Stream of Consciousness Saturday – Prompt “Yawn”

Stream of Consciousness


It is Stream of Consciousness Saturday and this weeks prompt is “yawn.” Linda Hill asks us to write about the first thing we think about when reading the word “yawn.” If you would like to participate in this crazy fun go to Linda’s blog and read how. It is effortless. Here is the link.

Yawn by John W. Howell © 2019

“So what are the instructions?”

“To write about the first thing I think about when I see the word ‘yawn.”‘

“OMG. That is such an easy prompt.”

“Um. Not when it comes to my brain it isn’t.”

“What do you mean?”

“I know most folks would think of sleepy or bored when they see the word yawn.”

“Yeah, that’s correct. What did you think about?”

“I’m almost afraid to tell you.”

“Oh, come on. We’ve known each other for years. You can tell me.”

“I think I would rather not. I’ll just do the prompt and write about a history class I had in college.”

“Now that would not be in keeping with the prompt. By the way what about that class?”

“Did you see the movie Ferris Bueller’s Day Off?”

“Yes. Oh, you mean that scene where the high school teacher played by Ben Stein kept saying ‘Anyone, anyone,’ and was horribly boring?”

“That’s the scene. Well. This college professor was just like Ben Stein. He talked in a monotone and simply recited dates and facts of history. We could have read his lecture out of the book.”

“That must have been painful.”

“One day while half the class was asleep, the professor fell off the stage.”

“Oh my.”

“He was looking back over his shoulder doing his Ben Stein imitation and just walked off the stage. It was about a two-foot drop.”

“What happened?”

“Nothing. The class didn’t seem to notice. I think everyone had tuned him out so didn’t realize he had stopped talking.”

“What did you do””

“Called 9-1-1.”

“Was he okay?”

“Yup. Just a few bruises. I got an A in the class. He said I was the only one awake and deserved it.”

“Ha ha ha. So what did you think of first when you saw the word ‘yawn?'”

“Promise you won’t think me crazy.”

“Come on. Of course, I promise.”

“That I need to mow the lawn.”


“Yes. That is the first thing.”

“You have something wrong with you.”




  1. Gwen Plano · ·

    LOL…I totally get it. When I think of “yawn”, my thoughts go to doing the backlog of filing by my desk. Filing or mowing? I’ll take mowing any day. 🙂 Great story, John.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Sometimes mowing can take the place of filing if you have a shredder. Thanks, Gwen.

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  2. Hahaha!

    “Something ooo economics . . .”

    Tell you what, you hit the green on your first shot with this Ferris placement!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Iconic movie. One that can be seen over and over. Damn. I missed the putt.

      Liked by 1 person

      1. What an all time classic, for sure.

        Ugh! You gotta summon up the pre-2009 Tiger Woods for the green. Not the 2019 version. 😉

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      2. I hear you brother. ⛳️

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      3. Meet ya at the nineteenth hole.

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  3. A Ferris Bueller reference?
    I do the same in my short script, John.
    Great minds and all that…

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Super movie for sure.


  4. Yeah, I’m not sure about your mind, John. But maybe that’s what keeps bringing me back here. On the other hand, if you really are thinking about a lawn the needs miring, I’m happy ours is covered in ice.

    Have a great day!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thank you, Dan. It doesn’t matter why you come back, I’m just grateful that you do. Havre a super weekend.

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      1. You too, John.

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  5. I remember my 7th grade history teacher fell asleep during class. He was quite the party animal. He turned on the Flintstones and laid his head on the desk. We all looked at each other in amazement. Fifteen minutes later, a Vice Principal came in demanding to see his grade book, which of course was empty. He left with the VP then came back in and said we were having a test the next day…what? Happy Saturday, John!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. I hope it was on the Flintstones. 😁Happy Saturday to you *sung to the tune of Running on Empty by Jackson Browne.

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      1. LOL! Funny, students referred to him as “Flintstoned.” 🙂 Nice tune!

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  6. Funny story and I can’t help but laugh at Ben Stein!!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Me too, GP. Thanks.

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  7. I get it. Many people think in rhyme. Though, it could also be tedious chores on this one. Either way, I agree.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thank you, Charles.


  8. I loved this, John! Thanks for the Ben Stein memories. Great take on the yawn prompt.

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    1. Thank you, Jennie. One of my favorite movie scenes.

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  9. I almost passed out from boredom just thinking about high school history class, and the thing is, I love history.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Me too. I was a history minor and recall some outstanding professors. There were a few clinkers as well.


  10. Oh my….this is so funny!! Your words took may yawns away and now I am wide awake!!!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. I’m so glad, Kimberly. I hope you have a wide awake day. 😊

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      1. I am trying:). You have a great weekend!!!

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  11. The right teacher makes all the difference. I’ve had some riveting ones and some yawners myself.

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    1. Yes. You wonder why some are so good and others so bad.

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      1. It could be the system killing the enthusiasm.

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      2. Isuspect you are right

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  12. John, I had to come back. You got me thinking of another movie, and after some Google Fu, I retrieved the title. It was called Teachers. The most memorable part was when when a mental patient, played by Richard Mulligan, wandered into the school and they mistook him for a substitute history teacher. He wound up being a fabulous teacher, dressing up for the days lessons as historical characters. I remember one scene where he had the class in a boat and while dressed as George Washington he asked his paddlers things like, “What river is this?”

    Liked by 1 person

    1. I remember that movie. Mulligan was one of my favorite actors. He played mostly for laughs. Thanks for coming back.

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      1. He was always fun. I got a kick out of him thinking he could turn invisible on Soap.

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  13. You so rock these challenges, John! And oy… a teacher as boring as Ben Stein, I have had a few… So funny and to use such a classic movie!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thank you, Dale. The movie use was a sidetrack. I really did think of Lawn. A contracton of your and lawn. Yawn.

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      1. I totally believe you! I actually googled Yawn to see if there could be any other meaning… nope…

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      2. I’m pretty boredmowing the lawn so that may be another look at it.

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      3. Ha ha ha! Well, it’s not like you have THAT much to mow… from the yard pics I see 😉

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      4. I know, I know. Takes 15 minutes and my mind is held prisoner by the mower. It is a very specialized mower for Bermuda grass and temprmental as hell. One daydream and it knows.

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      5. Oh dear!!

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      6. LOL I know right?

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  14. Lol! I have to ask. Was that a true story about the professor? 🙂

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    1. It was true. The class was about 300 in a huge lecture hall. The stage was maybe two feet high. I didn’t call 9-1-1 cause there wasn’t such a thing. In fact, the professor got up and continued his lesson walking around the students. (I did get an A but for other reasons) Thanks, Jan

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  15. D.L Finn, Author · ·

    That was a funny movie. Great use of yawn:)

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thank you , Denise. 😊

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  16. Haha! John, this is the kind of thing that I couldn’t begin to explain or understand why it’s so funny — but it is. Have a satisfying Saturday. Hugs!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. I’m so glad cause I thought the same thing. The wish for a singing Saturday to you. Hugs


  17. LOL. This is a slam dunk, John.

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  18. I am glad my history teacher wasn’t like that. I loved history. Great response to the prompt, John.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. I loved history too. Minor in College
