Author John W. Howell

Photo by Tim Burdick - CopyJohn W. Howell

John turned to writing as a full-time occupation after an extensive career in business.  John writes thriller fiction novels and short stories. His story Cold Night Out won an honorable mention in Writers Digest Popular Fiction contest this year. He also won first place in the Kurt Vonnegut Kilgore Trout novel contest, celebrating Kurt Vonnegut as an author. His short story Never Give Inn was selected to be published in the Miracle E-zine fifth issue published in April of 2014.

John lives in Lakeway Texas with his wife Molly and their spoiled rescue pets.

Visit at Amazon.

His first novel is a fiction thriller titled My GRL and the following back cover blurb will give you an idea of what the story is about:

John J. Cannon successful San Francisco lawyer takes a leave of absence from the firm and buys a boat he
names My GRL. He is unaware that his newly purchased boat had already been targeted by a terrorist group. John’s first inkling of a problem is when he wakes up in the hospital where he learns he was found unconscious next to the dead body of the young woman who sold him the boat in the first place. Further, John now stands between the terrorists and the success of their mission.

The second continues the story of John J. Cannon’s struggles with the terrorist group out to destroy America. Here is the blurb.

America loves John Cannon, its newest hero, and the President wants to present him with the highest civilian medal for bravery for saving the Annapolis midshipman from a terrorist plot to destroy them. While in Washington for the award ceremony, John unwillingly becomes an accomplice in another plan by the same group to attack the credibility of the US President and the stability of the worldwide oil market. There is no way out as John either becomes a traitor to America or causes thousands of innocent people to die if he refuses.

The final book in the Trilogy is titled Our Justice where John must finally come to a decision about seeking justice from the one person who is hell-bent to destroy him and anyone John cares about deeply. Here is the blurb.

The terrorist leader and financier Matt Jacobs figured out a plan to eliminate the President. He is relying on John Cannon’s stature as a hero to help him carry it off. John finds himself walking the fine line of pretending to help Matt while trying to formulate a countermeasure to the plan.

The third book in the John J. Cannon Trilogy brings together two strong wills for a showdown. The question to be answered is who will feel the satisfaction that the achievement of justice delivers, John, Matt or neither?

John’s fourth book is titled Circumstances of Childhood and is a Family-life fiction.

When a former pro football star and broadcaster, now a Wall Street maven is accused of insider trading, will he be able to prove his innocence and expose those who are guilty?  

Greg and his boyhood pal dreamed of big success in professional football and then later in business. Greg was the only one to live the dream. Now the founder of an investment fund Greg is faced with a routine audit finding by the SEC. The audit points to irregularities and all the tracks lead to Greg. The justice department hits him with an indictment of 23 counts of fraud, money laundering, and insider trading. His firm goes bust, and Greg is on his own.

His best friend knows he is innocent but has been ordered under penalty of eternal damnation not to help.

If you enjoy stories of riches to rags, redemption, brotherly love, and a little of the paranormal, Circumstance of Childhood will keep you riveted.

The fifth book has been written in collaboration with award-winning author Gwen M. Plano. The title is The Contract between heaven and earth and is an inspirational thriller.

The earth is under the threat of a catastrophic political event which could result in international warfare and destroy all life on the planet. In heaven, a divine council decides that extraordinary measures are essential. They call for an intervention that involves two souls returning to earth. The chosen two sign a contract that they will work to avert the disaster.

Brad Channing, a Navy SEAL, and Sarah O’Brien, a teacher, become heaven’s representatives on earth. The story follows them as they individually and then together face overwhelming obstacles and eventually end up on a strategic Air Force base in California. It is there that they discover a conspiracy to assassinate the President of the United States. The terrorists have a plan for global dominance, and they are determined to complete their mission. Although military leadership appears to have the President’s best interests at heart, it is not clear who can be trusted and who should be feared. The action is rough and tumble as Brad and Sarah try to figure out the culprits of the plot that will turn into a worldwide conflagration unless stopped. 

If you enjoy thrillers, this is one with enough twists and adventure to keep you riveted and guessing. If you like your thriller along with a good romance, Brad and Sarah’s initial attraction and eventual love will sustain you as they live out their heavenly and earthly desires.

The Sixth book, Eternal Home – The final stop

James Wainwright picks up a hitchhiker and discovers two things 1. The woman he picks up is his childhood sweetheart, only Seventeen years older. 2. He is no longer of this world.

James began a road trip alone in his 1956 Oldsmobile. He stops for a hitchhiker only to discover she is his childhood sweetheart, Sam, who disappeared seventeen years before. James learns from Sam falling asleep miles back caused him to perish in a one-car accident. He also comes to understand that Sam was taken and murdered all those years ago, and now she has come back to help him find his eternal home.

The pair visit a number of times and places and are witness to a number of historical events. The rules dictate that they do no harm to the time continuum. Trying to be careful, they inadvertently come to the attention of Lucifer who would love to have their souls as his subjects. They also find a threat to human survival and desperately need to put in place the fix necessary to save mankind.

The question becomes, will James find his eternal home in grace or lose the battle with Satan for his immortal soul and the future of human life with it? If you like time-travel, adventure, mystery, justice, and the supernatural, this story is for you.

All of John’s books are published by Keewaydin Lane Books

John can be contacted by e-mail –


  1. nice to meet you, John, (offers hand, slightly crumby from aforementioned cookie.) … and the above blurb from your book has captured my imagination already… Is it now in print? … Love thrillers, murder mysteries, although I never work out the twists, I leave that to the author and just sit back and enjoy the read/ride and build-up to the finish. .. I’m now off to Google and read up… xPenx


    1. I have a contract being negotiated right now. Should be done next week. I really don’t know the publish date yet since I am not self publishing. Thanks again for the visit.


  2. John…enjoyed reading the bio and seeing you again even if it is in picture format. You can be sure that I’ll be picking up a copy of your novel at the first opportunity and will cherish it as a very special article of “memory history” for me. JimR


    1. I click on your link but I don’t get a site. Good to have you stop by. Let me know if you come up with a blog. Also you can visit the other posts.


  3. Congratulations on the honorable mention in the Writers Digest Popular Fiction contest. That’s huge! Also, it’s awesome that you’re in the process of a publishing contract for a novel. Great accomplishments! All the best for continued success in your writing career.


    1. Thank you so much for stopping. I published the story Cold Night Out in three parts last week


  4. I can’t believe I never read this! Congrats.


    1. Thanks. We shall see how it turns out.


      1. Honestly, it so inspirational to know of someone who is following their passion. Thank you!


      2. You are too kind. Passions are easy to follow once you have an idea of what they are. Sometimes we think something is a passion and then it only ends up as a dead end. Every day jobs tend to be that way. Shouldn’t be but are. Thanks for the comment and the visit.


  5. […] more at Fiction Favorites – and many thanks to John for joining the D/A Dialogues […]


    1. Any time. Thank you for having me.


  6. Hi,

    I have nominated you for the Sunshine Award. If you wish to accept, then visit this link to receive it 🙂

    SUNSHINE AWARD: Nomination by Don Charisma



    1. Thank you for the award. I will try to be worthy.


  7. […] Thank you so much for taking the spotlight and for sharing some of your beautiful photographs, Jo. You and your lovely blog are never boring! Up next week is John Howell. […]


    1. Thanks for the pingback Jill


  8. […] are part of the ‘Monster Maker Fun’ week and they were ‘donated’ by John W. Howell.  Check out his blog and his book, ‘MY […]


  9. […] while back I wrote about how the kingdom of Serab works.  Well, John W. Howell asked another question about how the smaller governments work in Windemere, so I’m going to […]


  10. […] appear in Curse of the Dark Wind and are named after two fellow bloggers:  Pamela Beckford and John W. Howell.  This was done after my first Twubs chat in 2013 and they were the only two who showed up for […]


  11. Do you have a way to email you privately (about our February Writers Month)?


  12. Kudos on your wonderful accomplishments, John. MY GRL is downloaded to my kindle and I’m sure looking forward to the read. Happy reading and writing! 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thank you Bette. 🙂


  13. Hi John thanks for your comment on my blog
    I would love to interview you for my blog
    If your up for it please email me at

    Liked by 1 person

    1. I would LOVE to do an interview. I sent you an e-mail.

      Liked by 1 person

  14. […] like to nominate: Ronovan Writes, Lisa Morrow Books, Pearls Before Swine, Teagan’s Books, John W. Howell, Thoughts By Mello-Ello, and last, by not least, Melissa […]

    Liked by 1 person

  15. Hello again! Since you were on the left side of Tropical Storm Bill, I thought you might live near me. Now I see you live on Mustang Island – I live in Portland on the bluff. Stay safe this hurricane season.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. I was through Portland last Saturday trying to get from Rockport home. Hour ferry wait


  16. Thanks for stopping by my blog and taking time to follow. I will enjoy checking out your fiction – especially “My Girl.”


    1. My GRL starts in Port Aransas


  17. Hi John, just wondering if you advertise fiction in blog form, as well as published hard copy authors.
    I have no immediate plans or opportunity to actually publish anything in book form, but I’m interested in having more people see my fiction work, (the fiction blogs I write very rarely get anywhere near as many hits as the random nonsense i post the rest of the time) as I get some very positive feedback from them (including, very generously, from yourself, for which I’m eternally grateful) but don’t have the confidence to even think about having them published and I’d like to get a more professional take on them.
    If you have any advice, guidance or suggestions I would appreciate it, thanks.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Dale. I think you should Ask some writers to give you a read and critique. This can be done on your blog. Also, joining an on-line writers group might be helpful. One thing I notice is when I write flash fiction the hits go up so I try to keep my fiction to 400 words or less.

      Liked by 1 person

      1. Thanks John, that’s all very helpful.


  18. It’s a small world: I saw your comment about the Longhorns on Klausbernd and Dina’s website, only to find out that you live on Mustang Island. Port Aransas is our favourite spot on the Gulf Coast.
    Best regards from Fredericksburg in the Texas Hill Country,

    Liked by 1 person

  19. Hi John: it’s a small world. 😉 I saw your comment about Longhorns on Klausbernd and Dina’s website, only to find out that you live on Mustang Island. Port A is our favourite spot on the Texas Gulf Coast.
    Best regards from Fredericksburg in the beautiful Texas Hill Country,

    Liked by 1 person

  20. […] I am bubbling with literary excitement as author and blogger John W. Howell has agreed to let me interview him. John is the author of the John Cannon Thriller Trilogy and he […]

    Liked by 1 person

  21. […] here to talk about the latest books in their series. Click here and here for series […]


    1. The John Howell here is not me. I’m at


  22. Good day John! Hope this finds you well. Just thought I’d drop by and say ‘hi’ and leave you this link, thought you might recognize a name/link or two 😉
    Hope the weekend treats you kindly. 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thank you, Donna. I made the visit yesterday and thank you.


  23. Tom O. · · Reply

    Hi John,
    It’s been a while. I just finished reading Our Justice. Very well done. Great imagination! I loved it. As good as or better than the first two. Anyway, Char and I are getting along. A few issues, but 70 will do that to you. Hope you and family are well. KEEP WRITING. Tom O. Chicago

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thank you for writing, Tom So glad you like the book. Next one is in September. Glad you are doing well.


  24. Hey John,
    I wanted to let you know that I finished “The Contract” and loved it. What a great story and well-written by both you and Gwen. I also plan to write a review on Amazon within the next couple of weeks. So, I’ll let you know when it’s posted. Congrats again, and I hope sales have been good, too!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thank you, Lauren. I’ll look forward to your review and am pleased you liked the book.

      Liked by 1 person

  25. […] gentleman in the truest sense of the word, you will never be sorry if you visit his blog and books.  His latest book, The Contract (Between Heaven and Earth)  is co-authored with Gwen M. Plano […]

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thank you so much, Donna. Beautiful review.


  26. karenringalls · · Reply

    John, I do not know if this is the best place to say “Thank You” for the gift card from the Conference & Book Expo. I do appreciate it and will definitely use it to buy more books!. Many thanks.


    1. This is a perfect place to let me know you got the card. Thank you, Karen for letting me know.


  27. […] people that embracing the emptiness of the dark is never the answer. So please welcome the amazing John W. Howell to the countdown, won’t […]

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thank you for the opportunity to visit your place, Hook


  28. […] John’s profile page:  John writes thriller fiction novels and short stories. His story Cold Night Out won an honorable […]

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thank you again, Rob.


  29. […] and blogger John W. Howell left me a question on a recent post. He asked me how he could switch to the new Gutenberg editor. I […]

    Liked by 1 person

  30. Hello, i got some questions for you. Have you ever lived in NY? And if so it was around 1973? I’m asking this because there is a book in spanish about a writer (Julio Cortazar), who received a letter from one John Howell, writer, describing a coincidence between a story by Julio Cortazar and something that happened to John. The story is titled “Instructions for John Howell”

    Liked by 1 person

    1. I didn’t begin writing until 2012. Yes, I had an apartment in NYC but it was in the early 90’s. I think this may be a different John Howell. Thanks. 😊


  31. […] blogger/author and true gentleman, John W. Howell – I just finished “Eternal Road: The Final […]


    1. Thank you for the lovely review, Mark.


    1. Thank you for this terrific review, Mark. It warmed my heart today.


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