Hump Day Story is as Hump Day Story Does



Wednesday again and time to celebrate the fact the hump will be crossed come close of work and the weekend is in sight. I thought I would tell a story as I normally do on hump day. This one is about an author who is not satisfied with his sales rank on Amazon so he tries to do something about it. I hope you enjoy.

Hacker by John W. Howell

“So you are saying you fixed my sales numbers?”

“Yup went into the system and jigged them a little.”

“Are you sure it won’t be suspicious?”

“Nope I took plenty of precautions and for added measure I boosted some of your author friends as well.”

“Boosted? What do you mean?”

‘You know. Add some sales. Go into the royalty file and make it synch with the sales file. The biggest deal was getting the rank file to come out right.”

“What do you mean come out right?”

“Well you now rank number one on Amazon and that took a lot of cross programming.”

“Number one.  Are you crazy?”

“Had to knock that Robert Gates fella down to twenty-five to accommodate.”

“Number one. I said low profile. A little help. Not number one.”

“Shoot, If I was an author I would want to be number one.”

“Oh my god.”


  1. And so we discover another function of the Amazon Drone Delivery System: punishing bad authors.


    1. Drone is as Drone Does. Thanks


      1. I’m now very curious to see if a list about using drones for daily use comes up.


  2. Oh, you definitely deserve to be ahead of Robert Gates 😉 Keep the faith. Your blog tour will hopefully give your sales figures a good boost 🙂


    1. Thank you Marie. We shall see.


  3. Robert Gates? Who needs him. You got this, my friend.


  4. Huh? This is possible? (Let’s talk.) 😉


    1. Gotta have the right friends


  5. What a wonderful problem!


    1. Till the Feds show up.


  6. Got his number?


    1. pssst 312-555-1224. Don’t tell anyone


  7. I’m with everyone up there – you’ve got this, John! Plus, that was a great Wednesday story!


    1. Thank you Katie
