The Knuckleheads Tour with Dan Antion #Newbook


Today I am very excited to welcome Dan Antion to Fiction Favorites. Dan is a blogging buddy with one of the most successful blogs, No Facilities. He also chairs the Thursday Door Prompt and has been very supportive of fellow writers and bloggers. His posts are always filled with fascinating photos and stories and are always worth a visit. Now Dan has taken his writing talent in a new direction. He has written three books and is in the process of launching the first. This is where I come in. I invited Dan to talk about the first titled Knuckleheads. I am just now reading it and can say it is entertaining. So here’s Dan to tell you all about it.

We are wrapping up the launch tour of Knuckleheads, my debut novel and the first book in the Dreamer’s Alliance series. I can’t think of a better place to end this tour than John Howell’s blog. I have been coming here for years; I read everything that John posts and I’ve never been disappointed.

Batting in the clean-up position, I asked John if there were any questions that I hadn’t already answered. Amazingly, there was one that shocked me:

“I think I would like to know what caused you to embark on writing novels. You have been an active blogger, and then you decided to sit down and write three books. These were done without a lot of fanfare, and I’m curious as to what was the trigger that made you write them?”

That’s a great question, John.

I have wanted to write a novel since I was in fifth grade. I even tried when I was in my twenties, but that’s a tragic story. Blogging gave me a chance to write and be seen/read. I started with a technical blog. I always included a small story in those posts. One day I realized other people liked those stories, and I liked writing them better than the technical stuff.

When I began blogging at No Facilities, I bounced around, but my goal was to become a better writer and to try writing something besides speeches, Annual Reports, the Company Brochure, and PowerPoint slides for myself and others to present.

I was still hoping to be able to write a longer story, but I simply couldn’t find the time while I was still employed. Cheryl Pennington encouraged me to use my Saturday bar post as a place to practice writing fiction. John may not remember this, but he encouraged me to work at writing better dialog. Suddenly, I found that I was having to inform and remind people that those posts are fiction – as is John Howell’s Bourbon.

The story that is Book 2 in the series was the story I wanted to tell. It was an idea that I had been toying with for years – a story about the power of thought – a topic in which I am interested. I retired in November 2019, and I started writing that story in February 2020.

While writing that novel, I reached a point where I was about to start including some of that fanfare you spoke of in my blog posts. Then I realized that there was a follow-up story – a sequel. That’s also when the backstory became important. When I was struggling with how to work the backstory into the book, Teagan Geneviene suggested writing it as a separate story. Suddenly, despite not knowing anything about writing one book, I had a trilogy in progress.

I’ll be honest. I backed away from the fanfare at that point because I wasn’t sure I could do this, and I had no idea how long it would take. People advised me not to publish any book in the series until they were all complete. That was good advice, but they weren’t all complete until early this spring.

I like the three stories I’ve written. Beta readers like the stories. I’m calling this the Dreamer’s Alliance series because there is at least one more story after that sequel. There also might be a story that precedes Knuckleheads – a bit of an origin story. Those are goals for 2023. Maybe I’ll offer some fanfare about those.

Thanks again for inviting me to spend some time at your place, John, and thanks for encouraging me and for sharing your name with David’s favorite bourbon.

Series Blurb

The Dreamer’s Alliance series chronicles the challenges and dangers faced by two men who have been gifted with paranormal abilities. From their struggles to understand and control these powers through their battle with the attempts of corrupt authorities to exploit them.

Knuckleheads Blurb

Zach and Billy didn’t ask for the paranormal powers that were beyond their capacity to understand or control. Zach, interacting with his lucid dreams, and Billy, “gifted “with shadowy glimpses of the future struggle to make sense of the world around them. Adults in authority in the nineteen sixties have no time for what they consider mental outliers of the baby boom. The boys are institutionalized, marginalized, and ignored.  Zach’s father learns of the challenges they face as children and knows the dangers they will face as adults. With no way to comprehend how these boys perceive and move within their world, he must find a way to guide them.

Knuckleheads Links

The universal purchase links are embedded in the text below, but if they don’t work, the URL is below each one.

Knuckleheads Kindle Edition

Knuckleheads Paperback

Author page:

Author Bio

Dan Antion was born outside of Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. He grew up and attended college in the area around western Pennsylvania. Dan has written and published the popular No Facilities blog since 2011. A lifelong interest in writing became a reality after he retired from a successful 42-year-long career in information management.

Knuckleheads, published in June 2022, is the first book in the Dreamer’s Alliance Series. This story introduces the main characters in this series, which the next two books will follow in late summer and early winter 2022.

Dan lives in Connecticut with his wife, a few pets, and all the wildlife they can feed.





  1. Huge congratulations, Dan, on launching your first book! Wishing you every success! Knuckleheads sounds like a fun read! Thanks for sharing, John. Hugs 💕🙂

    Liked by 2 people

    1. Thanks Harmony. This has been an exciting and scary experience, but I’ve been overwhelmed by the support . I am thrilled to be here on John’s blog. He’s been a supporter for a long time, and I really appreciate his help.

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      1. It is so scary hitting that publish button! 💖

        Liked by 2 people

      2. It felt like placing the top card on a house of cards.

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      3. Or the first step on a tightrope. (no net)

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    2. Thanks for the support, Harmony.

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  2. Reblogged this on No Facilities and commented:
    Today I am a guest at John Howell’s blog. This is the final stop on the official tour to launch Knuckleheads, and I am proud to be in Texas with John, The Producer, Lucy and Twiggy. Comments will be closed here, but I’ll be following John’s post.

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  3. […] The Knuckleheads Tour with Dan Antion #Newbook […]

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    1. Thank you, Charles. 😊


    2. Thank you so much, Charles.

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  4. What a great place to wrap up the launching tour! Thanks for sharing that with us, Dan and for asking such a great question, John!
    I wishing you great success with this series and book launch, Dan!

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    1. I thought I had answered all the hard questions, Deborah. Then John tossed this one at me. I am overwhelmed by the support from this community, and I am happy for the final stop to be here at John’s place.

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      1. The author community is a great place, Dan. Glad to have you part of it now.

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      2. Thanks John. That’s nice to hear.

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      3. You answered it very well, very well indeed!

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    2. Thank you, Deborah. 😁

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      1. You’re welcome! 😀

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  5. John and Dan – are you both a couple of very fine gentlemen. You always do your best with your own talent, while helping others with theirs. Well done!

    Liked by 2 people

    1. Thanks so much for that comment, GP. I am honored to be here on John’s blog for “The Final Stop” on my tour – sorry, John, I couldn’t resist.

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      1. Ha ha ha. Good one, Dan

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    2. Thank you, GP. 😊

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  6. I have almost finished reading Book 1–it was hard to put it down once I started it. It was fun to follow the shenanigans of the primary duo as they navigate the world of colorful adult characters against the backdrop of the events and practices of the 1960’s. When do we get to see the other books? It is so cool to hear about the backstory for such a big undertaking. I have read lots of Dan’s blog postings and it is usually easy to see what prompted them (like crazy drivers, stupid policies, or tone-deaf companies). This has obviously been percolating for quite some time. Congrats, Dan, on the first novel of what will undoubtedly be a long series–you don’t seem capable of sitting still during “retirement.”

    Liked by 2 people

    1. Thanks for your comments, Mike.


    2. I’m glad you’re enjoying the book, Mike. If editing goes according to plan (I should slap myself for writing that), The second book in the series will be out in late August. I am enjoying retirement, and writing these three books was good fun, especially in the early days of the pandemic.

      I’m glad John asked about the story behind the series. He’s been a great host.

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  7. I love these author tales. It was a great question, and interesting answer.

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    1. Thank you, Craig. 😊

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    2. Thanks Craig. John wrapped up the tour with a hard question. Well, one I hadn’t considered. It was fun to share the answer and it’s great to appear on his blog.

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  8. Congrats Dan! Greatly eat achievement 👍🏼

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    1. Thank you, Teresa. 😁

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    2. Thank you so much, Teresa.

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    3. Sorry, I meant great achievement. So hard to type on the phone.

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      1. 😁 I think Dan likes eat achievements too. Thanks again, Teresa.


  9. I’ve worked for engineering firms, and writing fiction is so much more fun than writing tech stuff. I’m happy you made the switch! Wishing you all the best, Dan. I really enjoyed your novel.

    John, thank you for hosting.

    Liked by 2 people

    1. Thanks Staci. People always brought me those projects because “we know you enjoy writing,” but it really isn’t the same. The auditors frown on fictional elements in an Annual Report (although it was tempting).

      I’m so glad you enjoyed the book. Thank yo again for that wonderful review, and a big thanks to John for hosting me here.

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      1. When we wrote technotes, by boss would put in humorous hyperlinks to see if anyone was even reading them. (For example, he’d hyperlink “slip” and when it was clicked on, the definition for a women’s undergarment would appear.) Based on the lack of comments from anyone, it’s safe to say no one clicked such links. But we got a kick out of including them. So sorry you never got the same joy out of your professional writing.

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      2. That was a good way to find out if people were paying attention.

        I used to write my boss’s speeches. He always said “have fun with it.” I would add a little humor, where I knew he would like it.

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    2. Thank you, Staci. Your review was outstanding.

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      1. Thanks, John. It’s easy to write a good review when the work is good.

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  10. I greatly enjoyed Dan’s discussion of how the Knuckleheads series came to be. All the best to Dan for its success!

    Liked by 3 people

    1. Thanks Liz. I appreciate the opportunity John gave me to explain how this all came to be. He’s been a great host.

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    2. Thanks, Liz 😁

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      1. You’re welcome, John.

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  11. Gwen M. Plano · ·

    Another day of celebration and what fun that it begins at John’s place. Congratulations, Dan. This is a wonderful tour. Like Liz, I loved your share about the series and I look forward to reading each book. Thank you, John, for hosting and encouraging Dan in his writing efforts. You two are quite the team! Bravo! ✨🎉✨

    Liked by 3 people

    1. Thanks Gwen. You and John and the others have been so supportive. It’s hard to find the words to express my appreciation. This has been so much fun.

      Liked by 2 people

    2. Thank you, Gwen. I enjoyed your review of Knuckleheads.


  12. What a great question to ask, John. I love Dan’s answer. It shows the patience it takes to produce a novel (or three). 🙂 A great way to wrap up the tour. A big congratulations to Dan and I look forward to more books in this series! Thanks for hosting, John!!!

    Liked by 2 people

    1. Thank you, Jan.

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    2. Thanks Jan. I am glad John asked this question. At first glance, I thought, ‘oh no,’ but only because I didn’t think I could answer in less than a few thousand words. I left out the part between 5th grade and when I retired 😉

      I have been thrilled to appear on so many blogs this past week or so. You guys have all been so kind.

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      1. I loved the 5th grade to retirement comment, Dan.

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      2. You know me, once I get talking, 😉

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  13. My two favorite guys together? Of course I had to visit this post. 🙂
    John, thanks for hosting Dan. That is a wonderful intro.
    Dan, so these characters aren’t going to leave you alone, now that the trilogy is finished? LOL. I didn’t really expect the series to expand, but I can certainly relate. Characters get… noisy when they want more attention. 😉 Wishing you continued success.

    Hugs all around.

    Liked by 2 people

    1. Thank you, Teagan. 😊

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    2. As you know, Teagan, some of these characters weren’t even supposed to created, let alone survive through three books. I’m not sure where or how it will expand, but, ultimately, I don’t think it will come as a surprise. Right now, it’s all I can do to think about editing that next book.

      Thanks for being part of this tour and for visiting here. John has been a great host, as were you and the others – I am feeling wonderfully welcome in this community.

      Liked by 2 people

  14. Congratulations, Dan, and good luck with your launch. 🙂

    Liked by 2 people

    1. Thank you, Tim 😊

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    2. Thanks Tim! I’m glad you could stop by.

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  15. I agree, Dan. John never disappoints. Great discussion, guys! Wishing you the best on your release, Dan.

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    1. Thank you, Jill. 😊

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    2. It’s true, Jill. I am thrilled to have this be my last stop.

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  16. The introduction was wonderful as was this post. That was such great advice from John to work on your dialogue writing on Saturdays at the bar in anticipation of writing your books. The questions from each blogger host have been interesting, and each one has made me think, “Oh, good question!” Is David still buying this Saturday, because I want to toast Dan and all the bloggers who hosted this tour. Here’s to all the Knuckleheads. Cheers!

    Liked by 2 people

    1. Thank you, Lois. Great comment. 😁

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    2. Thanks so much, Lois. I need to have a special day to toast these people. This tour has far exceeded my wildest expectations. I remember my first attempt to add dialog to the bar. It wasn’t an SoCS post, and it was pretty bad. John’s comment was encouraging, and that meant a lot to me.

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  17. D.L. Finn, Author · ·

    I enjoyed your blog tour, Dan:) You got good advice about writing a series. I wrote one but unintentally so I had to go back and fix covers later. I think a lot of us learned from John about dialog, I know I did. I look forward to this read and best of luck going forward. Thanks for hosting, John 🙂

    Liked by 3 people

    1. Thank you Denise. I hope you enjoy the book. My series was also unintentional, but I was lucky to have the advice. Friend has a sequel to a book that’s already out, and she want to change things in the first book.

      John has been very helpful. I am so glad I connected with him early on.

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    2. Thank you for the nice word, Denise.

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  18. John & Dan, two dynamo writers. John, I’ve read your blog for years, and the writings are clearly page turners, or scrollers, if on an iPhone or iPad. Dan, your blog posts & photos are equally the same. Who knew you were such a good book author! Well, Knuckleheads is probably my favorite paranormal book. Reading it, I liked the writing style, and interspersed dialogue & questions. And the kids, Zach & Billy’s relationship was so well developed. It was almost believable that they had virtual dreams and could see into the future. The book series will be a huge success. Looking forward to reading all of them. 📚🎶 Christine

    Liked by 2 people

    1. Thanks, Christine. Lovely words.

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    2. Thanks Christine. I am so glad you’re enjoying the book. I’ve enjoyed John’s blog posts, serial stories and his books for years. I am honored to on his page as a guest.

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      1. Aww . Thanks, Dan

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  19. Three books already written – wow. A huge congrats on the release of your first one, Dan!

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    1. Yes, he is ready for stardom.

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  20. What a great tour you’ve had, Dan. So many people already enjoying your book! It’s so exciting to have seen it unfold. Congrats. Thanks, John. 🙂

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    1. Thank you, Cheryl.

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  21. John, thank you so much for sharing Dan’s book & info with us. It’s always great to meet fellow writers. Dan, your series sounds fantastic. I especially like the title, your use of knuckleheads. I love that you started off blogging. I feel like that’s where I really started too.

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    1. Thank you, Mar. 😁

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  22. Hi John, a lovely post for Dan’s book tour.

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    1. Thank you, Robbie. 😊

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  23. John and Dan together… life is good. Thank you for a wonderful interview, John. My antenna went up when I read “…a story that precedes Knuckleheads, a bit of an origin story. ” I am SO excited! Origin stories are the best.

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    1. Your photo holding the book said it all.

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      1. I’m so glad, John. Thank you.

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  24. My best to you on the launch of your book….can’t wait to read it! Again, Congrats!!!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thanks Kirt.

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