Tag Archives: prompt

Tuesday – Anything Possible – Kreative Kue #139 By Keith Channing

In Keith’s words. “Using this photo as inspiration, write a short story, flash fiction, scene, poem; anything, really; even just a caption for the photograph. Either put it (or a link to it) in a comment or email it to me at keith@channing.info before 6pm next Sunday (if you aren’t sure what the time is where […]

Stream of Consciousness Saturday – Prompt “Mem”

  It is Stream of Consciousness Saturday time again. This week’s prompt is “Mem.” If you would like to join in the fun, hop over to Linda Hill’s place and check it out. Here is the link https://lindaghill.com/2016/11/11/the-friday-reminder-and-prompt-for-socs-nov-1216/ “Mem” by John W. Howell © 2016 “Try to remember that kind of September—” “What are you doing now?” […]

Community Story Board Prompt – Frost is and Does

Here is my interpretation of the Prompt ‘Frost”  created by Susan Nichols for the Community Story Board Old Man Frost by John W. Howell ©2013 I watched this old guy struggle with the heavy outer door and finally make it into the bank. He crossed the marble foyer and looked like he was going to end […]