
About this blog – I established this blog to provide a forum for the free exchange of information and ideas on the subject of fiction favorites. The primary goal of this blog is to entertain the reader with short items daily. The week has the following structure:

Sunday is a View of the Neighborhood where I present some photos of my community that could be of interest.

Monday is Top Ten Things Not to Do.  A list of stuff that we should never do under the circumstance described.

Tuesday is for Anything Possible and usually is reserved for a story prompt from a fellow blogger named Keith Channing.

Wednesday Story Day is the continuation of a serial

Thursday is A Little Personal. I discuss an item that is personal to me.

Friday is a celebration of the end of the workweek and has a Haiku.

Saturday is a prompt from Linda Hill and is titled Stream of Consciousness Saturday.

I want to make clear that Fiction Favorites is a blog dedicated to humor. The stories are told in dialog without tags so that the reader can become part of the action. Not everyone can read these kinds of stories and appreciate them, but hopefully, you are one that can.

About the header picture – It changes from time to time.  It is currently an image of the front cover of my latest book Eternal Road – The final stop, which was launched on August  23rd, 2020. The image was created by Marcia Meara.

About your comments – They can be seen by clicking on the comment section of a particular subject.  Please feel free to leave a comment.  If you don’t want others to see it, please mark it private otherwise, I will assume it is okay to post.  I have also added a comments section on the front page so that the last five comments are visible. If you don’t see yours, please go to the individual post, and it should be there.

About John W Howell – I have been working in business for over forty years and now have the time to work in special areas of interest. My passion has always been to create compelling stories of fiction. I have authored five novels. The first novel is still in manuscript form and is a doorstop in the laundry room. The second is a fiction thriller novel titled My GRL and has been launched by Martin Sisters Publishing. I launched my third novel in October of 2105, titled His Revenge. My fourth is titled Our Justice and is available on Amazon. The fifth is in the editing stage and titled Circumstances of Childhood. I also write short stories and have had a number published. My short story Cold Night Out won an honorable mention in the Writers Digest Popular Fiction Contest. I dabble in poetry and have published a few. I am trying new forms and will sneak out of the dressing room and into the water once I think one is worth reading. I am primarily a Haiku fan. The one time I read a piece to a person, their only comment was, “it doesn’t rhyme.”

e-mail johnhowell.wave@gmail.com

I will continue to write, and hopefully, this blog will provide some entertainment and an interesting thought or two.

I live in Lakeway, Texas, with my wife Molly, and our spoiled rescue pets.



    1. Thank you Michael. I will try to be worthy.


  1. librarylady · · Reply

    My favorite fiction book would have to be Jane Eyre. By Charlotte Bronte. I actually wish I hadn’t read it, so I could have the pleasure of reading it for the first time again.
    One of my all time non fiction favs is “On the Street where I Live, by Alan J. Lerner. It’s an autobiograpical accoun of the famous Lerner and Low Broadway Musical team. The books takes you behind the scenes of such favorites as My Fair Lady, Camelot etc. Fascinating..


    1. Thank you for the comment. There are so many books I wish I had not read so I could experience them for the first time. This is an interesting subject for a post. Thanks


  2. Too encumbered to volunteer, John, but have done some tweets and facebook LAUNCH notes for your book. You can send me links to copy/paste and tweet. My best wishes.


    1. Billy you are the best. here is a short link to the Amazon book site http://goo.gl/3bgc0E


  3. Hi,

    I have nominated you for the Sunshine Award. If you wish to accept, then visit this link to receive it 🙂

    SUNSHINE AWARD: Nomination by Don Charisma



    1. Yes thank you. I see when I can fit the acceptance in.


  4. what a stunning skiline! thanks for sharing


    1. Yes it is. I take a new picture every ten days or so. Thanks for the comment


  5. Just discovered this blog. Cool stuff.


    1. Thank you very much. Come back.


  6. […] “I never had a photo taken of me naked. The world is a better place as a result.” John W. Howell […]


  7. Enjoyable blog, John. Following you on twitter and here. My blog, http://thefinalcurtain1.wordpress.com has a new ‘short fiction’ post this week: “Snow, Solitude, and Sadness.” Hope you can visit and enjoy it. My best wishes.


    1. Thanks I’ll pop over and have a look.


  8. […] for your reading pleasure.  It includes writing by yours truly (big smile) and the very talented John W. Howell (bigger smile).  Click your way to the issue via the link in this post and […]


  9. Richard Buchanan · · Reply

    Poem – Daddy’s Little Girl

    A season of troubles,
    A season of fears.
    I wasn’t prepared,
    For what happened those years.

    I think it began,
    With the move from the North.
    Best friend left behind,
    Start new in Ft. Worth.

    A school full of strangers,
    She entered ninth grade.
    From pressures and hormones,
    She started to fade.

    Her chums are now different,
    Her countenance changed.
    Her moods become darker,
    Her life’s rearranged.

    With cuts on her skin,
    With arms burned and gashed.
    Worst nightmare upon me,
    Her wrist had been slashed.

    Sure there were doctors,
    And plenty of pills.
    But progress escaped us,
    My thoughts gave me chills.

    So I took her away,
    To a home to get cured.
    Their program seemed worthy,
    And hope reassured.

    But deeper in trouble,
    This young girl did slide.
    I never imagined,
    She’d get pregnant inside.

    She came home with problems,
    Way over her head.
    One day at a time,
    Each day full of dread,

    But after a while,
    The baby was born.
    He displaced all her troubles,
    Her fear, and self-scorn.

    Like the Phoenix arising,
    From ashes anew.
    This new life gave hope,
    And dreams to cling to.

    I wish I could say,
    That all will be well.
    While some things are better,
    No cure I’ll foretell.


    1. Nice stuff Richard. Thanks


  10. […] fun thing I do on my blog.  It’s actually the one constant thing (aside from my Mondays with John) that gives meaning to my […]


    1. Thank you for the award. I really need to get these done. Gonna see what can be done.


  11. Thank you for following my blog. And, thanks for all the good advice you provide here! (My husband also says poetry is only poetry if it rhymes!)


  12. Good morning – (well it is here in Wales)

    I have just found your blog and wanted to say how much I enjoyed reading it. I also love your header photograph. The colours are just beautiful, thank you for sharing, it has provided a great start to my day.



    1. Dee, Thank you so much. I have always had a fondness for Wales since my family got its start there. I have never visited, but hope to one day. Thanks again. Come back when you can.


      1. You are welcome, hope you make it back here one day. I’m following now and look forward to reading and learning.


  13. Fellow blogger, congratulations!
    I nominated you for the Dragon’s Loyalty Award.
    For more details, please check http://createthissimple.wordpress.com/2014/05/12/dragon-loyalty-awards/


  14. I’ve nominated you for some awards. If you choose to accept them, you’ll find them here:- http://africolonialstories.wordpress.com/2014/05/16/award-time/


    1. Thanks Jo. Very nice of you. I have retired my award cabinet, but I truly appreciate the thought. Thank you for thinking of me.

      On Fri, May 16, 2014 at 5:49 AM, Fiction Favorites wrote:



  15. Mary & Bruce Reading · · Reply

    Hello John from Perth Western Australia, my husband is trying to rewire his project 1978 FJ40 but we cannot find a manual for love nor money. We are desperate for a copy of the wiring that you have achieved. Are you able to help?
    Mary & Bruce Reading
    Greenwood West Oz


    1. Yes. Go to Haynes website linked here. They have a complete repair manual for the 1978 FJ40 including wiring diagram. http://www.haynes.com/products/productID/309. It is on sale now for $19.95 US. Unfortunately I sold my FJ just two weeks ago. There was an eager young man who loved it and I couldn’t resist. Sadly I have really no time to continue the restoration so off it went..


  16. Shery Alexander Heinis · · Reply

    Hi John – I came across your blog via the editor’s journal. Kudos to you for achieving the feat of writing 3 novels and actually becoming a published author. I love short stories, but am primarily writing poetry for now. I look forward to visiting your blog and finding out more about your writings.


    1. Thank you so much for stopping by. I love poetry as well. I have only written a few things and am doing a Haiku each Friday. The regular poets who know what they are doing call mine JohnKu’s. Please come back.


      1. Shery Alexander Heinis · ·

        Will do 🙂


  17. Hi John… Friday Fictioneers is where I met Susie. She quit after a while to go a different direction with her blog and to write a book. It’s a good group with some fine writers. Unfortunately time is the big factor, as not only do you write a story, but you kind of have to read the others too… at least the ones who read yours. I do it now when the photo prompt really prompts me, rather than try to grind something out. I also participate at yeahwrite.com. But you should check FF out… http://rochellewisofffields.wordpress.com/2014/06/18/18-june-2014-summer-rerun/


    1. Thank you for the information

      Sent from my iPhone



  18. Hi John! Just tuned in from around the Internet and gave you a follow. If you’d like to return the favor, come visit me at http://www.thatssojacob.wordpress.com and join the fun. Have a great day!


  19. I find it nearly impossible to have a favorite, as that spot is a constantly shifting space and the world–thank heavens–is filled with wonderfully talented writers that compete for that position. That said, I’m looking forward to reading many of your words, John. Thus far they’ve been a pure delight!


  20. Hi John 🙂 I read a couple of the reviews of ‘My Girl’ and it sounds like you have a winner. More importantly, you’re enjoying what you do. Best wishes to you and ‘the missus’.


    1. Thank you so much Jo


  21. […] and is an accomplished author. When I grow up I want to be like John! Please check out his blog, “Fiction Favorites.” He has a new book out called, “My Grl,” which is available through […]


  22. Joshua M Swenson · · Reply

    Cool blog! Excited to see more!


    1. Thank you so much. Come back anytime.

      Liked by 1 person

  23. Great blog you have here John. Happy I came across it. Have enjoyed reading about you, your blog and the great things you are doing. Let the light keep shining. The world needs it.


    1. Thank you. I really like the seven D’s. It is an interesting point that success is a matter of the first, desire. I can’t imagine anyone waiting for success to come to them. Like anything worthwhile, it is a matter of desire and then hard work. Thank you for following my blog and for the visit.


  24. Happy New Year to you, Molly, and the four-footed family. Hugs.


    1. Thank you so much. Happy New Year to you as well. I hope 2015 is the best for you.


  25. Hi John. I’m still chuckling about “The first novel is still in manuscript form and being utilized as a door stop in the laundry room.” That’s better than me. I accidentally threw mine away (downsizing after the move to DC)… three of them.

    Looking forward to reading more of your stories. Hugs!


    1. You are brave in tossing. I guess in the back of my mind I think there may be some use. For right now it is a perfect door stop. Happy 2015


  26. Nice to meet you. I’m impressed with your blog and your determination to continue writing your stories. Thanks for the inspirations.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thank you so much. It is nice meeting you as well. I popped over to your blog and enjoyed the visit. Thanks for stopping by.


      1. Come by any time! You don’t even have to take your shoes off (but wiping your feet is appreciated, particularly when just in from the beach). :-0

        Liked by 1 person

  27. Pleased to meet you.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. And you as well.


  28. millisjess · · Reply

    Hi John,

    Do you accept guest posts? I love your blog and I decided to ask you. I’m a writer too! If yes – mail me on millis.jess@gmail.com . Thank you!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. yes I accept guest posts. What do you have in mind?


  29. […] John W. Howell gave us the very first set of “things” to guide the plot of this pantser serial.  Happily later he sent a second set of three, which I’ve held in reserve. […]

    Liked by 1 person

  30. […] about the same time that John W. Howell (Episode-17) sent me a second set of “three things,” so did another reader — Suzanne […]

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thanks for the mention Teagan. I’ll get to the episode this PM with a cup of Tea.


  31. […] John established his blog to provide a forum for the free exchange of information and ideas on the subject of fiction favorites. We all have preferred genres in fiction be it thriller, mystery, horror or romance and John is interested in finding out about stories that have inspired, entertained or even frightened readers enough so that the story or the lesson learned is remembered. He encourages readers to share their accounts of fictional stories that have had that type of impact on them when read.  https://johnwhowell.com/about/ […]

    Liked by 1 person

  32. Hello! I found your blog via a re-post of what not to do in case of a tropical story and enjoyed it. I will enjoy exploring yours.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thanks for stopping. Glad you liked it. I do write a lot on my blog about the Coastal Bend.


  33. Hi John! I just nominated you for the First Post Challenge. You can find the rules and stuff here: http://lindaghill.com/2015/07/26/three-years-later-my-first-post/ Have fun!


  34. John — I had no idea you had reviewed my novel (Atonement, Tennessee) on Amazon. (I try not to look at reviews, but you know how that goes. 🙂 ) Thank you so very much for taking time and trouble to post that review. Mega hugs!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. I loved the book and want more. Hugs to you.


  35. Hi John: it’s a small world. 😉 I saw your comment about Longhorns on Klausbernd and Dina’s website, only to find out that you live on Mustang Island. Port A is our favourite spot on the Texas Gulf Coast.
    Best regards from Fredericksburg in the beautiful Texas Hill Country,

    Liked by 1 person

  36. […] questionably “Sane” prompt is brought to you by John W. Howell at Fiction Favorites. Please click on the link to visit his blog, and follow him if you aren’t […]

    Liked by 1 person

  37. […] Today 10th  January  is  Sane. The  prompt  is  from  John W. Howell at Fiction Favorites […]

    Liked by 1 person

  38. […] prompt, “sane” comes to us courtesy of John W.Howell at Fiction […]

    Liked by 1 person

  39. […] John, at Fiction Favorites. John’s ‘Fifty-Two Views Of The Gulf’ series is like watching a silent movie. However, it always ends on a cliff-hanger and leaves me on the edge of my seat. That’s so cruel, John! However, I love what you write and where you live. […]

    Liked by 1 person

  40. […] John established his blog to provide a forum for the free exchange of information and ideas on the subject of fiction favorites. We all have preferred genres in fiction be it thriller, mystery, horror or romance and John is interested in finding out about stories that have inspired, entertained or even frightened readers enough so that the story or the lesson learned is remembered. He encourages readers to share their accounts of fictional stories that have had that type of impact on them when read. About John W. Howell […]

    Liked by 1 person

  41. Hello John, what a wonderful blog you have here and an impressive published collection of books.
    Many thanks for your recent visit to my blog and for the kind words you left there.
    Wishing you and your wife a beautiful day.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thank you so much, Sue. 😀

      Liked by 1 person

      1. You are most welcome and when I have caught up in my own blog world I will enjoy coming to explore some more.

        Liked by 1 person

  42. Victoria Cordero · · Reply

    So, we have been considering getting another dog. Mikey, our Chorgi, has been an only dog for the past couple of years. Before that, we always had at least one or two others around. Breed is not a factor. We’ve had assorted furbabies ranging from Chihuahuas to pitbulls. The plan is to take him to the shelter and pick out a rescue pup that he seems to be compatible with. NBD. We just want Mikey to have a companion while everyone is at work or school full time. Our rescue kitty, Maiju, isn’t the best companion for him.
    Last night our neighbors pup got out of her fenced in area. She’s about 6 months old, a beautiful husky-lab mix with a golden coat and ice blue eyes. Her name is Luna. We called the number on her tag, straight to full voicemail. No bueno. Knocked on their door, no answer. It was late. We saw her because we were taking out some last minute trash items. We weren’t sure if she went over the fence or got out some other way, so we didn’t want to leave her outside. What to do, what to do. We brought her home with us. Got a phone call from our neighbor after they’d gone to work today. No prob, we said. She can visit with us today, we said. She’s a sweetheart.
    Luna has also been a great help as far as deciding what our next adoption will be, breed wise.
    Probably another cat.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thanks for taking care of animals. Rescue is the only way to go. Thanks for the comment.


  43. […] else I admire John for is that he publishes one new blog post per day on his blog, Fiction Favorites. For me, it’s the perfect balance to blog without overwhelming your readers with too many […]


  44. […] All aboard my music time machine for the next part of an extract from my diary from 1988. Does playing with fire make a problem exciting? Continuing the story from 1988, with guest John W. Howell. […]

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Than you for the mention again, Hugh. 😀


  45. Hi John, you have a great collection of publication. I’ve seen you often and am glad to officially follow you. I love your blogging schedule. I used to do that but I’m not able to do that in the last 10 months because I visit my granddaughter once a month from southern CA to Portland, OR. I’m also working on my first poetry book, hopefully, will be out by the end of the year.

    Have a wonderful week!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thank you for the visit and nice words, Miriam.

      Liked by 1 person

  46. My greetings from Norfolk, John. 🙂
    Many thanks for following my blog, which is greatly appreciated.
    Best wishes, Pete.

    Liked by 1 person

Put your favorite fiction or non-fiction in writing. I would love to hear from you

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