Tuesday – Anything Possible – Finger Point Prompt


As you may know, Keith Channing has taken the month of November to craft another Na-No-Wri-Mo 50,000 word novel. So again today I am promptless. GP Cox came up with a solution. He more or less said, “Why don’t you point a finger at a spot in a book and use that as a prompt.” He recalled a prompt on a Steam of Conscious Saturday where Linda Hill proscribed just that prompt method.

So thank you, GP Cox. Here it goes. I am opening Love in the Time of Cholera by Gabriel Garcia Marquez to page 135. Today’s prompt is the sentence, “She was furious for three reasons:” Here goes nothing.

Furious By John W. Howell © 2018

“I see you stomping your foot. What’s the matter?”

“You wouldn’t understand. It is one of those shopping things from which you seem to be immune.”

“Come on. I know it wasn’t me who made you angry, so let me help.”

“Do you know anything about dresses?”

“Um. I know when you look good in them.”

“Typical comment from the totally oblivious.”

“Okay you are mad, I get that. I guess I’ll just leave you to your mood.”

“Wait. I’m sorry. You are right. You didn’t have anything to do with the situation so I shouldn’t take it out on you.”

“Tell me what happened. Maybe it will make you feel better.”

“You should know that I’m furious for three reasons.”

“That is a beginning. What is reason one?”

“I ordered a new dress for the holiday party online for pickup.”

“Doesn’t sound too bad.”

“That is not a reason. I was giving you context. Here is reason one. I drove to the store and had to wait forty-five minutes until they found the dress.”

“That seems like a long time.”

“Duh. It was supposed to be in pick up.”

“Reason two.”

“I ordered a petite size, and the dress they gave me was a medium.”

“Uh oh. I’ve been in that bear trap myself.”

“Yeah until I banished you from clothes shopping.”

“How about reason three?”

“There were no petite sizes in the dress I wanted. It was on sale and a bargain.”

“When you ordered it did they say the size was in stock.”

“Of course they did, or I wouldn’t have been able to order it.”

“Did you speak to a manager?”

“I did.”

“What happened?”

“I got a refund.”

“Well, it all turned out then.”

“Except I lost out on a bargain, I wasted gas on the round trip, and I had to spend more money on another dress.”

“More money? How much more?”

“Two hundred dollars.”

“Well, do you like the dress?”

“Yes, I do.”

“Well seems like all is well that ends well.”

The other dress went with my shoes. I had to get new to go with this dress.”


“One Seventy-five.”

“Let’s sue.”




  1. Brilliant John and a conversation that has played out no doubt in millions of homes over the years.. My husband never quite got it when I said I had bought shoes or a handbag to match the fleck in my outfit!! Have pressed for later… loved it.. hugs

    Liked by 2 people

    1. Thank you so much for the reblog, Sally. I have witnessed the scene and glad I did the angst justice.


  2. Gwen Plano · ·

    Oh, the frustrations of shopping for a bargain! You’ve captured the emotional highs and lows exquisitely, John. 😀


  3. This is why I don’t buy clothes on line! Great job, John. It’s obvious you can relate to what we women go through! 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

    1. I have been a casual observer of the ritual.


  4. I told you that you had a talented finger! Who else could come up with a sentence like “She was furious for three reasons:” and then do such a great job with it!!

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    1. Thank you, GP. A super nice thing to say.

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  5. Shopping seems more complicated than I realize. Always thought it was grab, try on, and buy if it fits.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. You and I think alike.


  6. Hah! It’s really all about the shoes, you know… the dress is simply a ruse to need more shoes… not that I ever did such a thing…
    And shopping on-line is no batgain.

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    1. Ha haha. Thanks, Dale. I have always believed the shoes were the end game.

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      1. Yep – anything else is just material 😉

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      2. I can speak for myself. I loved getting new shoes. Now I am mostly flip flops but it was fun in the day.

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      3. I used to spend a fortune on shoes because, like she says in the movie “In Her Shoes”, ‘shoes always fit’… You go shopping for a dress or pants or whatever, can find nothing that doesn’t make you feel like a cow… come out with a pair of shoes!

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      4. I only bought one pair every couple of years but spent a ton on them.


      5. So they were good quality….

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      6. Smart. I have started shopping thus

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      7. One thing is quality doesn’t usually wear out.

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      8. Now that is the truth, right there.

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      9. Plus you can put on new soles and heels.

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      10. Added bonus – if you really, REALLY like those shoes…

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      11. I have one pair of shoes that I have had for fourty years. They were the first pair of really expensive shoes I bought.

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      12. Wow! How many new soles have they received in their lifetime?

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      13. Only two. The shoes became like collectors items.

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      14. They’ll come to you for vintage shoes for some movie one day! 🙂

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      15. Can’t have em. They go with me in the shake and baker.

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      16. As they should!


  7. You know the next thing is the cute little purse that matches those shoes. I think we can get this easily up to him being furious for 3-5 reasons, John. Great job with the GPrompt.

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  8. […] via Tuesday – Anything Possible – Finger Point Prompt […]


  9. Haha, John, I think you wrote this story about me. I believe if the shoe fits buy it in all colours.

    Liked by 2 people

    1. Ha haha. I like that concept, Robbie.


  10. I’m with Robbie on the shoes. A woman can never have enough. Of course, then there’s all the other accessorizing too . . . 🙂

    You are so talented with prompts,John. Loved the ending. Thanks for today’s entertainment!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. I love it when you enjoy my stuff, Mae. Thanks for letting me know.

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  11. Love it, John. It’s horribly true to life 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thak you so much, Mary. I’m glad you enjoyed it. Yes life like I’m afraid.

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  12. ME: “Hey, that’s bait and switch!”
    HER: “Yeah, but it works so good.”

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Ha haha. One person’s bunko scam is another’s new opportunity.


  13. D.L Finn, Author · ·

    Which is why I never do in store pick up…lol. good one John and a very expensive trip.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Yes. I just did a store pick up today and it worked out. I was amazed.

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  14. First of all, I was blown away that the book you chose to open was “Love in the Time of Cholera.” I recently interviewed Michael Martin Murphy for the magazine, and he talked extensively about this book. He said he carries it with him on trips and has read it multiple times. I ordered it but have not read it yet. I think this is a sign. 🙂 Loved your take on the prompt. I agree. Let’s sue!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Ha ha ha. Yes, a must read for sure.

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  15. Very realistic discussion today.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Ha haha. Slice of life.

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  16. Shopping. Sigh. I’m not a fan. Your story, yes, but shopping, no.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. I’m with you and a lot of folks it seems.

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  17. I loathe shopping. I head into the store with a clear view of exactly what I’ll purchase. If I haven’t achieved that within ten-minutes I’m outta there. Insightful post, John.😊

    Liked by 1 person

    1. I’m with you, Soooz.


  18. Love it! ❤ Must share… xo

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thank you, Bette.

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  19. Lol, good job on one of my favorite past times 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Ha ha ha. Thank you, Debby.

      Liked by 1 person

      1. Welcome John 🙂

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  20. Now that was really funny… except if it happens to you… which always seems to happen.😀

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Yes it does. Thanks, Jennie.

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      1. You’re welcome, John.

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  21. I’m surprised there is no mention of a new handbag and a new hairdo, John, but who knows how this story went on to end up. 😀 It did one thing, and that was to make me laugh. I can see this happening up and down the country a lot.
    Thanks for the laughs.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. I’m glad I got you to laugh, Hugh. You Welshmen need that once in a while.

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      1. Too right we do, John, especially with what’s going in this country with Brexit and the weather 😂

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      2. My father’s side came from Wales in the 1830’s. My mother’s side from Scotland in the 1920’s so my roots are with you.

        Liked by 1 person

      3. Great to know that some of your roots are here in Wales, John.


  22. Buahahaha!

    THAT is the line, and with good reason!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Yes. In some minds, the best reasons.

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