Thank You Teagan Geneviene for Helping Launch His Revenge














Teagan has run a post in support of the His Revenge launch. You can visit it here. Teagan is the author of the wonderful book Atonement Tennessee which I read and loved.

Here is a little information about her.

Teagan Ríordáin Geneviene, a southerner by birth, was “enchanted” by the desert southwest of the USA when she moved there. She had always devoured fantasy novels of every type. Then one day there was no new book readily at hand for reading — so she decided to write one. And she hasn’t stopped writing since.
Her work is colored by her experiences in both the southern states and the southwest. Teagan writes many types of fantasy, from what she likes to call “quest type” fantasy, to urban fantasy, to fantasies with a dash of mystery. Her blog “Teagan’s Books” contains serial stories written according to contributions from viewers.

Major influences include Terry Brooks, David Eddings, Robert Jordan, and Charlaine Harris.


  1. Why John, how very nice! You didn’t have to do this. I was happy to take part in the launch of your book. It’s all very exciting. Thank you so much. Mega hugs!

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