Look Who’s On the Shelf with Nonnie Jules-#RRBC

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One of the more enjoyable parts of being a member of the Rave Reviews Book Club is the opportunity to interact with the founder, president and terrific person Nonnie Jules. Nonnie has a regular feature for those chosen as a Spotlight Author named “WHO’S ON THE SHELF?” w/yours truly, NONNIE JULES (In-depth Interview) The shelf of course, is for books, but some room is made for the author and Nonnie to have a chat. This chat takes a number of twists and turn and is always entertaining. Please visit and see what I mean.

I am very honored to appear on the shelf and thank you Nonnie for the interview.


  1. Great interview, John.


  2. Way to be EVERYWHERE, John! AND, to get to know him even better, watch us converse on *CHANGES* Episode 14: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLPbfKicwk4dFdeVSAY1tfhtjaEY_clmfq
    #Authors: Learn more about and get yourself on or, #readers, recommend someone to be scheduled as a guest: *CHANGES* G+ HOA http://sallyember.com/changes-videocasts-by-sally-ember-ed-d/


    1. Thanks again for the time Sally.

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