Tuesday – Anything Possible – Kreative Kue # 393a by Keith Channing

In Keith’s words.

“Using this photo (below) as inspiration, write a short story, flash fiction, scene, poem; anything, really; even just a caption for the photograph. Either put your offering (or a link to it) in a comment or email it to me at keithchanning@gmail.com before Sunday evening UK time. If you post it on your own blog or site, a link to this page would be appreciated, but please do also mention it in a comment here. Thank you for taking part.”

If you would like to participate go to Keith’s post at this link https://keithchanning.wordpress.com/2023/02/13/kreative-kue-393a/

The photo.

The Trip by John W. Howell. © 2023

“Hey, kids, look what’s on the screen.”

“What is that, daddy?”

“It’s the Taj Mahal. That’s what.”

“Wow, it looks like it’s real.”

“That’s cause it’s 3D.”

“How come we don’t have any glasses. The last time we saw 3D, we had to wear glasses.”

“I think they have made some big improvements. Since then.”


“So finish your burgers, and we will go to Tomorrow Land.”

“Tomorrow Land? What’s that, dad?”

“Oh, you’ll love it. It is in the future. There are flying cars and everything.”

“Now, George. Let’s let them finish their lunch before they get worked up.”

“You are so right, dear. But, man, isn’t this trip great?”

“It is, sweetheart. Of a lifetime.”

“I wish we could stay forever.”

“Well, we have another two days.”

“That’s true. It will be fun, and then we have to head home.”

“This is the best Valentine’s Day ever.”

“Yes. Yes, it is.”

“Just one thing.”

“What’s that, dearest?”

“I don’t remember locking the front door.”







  1. What can I say? …oops!

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    1. Could have been the stove which would have been worse.

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      1. Alexa must have skill for that

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  2. Hmm, a too familiar feeling… That’s when you’re thankful for neighbors who don’t mind checking the door for you. Great story, John. 😊

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    1. Thank you, Gwen. 😊


  3. Good one, John! 🙂

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    1. Thank you, Jill. Talk about buzzkill.


  4. I always feel like I forgot something when I leave the house!!
    I thought the guy was looking at the Taj Mahal and thinking, “I have to walk all that way just to get crushed into another mob of people.”

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    1. Good one, GP. 😁

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    1. Yeah, Right. 😁

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  5. Wait. Is that a 3D image or the real thing?

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  6. I hope they can enjoy the rest of their trip after that revelation!

    My sister has an app that will lock her doors (among other things). I refuse to give technology that much access to my life.

    Nice story, John.

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    1. Thank you, Staci. I think I’m already over the edge when it comes to giving in.🤣

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  7. Happy Valentines Day, John!

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    1. Thank you, Linda. Happy Valentine’s Day to you as well.


  8. Uh-oh. Guess that’s better than leaving the iron on! Hard to enjoy a trip when your feet are still back home though.

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    1. So true. I always hated to think of something forgotten.

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  9. Oops! I don’t know that feeling. I’m pretty methodical about security, even when we’re home. No claymores, though. 🙂

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    1. I am as well. Thanks for the laugh, Tim. 😁

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  10. D.L. Finn, Author · ·

    That sounds familar!

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  11. Ah well, no use worrying about it now… Might as well just go on with the rest of the trip and enjoy it. What will be, will be – with fingers crossed that all is well!
    Happy Valentine’s Day to you and your love, John.

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    1. Thank you for the Valintine wishes, Dale ❤️

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  12. Fortunately, Mrs. Chess and I tend to double-check each other before that door gets locked, John. It’s worked so far, probably because one time several years back we went away for four days and left the heat on when an unexpected (by us) warm front rolled into town. When we returned to home sweet home, it definitely was a “warm feeling.”

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    1. Our next door neighbors at the coast left a second floor balcony door open with a storm approaching. Lucky I got a hold of him and got the security code to go in and shut it. Their house would have been flooded since the door faced the Gulf.

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  13. Egads! For me it’s the garage door. I turned around yesterday a block from home just make sure I did close it. I had. Phew! I hear there’s app for that…I need it!

    I’d love to see the Taj Mahal in person someday.

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    1. We alway say outloud, “Garage Door going down,” when we leave.It is the only way it registers. I would like to see the Taj Mahal too. Thanks, Deborah.

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      1. I need to do that! 😀

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      2. When He-Man and I leave together we each make sure we saw it close, but when I’m by myself I need a much better system rather than fooling with mirrors, phone placement, inputting gps coordinates, and a quick lipstick check…you know distractions. I should be watching the door roll down. 🤷‍♀️😂

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      3. Say “door going down” out loud and your conscious and subconscious will remember.


  14. Uh-oh! That last line is the kind of thing that makes your gut drop.
    At least they’re having a great trip.
    Happy Valentine’s Day, John!

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    1. Thank you, Mae. Happy Valentines Day to you. ❤️

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  15. Oh dear! That’s not good. Great one, John. It always amazes me what you can come up with from these images.

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    1. Thank you, Jan. This is actually thr second story. The first was a little too dark for Valentine’s day.


  16. oh stop it. That’s exactly how my best days are ruined….

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    1. I feel your pain. Nothing like coming home to the front door standing open. 😁

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    1. Alexia. Lock the front door.

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      1. Hahaha!!! 😂

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  17. That made me snort. LOL. Good one, John. Hugs.

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    1. Oh good. That makes me happy.
