get to My Day Out With An Angel


      1. Thank you very much for taking your valuable time to visit my humble page too.
        Peace & Love, Sanoj


  21. Hello John, many thanks for dropping by ‘The Savvy Senorita’ and following my blog. I appreciate it! Bex
    P.S: I too work on fiction short stories, and also have a novel I have been working on since I left University! No publisher, though to be fair I haven’t tried to secure one – tough road isn’t it?!


    1. Yes it is. I do have a publisher but have not finalized the contract yet. They need to sign and return. Hopefully they will


      1. Well, good luck!!!!


  22. Hi there. Melissa (Janda) nominated your blog so I’m here to check it out! I’m off to check your posts. 😉


    1. Thanks for stopping by. Went over to see you as well.


  23. Hi there – I am so behind – but finally wrote a thank you – for the lovely sweets!

    A Super Shining Big Thank you

    Kimberly xx


  24. Hello. Thank you for visiting and following my blog. I’m really looking forward to reading your material.


    1. My pleasure. Thank you as well


    2. Thank you as well


  25. John,
    Did you get to see my photo yet?
    I was trying an experiment to import photos from another site I have, but although I could see it, you couldn’t, so I’ve uploaded it onto my blog and everyone is seeing it OK now 🙂


    1. Yes I just answered your comment from this morning. I apologize but I need to go away from the computer *gasp*


  26. prayingforoneday · · Reply

    Please accept this “Best Moments Award”


    1. Thank you. I will try to be worthy 🙂


      1. prayingforoneday · ·

        ha ha ..
        You will do good mate..


  27. storiesbyfrances · · Reply

    Hi John,
    thanks for stopping by my blog. I really liked what Mae said about comments and being an asshole, don´t you?
    Guess I´ll browse through your posts now…


    1. I did very much. I see so many bloggers go off the path that it is good to remind folks about being kind. Thanks for the comment. Please stay as long as you wish. Care for some tea?


      1. storiesbyfrances · ·

        And a cookie, please.


  28. Thanks for the visit to my blog! I enjoyed reading your bio.

    I love the water, being originally from Newfoundland. My husband loves rainstorms.

    For the past several years, my husband and I have been visiting dogs and cats in a No-Kill shelter to help socialize them. Several have gone on to be adopted! This year, we also embarked on our first fostering of a dog.


    1. Good for you. We have fostered a number of Boxers and it is really rewarding. To see them happy in a forever home after they leave you is priceless


  29. Helloo sir 🙂 You are certainly one of those that has made my blog what it is. Please accept this little gift of…..SEVEN AWARDS !!! God bless you. Check it out @ justmikemon.wordpress.com/2013/07/03/yet-another-bouquet-of-awards-seven-awards/….Congratulations to you sir and have a splendid day 🙂


    1. Tank you for this as well.


  30. You’re welcome sir and tanks again 🙂


  31. I nominated you for the Most Creative Blogger award!

    Award Shower! Big Time!


    1. Well thank you very much. I will try to be worthy.


      1. You are welcome. And you are already worthy my friend! Hugz


  32. Nice to meet you, John. 🙂


    1. Nice meeting you as well. 🙂


  33. mdog32 · · Reply

    Thanks for the follow!! Looking forward to reading more of your posts too!


  34. Hi John. Thanks for the follow. Looking forward to reading your blog …

    Enjoyed your “About Me”, especially:

    “The first novel is still in manuscript form and being utilized as a door stop in the laundry room.”

    Yeah, that’s right, that’s where my first novel belongs. I have a couple of copies. Maybe I should go stick one in front of the laundry room door 🙂

    “I also write poetry but have not had the guts to share any with anyone. The one time I read a piece to a person their only comment was, “it doesn’t rhyme.””

    Ha ha ha ha … I have a piece of poetry that I want to post, but it I’m afraid it might meet with the same response. Oh well. I think I’ll post it anyway 🙂


    1. Yeah go ahead and post. I have eliminated my self consciousness and am now actively creating. Thanks for the visit Dave.


    1. Thank you so much. I will try to be worthy 🙂


  35. Thank you so much for dropping by wePoets. It’s much appreciated. 🙂


    1. Nice place to visit


      1. Thank you we’re glad to have you here. 🙂


  36. Thanks for the follow, I will do the same. Just keep in mind I am off from blogging on Wednesdays and Thursdays but I always catch up when I return 🙂


    1. Will do. Thanks


  37. […] as much time in Tuscany as Debra. The thought of writing a fictional book as Carrie, Rose, TBM, John Howell, Maddie, and H.E. Ellis is outside of my scope. I certainly won’t attempt a story of my life like […]


  38. Hi John, I have really enjoyed reading through your posts. It is great to get so many great writing tips as I am only just starting out and I need all the help that I can get 🙂

    Best wishes


    1. You are so nice to say so. Welcome to the world of the insane. If I can ever help just let me know.


  39. I’ve learned so much and have only just now stopped by. I’ll be reading more soon. Blessings!


    1. Thank you. Come back soon


  40. John thank you for following my blog and I am looking forward to read your blog. Please stop by my blog from time to time. Thank you Adrian B.


    1. Thanks for the message and for stopping by. I will be sure to visit often


  41. Just read your gravatar …. be brave put some poetry on here , no will laugh…. if they do I will bash them, or failing that I shall send in my friend Vlad to sort them , he is an immortal Vampire bear !…….. you don’t get many of them to the pound!


    1. Thank you so much for offering Vlad. I actually have started letting folks see some poetry. I am doing Haiku primarily. In fact there is one coming up on Friday. Thanks again for the offer. You never know….


      1. I shall look out for it ! 😉


  42. prayingforoneday · · Reply

    John, mate, bud, I let the man team down…

    This started as a joke…
    Now I have to nominate 10 people…
    ..10 men to the SISTERHOOD OF BLOGGERS 😦
    Please try and accept, it is fun, and blogging can be fun



    1. I don’t know why you should be sorry. I’ll do my best.


      1. prayingforoneday · ·

        Taking one for the team!!

        What a guy 😀



  43. […] so, John W. Howell, now you know why I have replaced my avatar. As glamourous as Miss Handbasket might have been, the […]


  44. Figured I’d stop by to say hi after seeing Cayman write such nice things about you. I can see why he’s so fond of you.
    Wishing you all good things,


    1. Thank you so much. That Cayman is a prince.


  45. Hi John,
    Just wanted to swing by and say a huge thank you for your support of The Paperbook Collective in 2013. It has been an honour to publish your incredible pieces, and to see what you come up with each month. It is always bound to be fantastic.
    It has been great getting to know you as a writer. I look forward to seeing more of your work in 2014!
    Happy holidays,


    1. Thank you so much. You are an inspiration given the energy and dedication you have to the project. Really like to be near this kind of influence.


    1. Nice. Marie you are the best


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