Tuesday – Anything Possible – Kreative Kue #170 by Keith Channing

In Keith’s words. “Using this photo (below) as inspiration, write a short story, flash fiction, scene, poem; anything, really; even just a caption for the photograph. Either put it (or a link to it) in a comment or email it to me at keithchanning@gmail.com before 6pm next Sunday (if you aren’t sure what the time is where I live, this link will tell you). If you post it on your own blog or site, a link to this page would be appreciated, but please do also mention it in a comment here – pingbacks don’t often work.

Go on. You know you want to. Let your creativity and imagination soar. I shall display the entries, with links to your own blog or web site, next Monday.”

The photo.

Kreative Kue #170

The Simulation by John W. Howell © 2018

“How much air does he have left in there?”

“I would say about ten minutes.”

“Hello out there.”

“Yes, sir what is it?”

“You know I can hear you through the intercom?”

“Yes, we know that. We are trying to figure a way to get you out of there.”

“What do you mean by ten minutes of air.”

“Uh, that is a hermetically sealed capsule. The only air you have is what is inside. The canisters look to have about ten minutes left.”

“Don’t sugar coat it. How much time do I have?”

“My God, Man. I just told you. Ten— excuse me, Nine minutes.”

“Y’all better get humping on that solution then.”

“Well, sir. We thought we would take our lunch break now.”

“Don’t get cute. You know what I mean.”

“Unfortunately we do, sir.”

“I wish my hands weren’t handcuffed I would try to help.”

“Oh, don’t worry sir. We doubt you would be able to do too much to help.”

“Why say something mean like that?”

“Not to point out the obvious but you were the one insisting on the handcuffs.”

“Makes for a better simulation.”

“And I have the key. See it here.”

“I see it. I gave it to you when we closed the hatch.”

“That you did sir. Tell me again what you hoped to accomplish?”

“This is going to be the greatest escape trick ever. An astronaut handcuffed in space does the amazing feat of freeing himself and then gliding to earth.”

“You insisted on locking the hatch as well.”

“Of course. Don’t you see how difficult it will make the trick seem.”

“Not only seem, sir. But in reality almost impossible.”

“What do you mean?”

“Remember when you grabbed the key just as the hatch slammed shut.”

“Yes, I wanted to be able to open it.”

“Good thinking, sir. Except, the key works from the outside. The hatch automatically locks when shut. Hmm. Six minutes.”





  1. I don’t think this is going to have a happy ending. Great job, John!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. May not turn out well for sure. 😀 Thank you, Jill

      Liked by 1 person

  2. haha smart, from the outside :)) well written dialogue ❤️❤️❤️

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thank you, Ray. Love the comment. 😀


  3. “I had to volunteer for this assignment, my mother-in-law is visiting this week!!”

    Liked by 1 person

    1. BINGO. :-D. Good one, GP.

      Liked by 1 person

      1. haha, thanks.

        Liked by 1 person

  4. You always shine, good John… Love it! ♥

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thanks, Bill Ray. Love the comment. 😀


  5. Tick tick tick…

    Oh the price we pay for fame. It is one way into the history books.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. For a 15 minute segment. Thanks, Dan

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  6. Hmmm… I always thought those space bods were a bit too clever for their own good! 😉

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Ha ha ha. Thanks, Jan


  7. Time to start smashing windows and hoping for the best. 😀

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    1. That handcuff thing was a game changer. I didn’t mention it but there is an emergency hatch blow button just above the glass. Oh well.


      1. This is why you always practice escaping the cuffs before doing the trick.

        Liked by 1 person

      2. I think so. 😀


  8. Gwen Plano · ·

    Oh gosh, the pressure of time and the burden of stupidity. Well done, John. 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Time and stupidity usually interact to produce some interesting results don’t they? Thanks, Gwen. Nice observation. 😀


  9. Excellent!

    When I saw the photo of the space suit, I though, gosh, that would be great to wear when she is cooking beets.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Ha haha. Cooking beets??? I thought you had that under control.


  10. I see no way out of this one. He is doomed to a slow and torturous death. But, lunch break? Really?

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Ha ha ha. I think they were playing with him. Thanks, Jan


  11. Bwahahaha!

    That is the ultimate D’oh! moment! What he needs is a doctor. As in Dr. Spock . . .

    Liked by 1 person

    1. I would say so.

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  12. Yikes! I’m finding it a bit hard to breathe after reading this one, John. Nothing like putting oneself in the character’s shoes (or, in this case, the character’s spacesuit!!).

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Get some fresh air, Debbie. You’ve earned it.


  13. D.L Finn, Author · ·

    An escape artist? I love it. And having the key isn’t going to help as they take a lunch break. Started my day with a smile!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thanks, Denise.


  14. Oh, nooo! This was really good, John. Perfect for the photo.


  15. Sheesh … I found myself gasping for air as I read … now where is that inhaler????

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Tell me about it, Jill. Thanks 😀

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  16. It’s not looking good for that poor guy. A clever interpretation, John. I would not have thought of an escape artist!

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    1. The difference between someone who is normal (you) and someone who is whacked. (me) Thanks, Mae.

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      1. I’m not sure some of the people who know me well would call me normal, but I appreciate the thought, LOL. As for the other half with you being whacked….um, I’ll just stay silent, I think 😀


      2. Thanks, Mae. 😀

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  17. John Fioravanti · ·

    Hilarious, good sir!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thank you, John

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      1. John Fioravanti · ·


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  18. Oh my that’s a cliff hanger!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Yeah. Too bad he can’t reach the release above the window.

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  19. […] The Simulation by John W. Howell © 2018 […]
