Friday JohnKu – AKA- TGIF


“It’s Friday, Boss.”
“Yeah, time for pizza.”

Friday has arrived as it does each week typically. The prospect of spending a couple of days catching our breath makes Friday a particular day. I used to call it Saturday eve when I was a prisoner of organized commerce. Friday was the day to put on casual clothes and take a little extra time at lunch. Friday was also the day when company re-organizations would take place and thus became a “day of the long knives.” Even if this were the case, Friday was also the day the eagle pooped. Yeah, payday. Payday was a cause to stop after work for a couple of drinks and to celebrate making it another week, bi-week or in the old days, month.

I once asked one of my co-workers if he would like to stop after work for a couple of drinks. He said, “If I can only have a couple, then no.” He was one of those funny guys that every office has on hand.

This week was more editing on the WIP. As I was working, it became apparent to me that my deadline was in serious jeopardy. I had planned to have the MS into my editor’s hands by early November. This would have included beta reader input.

I find that my second draft is taking me longer.  I did beg my editor for more time since I hate to send her an MS that isn’t as complete as I can make it. The beta read part of that is essential. If I sent it without input from beta readers, then there would be a chance of another rewrite, which would then be a waste of the editor’s time. So I pushed the launch and will be ready to solicit beta readers shortly.  (My editor is an angel)  If you would like to read the book, I will be posting an invitation separately.

Today’s JohnKu celebrates the weekend. I hope you have a good one.

Weekend by John W. Howell © 2019

It was a hard one,

Now that the week is over. . .

Time to celebrate.


  1. I love your thoughts on Friday, John. Friday is a day that I always leave work early to spend the afternoon with my mother, so it’s always a great day for me. Glad to hear your editor was able to work with you. Happy Friday!

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    1. Thank you, Jill. Enjoy your time with mom. 😊

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      1. Thanks, John. We had a wonderful time. She is just the sweetest! ❤

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  2. Long life the Week-end! Great recollections! What pretty co-workers (Lucy & Twiggy) make your Friday! Have a nice week-end! 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Yes. Being surrounded by beautiful women makes life a joy. Thanks, Maria.

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  3. Sorry about the deadline. I’ve been there plenty of times.

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    1. It will be okay. I was just worried about the editor’s​ timetable. Thanks, Charles.


  4. Down here, the week will be over when the Astros clinch game 5 tonight. We don’t want any editing to the storyline people have bought into!

    Liked by 2 people

    1. There you go. Go Astros. Thanks​, Linda.


  5. Fridays have a special magic to them unlike any other day of the week. A little over a year ago I cut my work week down to 30 hours and now I get to enjoy every Friday off. I love having a three day weekend, and now my Thursdays feel like my Fridays used to, LOL.

    Deadlines are good, but I agree that making the book as perfect as can be before you send it to your editor is the better approach. Happy tweaking! 🙂

    Liked by 2 people

    1. Thank you, Mae. A three day weekend plus a Thursday-like Friday is very special. 😁

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  6. Gwen M. Plano · ·

    I hope you can truly celebrate, John. Your pups are waiting for the fun to begin. 🙂 Have a great weekend!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. I hope you have a great one as well. Thanks, Gwen.

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  7. “If I can only have a couple, no” is the perfect answer.

    Here’s to Friday, coming through for us. Again . . .

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    1. Yes. Cheers to you Friday. Thanks, Marc.

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  8. Sometimes we give ourselves deadlines that are attainable and other times, not so much. Glad your editor is understanding.
    Long live Fridays! Even though I have spent the last four years working weekends, that Friday feeling never does go away…

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Amen to the Friday feeling, Dale. Thanks.

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      1. Amen and…. CHEERS! 🍻

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  9. The eagle lands today! Woo-hoo! Or in my case, the hummingbird, but I’m still glad to see him. I love that “Day of the long knives” line. Have a great weekend.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Hahahaha Thanks, Craig. You as well.

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  10. When I look at pictures of your dogs I’m getting feeling they never rest …always on the move or up to something 😂😂👻👻
    Deadlines are not Rays friends either 😅😅🤬😱

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    1. They move a lot but rest a lot too. I don’t know who is friends with deadlines. 😳

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      1. Some people are always on time….with everything lol I had a friend (childhood) like this…

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      2. I know. We hate that. 😊

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      3. Haha 😂 yessss

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  11. Hello, John! I like your festive Johnku. We’re in the same boat, my friend. I just got the feedback from my beta readers this week, so I’ll be starting my 3rd round of edits tomorrow. I had to push my launch day as well. My editor’s an angel too. 😉 xo Happy editing!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thank you, Vashti.

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  12. Your memories of Fridays in the workforce hit home. Everyone would breathe a sigh of relief when each one rolled around. Love the JohnKu!

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  13. On Fridays the Romantic offers his lips to the Tumblers of Nectar’s Flow –
    with a sweet sweep of soul onward to the glory of Love’s luscious Glow! (BRC)

    Liked by 1 person

    1. There you go. (JWH)


  14. Finally, Friday! Or Friday finally!! I’m thrilled it’s Friday. I’m glad you have a sweetheart for an editor because Life happens. Have a great weekend, John! ❤️

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    1. Friday for all. Thanks, Marie.

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  15. The best laid plans, right? You were smart to take your time. As an editor, I can attest too many writers rush the process, and no one wins then.

    Happy weekend.

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  16. My work colleagues all went out for lunch today, John, and I had to stay behind and work. SIGH!

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    1. Bummer. Did they bring you back somrthing?

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  17. I have confidence in you, John. I know you’ll make the deadline and the book will be spectacular!!

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  18. The Johnku is lovely and quite apt. It really has been a hard week. Congrats on the progress with your WIP. Even if you’re asking for a delay, you’ve still made progress. Plus, the overall process will be faster in the long run. TGIF hugs!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thank you, Teagan.


  19. Saturday eve is now a part of my vocabulary. Have a great weekend, John!

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  20. You’ve certainly earned your margarita, John.

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  21. I hear you about Fridays, time to relax the work pressure and slide on into the weekend!

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    1. Thank you, Traci.

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      1. You’re welcome, John!


  22. I love your Friday stories. Thank goodness you have an angel editor. If it were smooth and easy, everyone would/could be a good writer. Hang in there!

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  23. hope you had a good weekend!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Always good. Thanks, Jim

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