Top Ten Things Not to DO When Visiting the Zoo – OOOH

Here is the 40th installment of Ten Top Lists of What Not to Do by Marie Ann Bailey of 1WriteWay at and John W. Howell of Fiction Favorites at These lists are simu-published on our blogs each Monday. We hope you enjoy.



Top Ten Things Not To Do When Visiting the Zoo

10. When visiting the zoo, do not try to get the chimpanzees’ attention by throwing popcorn at them. At best, they will simply pick up the popcorn and eat it and continue to ignore you. At worst, they will reciprocate by flinging some dark smelly stuff back at you, causing you and the family to have an uncomfortable ride home, with your shirt covered in chimp poop.

9. When visiting the zoo, do not think that just because the Siberian Leopard kitten is fast asleep, you can simply reach through the bars and scratch its adorable furry little head. At best, you might simply bruise your arm as you jerk it back when you hear the kitten’s mother’s roar. At worst, the kitten will wake up and decide to play tug-of-war with your arm while mama gets closer and closer snarling the whole way. .

8. When visiting the zoo, do not throw things into the elephant exhibit just because you think it is fun to watch elephants pick things up with their trunks. At best, you will be reprimanded by the zoo staff and told to leave the zoo. At worst, you will be told to pick up all the trash in the elephant exhibit, which might take a very long time since the elephants never forget a litter bug and might think it is fun to pick you up with their trunks.

7. When visiting the zoo, do not try to mimic the Lemurs as they run through their exhibit, catapulting themselves through the air and landing upright on trees. At best, your efforts will result in some embarrassment and bark rash from you ungracefully sliding down a tree that you tried to leap onto. At worst, the tree you leapt onto will turn out to be inside the Lemur exhibit, causing the Lemurs to see you as a predator and mob you until you are rescued by zoo staff.

6. When visiting the zoo, do not sneak in a pair of roller skates because you made a bet with your best friend that you can get through all the exhibits within an hour. At best, you will only draw the ire of the other zoo visitors, as they have to jump out of your way to avoid being run over by you. At worst, you might take one of the downhill paths too fast and find yourself nose-to-nose with a rhinoceros in its wading pool at feeding time.

5. When visiting the zoo, do not tap on the glass of the Goliath birdeater exhibit, thinking you can coax the tarantula to where you can see it better. At best, the tarantula will just hunker down even more and zoo staff will be compelled to ask you to leave. At worst, before making you leave, the staff will insist that you clean the cage of the birdeater, blindfolded with peanut butter on your fingers.

4. When visiting the zoo, do not try to entice a crocodile to open its mouth by holding food out over the fence. At best, the croc will simply ignore you since it probably is more interested in the Pekingese that someone snuck in. At worst, the croc will leap up and forward to get your hand as well as the treat in it, causing you to dislocate your shoulder as you try to get out-of-the-way without falling over the fence and into the croc’s open mouth.

3. When visiting the zoo, do not think yelling at bears is a good and effective way to get their attention and make them active. At best, you will simply annoy the other zoo visitors until someone wads up a paper bag and stuffs in your mouth. At worst, after stuffing the paper bag in your mouth, the other zoo visitors band together and toss you over into the bear exhibit, causing such a commotion that the bears then wake up and become active thinking you to be a member of a rival clan.

2. When visiting the zoo, do not think that you can hide out until after the zoo closes because you always wanted to see the zoo at night. At best, you might become very bored very quickly because most of the animals are also done for the night and curled away in their beds. At worst, you try to entertain yourself by climbing trees, pretending to be a monkey until you realize, much too late, that you’ve flung yourself into the lion exhibit and, since they hunt at night, they are all wide awake and waiting for you.

1. When visiting the zoo, do not try to pretend you are a member of the zoo staff just so you can arrange a close encounter with the zoo’s mascot, a yellow reticulated python named Lemondrop. At best, you will be found out because you have to keep looking at your badge to remember the name of staff from whom you stole the uniform. At worst, you get your close encounter with Lemondrop who turns out to like you so much, the python can’t help but take you into its burrow to give you a big hug.


  1. Great advice. I do wonder why there’s a ‘trend’ of people messing with alpha predators at zoos. Maybe survival of the fittest is still trying to do its job.


    1. People think they know better. Well surprise!!!!


      1. It usually doesn’t end well.


  2. Good morning, John. Great list. It’s amazing how often one sees people behaving badly at zoos. So many of them really should be the ones in cages 😉


    1. With the key given to a hungry lion


  3. Somethin’ tells me it’s all happenin’ at the zoo… (as somebody once said). Funny stuff!


  4. Don’t pet the lions or they’ll pet you back.


  5. The thing about crocodiles is that they really don’t wanna bite your arm off, but they’re not against the idea if the opportunity arises. As for yelling at the Bears? That hasn’t worked for Chicago fans for almost thirty years now.


  6. In fact Crocs want to use your arm to hold you under till you drown. Love the Bear comment. Thanks


  7. I always marvel at those people who like to get really close……..


    1. You would think the halitosis alone would hold them off.


  8. Thoughtful as always John – whilst reading the list the thought struck me that there hasn’t been a story of a man climbing into the lions den and been savaged recently.


    1. Yes. Something about this method of suicide has fallen out of favor. Been replace by buying guns and going on a rampage. Same idiots though.


  9. Hi, John. I’m thoroughly enjoying your NOT TO DO posts and passing them along via Twitter. Have taken many trips to the zoos with students and my own children and grandchildren. Lots of great stuff here in your post! 🙂


    1. Thank you so much. Glad you like them. They are a Monday feature in collaboration with Marie Ann Bailey a fellow blogger and who is a terrific writer.


      1. KUKOS to a dynamic writing duo!
