Stream of Consciousness Saturday – Prompt “Bun”



Stream of Consciousness

It is Stream of Consciousness Saturday and this weeks prompt is “bun.” Linda Hill further advises that the word bun can be used as part of a word or alone. If you would like to participate in this prompt, hop like a bunny (oh my) over to Linda’s blog and read all about it. Here is the link.

Bun by John W. Howell @ 2018

“Bun in the oven. Bunsen burner. Easter Bunny.”

“What are you doing?”

“I signed up for the Stream of Consciousness Saturday prompt.”

“And you have lost your mind?”

“No, I’m trying to get a story developed around this week’s prompt.”

“Let me guess. The prompt is bun.”

“You are amazing.”

“So how hard can it be? How about a bun vendor who has a magic bun that he gives to a bun eater.”

“That is your story, not mine.”

“Why does it have to be yours anyway.”

“There are rules.”

“And if you break them you go to jail right?”

“It is a matter of pride and honesty.”

“Okay then put on your thinking cap and get a story going.”

“Okay here goes. There is this guy who is a bun vendor and has a magic bun. He gives it to a princess who needs the bun to attract the bun eating prince.”

“Why would the guy give away a magic bun?”

“He was actually a frog before the princess kissed him and now he needs to show his gratitude.”

“Gratitude for rising to the exalted position of bun vendor?”

“Well, he is human now and happy about that.”

“So no more fly eating.”

“May I finish.”

“You go.”

“Okay, so the princess takes the magic bun with her to the ball.”

“What ball?”

“The prince is throwing a ball to meet all the fair ladies in the kingdom.”

“A fine point left out of the story.”

“A big line forms and the ladies are meeting the prince.”

“Before cocktails? That must have been nerve-wracking.”

“Yes. I mean, may I continue?”

“Knock yourself out.”

“The princess gets in line and finally approaches the prince. She reaches out and has the bun hidden in her palm. She and the prince look into each other’s eyes as they eagerly grasp each other’s hand.”

“Wow. Romantic or what?”

“They pull together and as if magnetized, touch lips.”

“Okay. Now we are getting somewhere.”

“The magic bun melts in their fevered grip forming a permanent bond between the two.”

“And they live happily ever after right?”

“Well, let’s just say the magic bun did its job.”

“What does that mean?”

“The prince was turned into a frog and the princess had a frog attached to her hand.”

“OMG. Are you nuts?”

“Well, unlike every other prince in the kingdom, the bun vendor didn’t mind the frog and married the princess.”

“His plan all along?”

“He was the only one living happily ever after.”

“You need professional help. You know that?”

“Here, have a bun.”






  1. LOL… (shakes head). John, you’re a riot. Thank goodness I wasn’t planning any meals that included buns. Have a satisfying Saturday. Hugs.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thank you, Teagan. Notice I kept it all above the neck. Very tempting not to, of course. Hugs.

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  2. I was working on something like a man and woman talking and the mistaken idea of ‘bun in the oven’. The wife talking actually buns, while the husband is thinking baby – at the end he would have to faint after she said she had 1/2 a dozens in there right now.

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    1. That would be a good one, GP. I think you ought to join up and do one next week. 😀

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  3. LOL! You’ve outdone yourself with this one, John. Have you ever tried a Honey Bun? My parents love them. Happy Saturday!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. I have had a honey bun in Indiana. They are good. Happy Saturday to you. *sung to the tune of “Do it Again,” by Steely Dan.


      1. My father calls them “fat pills.” 🙂 Nice song!

        Liked by 1 person

      2. Ha ha ha. He has it right. 😀

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  4. Bunsen Honeydew approves. 😁

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  5. Bwahaha!
    My favorite part was about how nerve wracking it must have been to have a meet and greet before cocktails had even been served. Love that!

    Great fun, John . . thank you!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thank you, Marc. I had fun writing it. 😀

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      1. And you created ALL of this from the word ‘bun’. You’re da best, Boss.

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      2. I’m glad it wasn’t “buns” I would have had a tough PG challenge.

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      3. Hahahaha! Yes . . that would have been tough.

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  6. “Gratitude for rising to the exalted position of bun vendor?”

    I love that line, John.

    I think I’ll pass on any bread with dinner tomorrow,

    Liked by 1 person

    1. I will as well. 😀

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  7. Omg 😆 real fun!
    Now the author…
    Send me my bun 😂😬

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    1. It is in the mail. Be careful with it. Thanks, Ray.

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      1. Running 🏃‍♀️ to check 😂

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    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thank you, John. 😀


  9. You are the ‘Master’ of SoCS, good John! Hard to top! Now, get off your buns and take Bailey and Lucy for a walk around the island! 🙂 ♥


    1. We just got back, Silas LaGree. they loved it. Thank you for the comment and visit. 😀


  10. Gwen Plano · ·

    LOL! This was a wild ride, John. Disney would have loved your imagination. A magic bun bearing so much delight, what a perfect story. 😀

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thank you, Gwen. It was a fun distraction.


  11. Best frog prince fairy tale EVER! 😛

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Ha ha ha. Thanks, Jan


  12. John Fioravanti · ·

    Another excellent story, good sir. You certainly have been blessed with a great imagination! Happy Easter!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thank you, John. Can you imagine what my teachers thought?


  13. Lol! That’s quite a fairy tale, John. 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Ha haha. Wouldn’t play in West Texas I’m sure. 😀


  14. This was hilarious, John! Good thing you don’t write fairy tales. Ha!

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  15. Good job. I thought it might be about a one legged woman who no longer has buns.

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  16. Loved this bun-funny story, John! Happy Saturday belated and Happy Easter! 😊🐰

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thank you Lauren. Happy Easter to you as well.


  17. Umm, the leaps in this one are shocking. Only you. Funny!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thank you, Audrey.
