Guest author: John W. Howell – Head to head with John J. Cannon

Today I have the pleasure of a guest spot on Sue Vincent’s blog. Visit and take a look around. Sue also welcomes other writers to guest post as well. Thank you again, Sue

Sue Vincent's Daily Echo

Image: Pixabay

Interview with John W. Howell by John J. Cannon…

About John J. Cannon:

John J. Cannon finished his undergraduate work at Stanford University and earned a law degree from Harvard. John became a litigation attorney who has been practicing for over ten years. A vacation lead him to discover the desire to try his hand at becoming a charter boat captain. He bought a boat he named My GRL and enrolled in a course to secure his papers. John was awarded the highest civilian award for service to the United States for his work in preventing an attack on America.  He is married and has one child and now lives on Mustang island where he operates the Our Justice charter company.

Thank you, Sue.  I don’t often take time out to do interviews but the charter season must take some seasonal time off so it is wonderful to…

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  1. Thank you for coming over today, John (and John)… and thanks for the mention. I do indeed welcome guest posts 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Cool beans! Clicking over. Mega hugs.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. 🙂 Thanks, Teagan
