Shameless Plug Time

Don Masenzio helps so many authors that it is time to plug his work. I join him in shamelessly plugging The Frank Rozzani Detective series.

Author Don Massenzio

I haven’t done a shameless plug in a while. While I enjoy blogging and try to keep my activity level pretty high, I am, first and foremost, an author.

I’ve put some time and effort into my book page, so why not direct you to it. Please look it over HERE if you’re so inclined.


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  1. Thanks so much John.

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Thanks for sharing, John. A great selection of books and I didn’t know Don also wrote non-fiction and had a children’s book.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. He is very talented. Thanks Robbie. 🙂
