My GRL by John W. Howell

Great review by Teri Polen. Thank you so much Teri

Books and Such


My GRL is the story of John J. Cannon, successful San Francisco lawyer, who takes a well-deserved leave of absence from his firm. He travels to a small Texas fishing town and buys a boat, unaware that his new purchase, renamed My GRL, had already been targeted by a terrorist group. John’s first inkling of a 20488718problem is when he wakes up in the hospital. He learns he was found unconscious next to the dead body of the attractive young woman who sold him the boat in the first place. John now stands between the terrorists and the success of their mission. –

I’ve had this book in my TBR pile since it was released, so when I saw it was part of Rosie’s Review Challenge, I knew now was a perfect time to read it.

I wouldn’t say that I judge a book by its cover (literally), but covers…

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  1. You’re welcome, John – had a great time reading it!


  2. Hi John, I just bought a copy of ‘My GRL’ and will post reviews on amazon and goodreads when I finish reading it. Regards.


    1. Thank you so much. I appreciate it. I am two behind but am really intrigued with The First Madam President (and the dirty bombs) so that is next on my TBR
