Meet Guest Author Charles E Yallowitz

One of the most supportive authors around this here world.

Chris The Story Reading Ape's Blog

Balancing Act of the Author and Parent

Charles author photo B&WI wanted to be an author since high school. That’s where the story begins and the ensuing years ended up being me doing everything except pushing the author career. I outlined ideas, wrote a few books, and designed characters whenever I had a chance. I’m a fantasy author (waits for groans and cheers to die down), so my stories were my own escapism from the retail and office jobs that I kept finding myself in. Now before I lose everyone to the doom and gloom, I’ll get to the good stuff.

As I said, I was still writing, but I wasn’t sharing. One day I noticed someone I knew from high school was publishing on Amazon Kindle. I reconnected and learned more about it. Then I met another Kindle author who showed me the ropes around the time my work life was looking…

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  1. Great getting to know Charles. He’s an awesome support!
