Friday JohnKu – AKA – TGIF

“Yes, indeed, ladies, it is Friday.”
“Oh, good Boss. Can we have the car keys?”



Good to see Friday here again. It lets us know that time is, in fact, marching on. That is always a good thing. (Not that time marching on is a good thing but knowing it is marching is helpful)

Ahem. Now that I got out of that circle, I can talk about significant things. I don’t know about you, but I’m not looking forward to daylight savings time. Sheesh. With the “Fall back” situation, it will mean the pups will decide at 5:30 that it is time to get up. The only way to prevent that is to keep them awake for an hour later the night before. Yeah right. Ever try to keep a sleepy dog awake. So maybe if everyone stays quiet, they will lose track of time and snore in. I’m not counting on it.

Eternal Road has 17 ratings on Amazon for a 4.8 overall. I’m so pleased with the reviews and thank everyone who took the time. A reminder that the 99¢ price on the Kindle version goes up to $2.99 on November 1st. Here is the universal link once more.

Today’s JohnKu talks about daylight savings time. I hope you all have a super and safe weekend.
Daylight Savings Time by John W. Howell © 2020
It is time again,
To mess with our clocks and ask . . .
Why the heck do we?


  1. Dreading the time change. It happens on Halloween too, which makes a mess of things. Who decides humans should be waking up in the dark during colder times of the year anyway? Not like we have the night vision or some type of heightened sense to be a functional animal at night.

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    1. Humans are the least prepared for wandering in the dark yet we continue to do this stupid thing. 🙄

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  2. Hahaha. We’ve been on GMT for nearly a week now. These cloudy days mean that the light is failing earlier so we end up walking the dogs around 4pm instead of well after five and Eos is now giving me grief at 5pm instead of 6pm for her dinner. As for sleeping, they’re all over the place. Thankfully (for me) they don’t sleep in my room!

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    1. I hadn’t thought of the eating schedule. Oh my. Thanks for the reminder, Keith. Walking in the dark is no fun at all.

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      1. We’re in the middle of a lot of work on the pavements (sidewalks), drainage and road surfaces (pavements?) at present, all of which make walking after dark even more exciting. Have a good weekend, John.

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      2. I hate falling into deep dark holes. Be careful out there.

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  3. As if we don’t have enough issues with our sleeping habits! Great JohnKu. Congratulations on the success of Eternal Road. I’m working on edits and getting ready for NaNo, so I hope to dive into ER soon. Happy Friday!

    Liked by 3 people

    1. Yes, you are very busy. It wil still be there when you finish NaNo. Thanks, Jill

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  4. I’m with Lucy and Twiggy. Gimme the car keys, so I can get outa here!

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    1. Hahaha. This struck me in the funny bone. Thanks, Liz. 😁

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      1. I’m glad I could hit your funny bone, John.

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  5. Gwen M. Plano · ·

    Thanks for the reminder, John. As usual, I forgot about Daylight Savings Time. I guess politicians believe we have an extra hour, but I just don’t get it. The pups don’t look too excited by the time change either. Absolutely precious photo! 🙂

    Liked by 3 people

    1. Thank you, Gwen. Yes, we all need to believe we have an extra hour of 2020. That will make our lives so much better. Have a great weekend. 😊

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  6. Congratulations on the wonderful reviews, John. I’m right there with you in the time change…thx, but no thanks… Have a Happy Halloween!

    Liked by 3 people

    1. Thank you, Lori. Have a Happy Halloween as well. 😁


  7. I just wish we could stay on one time. I prefer Standard time, but at this point, I don’t care. It’s the changing that messes everyone up.

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    1. I agree. I do not see the benefit of all this changing. 🙄

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  8. Congratulations on the good start with Eternal Road … but on crap on the dogs adjusting to the time change. Then again, I’m sure Twiggy is very flexible.

    Liked by 3 people

    1. Twiggy happens to be the paragon of inflexible. She believes the axis of the Earth is under her control and is very vocal when thing don’t go her way. We shall see. Thanks, Frank.


      1. “The paragon of inflexible” …. Quite the title. Should be a dog shirt

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      2. I think you are right. Need a size “shrimp.”


      3. But I also recall she won’t wear any apperal except her own coat

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      4. True and it is with the grandog

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  9. As Keith said, we put our clocks back last weekend. I hate moving the clocks at all, and the older I get, the longer it takes me to adjust. But, for sure, back is easier than forward! Great Haiku, John. Have a great weekend.

    Oh, and those reviews are fantastic! Go you! Sending cheers from across the pond 🙂

    Liked by 2 people

    1. Thank you, Harmony. Love to hear the cheering from here. 🤗

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  10. My solution’s to save the “extra” hour until I really need it. I held on to it well into December one year. Of course, my life’s mostly not lived by the clock but by the sun, so it’s a fun, private amusement.

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    1. I thik anything that gives you a chuckle should be used, Linda. I just hate to have one more hour of 2020. I think we have had enough. 😁

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  11. I never looking forward to the time change, but I suspect I’ll get used to it after a while as usual.

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    1. Yeah, you old duffers are pretty flexable all right. 😁

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      1. Yeah – and look who’s talkin’!! 🙄

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      2. That’s why I can call it

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      3. Got me again! 😣

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  12. You don’t have to look forward to daylight savings time. We’re leaving DST and returning to standard time. Oh, and give them the keys. What’s the worst that could happen?

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    1. Yeah, I’m always confused as to what we are doing. I agree, what is the worst that could happen? Sad thing is neither Lucy nor Twiggy can reach the pedals so they will have to voice contro the use of the brake. Sure this will go well. Thanks, Craig.😁

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  13. I’m not looking forward to the time change either. Pretty soon it will be dark by 4pm here. Hope you’re not up at 5:30 am on Sunday, John.

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    1. I know it’s going to happen. I am ready for it though. Thanks, Teri.


  14. Why the heck do we, indeed? Congrats on the reviews – well deserved. Now, are you marching on to writing your next book? Fall back, but don’t fall behind. 🙂

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    1. Good point. I just figured out the overall story arc. It seems one of the souls intended to be escorted to heaven has gone missing along with its escort. Sam has been given the task of returning to Earth to locate it. She decides to enlist James’s help. He jumps at the idea of being with her again. Off they go in the Olds. First stop, the Battle of Gettysburg. Hows that sound?

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      1. Sounds WONDERFUL!

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  15. It seems no one likes the time change but we just can’t get rid of it. Maybe we should be able to vote. Congratulations on the Amazon review – well deserved. TGIF to you!

    Liked by 2 people

    1. Thank you, Jo. 😊


  16. I will take the time change if it gets us to the president change. Unfortunately the covid change will take even longer. So 2021 will look like more of the same. I think the optimism for a third quarter vaccine rollout is being optimistic. I think we will be studying this virus for way too long a time and the virus will continue to study us during that time. Happy weekend John. Have three fingers and fall back gently.

    Liked by 2 people

    1. I will try to fall back gently, John. Thank you for the three fingers prescription.

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  17. Good question, John — especially this year! But since I’m a morning person, that earlier daylight will be most welcome to me. Now, if I can only use it wisely….

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    1. Using it wisely is the key. Thanks, Debbie.

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  18. Happy Friday indeed, John. I have the library weekend shift, but I’m looking forward to the extra “Fall Back” hour Sunday. Good luck with the pups – we had limited success with the kiddies. You probably won’t need to set an alarm. And congrats on getting so many reviews on Amazon. That is great!

    Liked by 2 people

    1. Thank you, Barbara. Enjoy your weekend.

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  19. So since phones can change themselves why don’t we put that same technology into car clocks, oven clocks, microwave clocks, etc…?

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    1. I agree. Might be a shock though. Not haveing to physically go around changing the clocks may produce some kind of denial syndrome. 😁

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  20. portmanguy · ·

    I didn’t realise you lot also have daylight saving, John. Ours has already kicked in.

    Liked by 2 people

    1. Yes. We lot do.


  21. Great JohnKu, John, and what’s funny is my hubby and I get up early anyway, so the lighter, the better. But the short evenings aren’t welcomed, except for the cozy atmosphere inside during the holidays. That’s nice to look forward to. 🙂
    By the way, did the girls get the car keys? And Congrats on your book’s big success! Have a safe Halloween! 👻😁

    Liked by 2 people

    1. They did not get the car keys. They can’t reach the pedals so braking is an iffy proposition. I only let them drive sitting on my lap. 😁


  22. We don’t have daylight saving here, John. I would hate to think of the chaos if they tried to implement something like that. I assume the dogs gradually adjust back again?

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    1. Eventually they do. If you don’t have it you don’t want to add it for sure. Thanks, Robbie.


  23. FINALLY the clock in my living room will be right!! It’s so high that I cannot reach it to change it twice a year (since my tumble off a ladder earlier this year, I am forbidden to climb), so it’s only right for a few months each year. That said, time as we define it by clocks ‘n such, is a human contrivance … animals go by instinct which works perfectly well for them. But then, they don’t need to attend important events like Board (or is it Bored) meetings, parties, doctor’s appointments and such. Life is simpler if you’re not a human!

    Liked by 2 people

    1. Hahaha. You had me at clock. 😁

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  24. Twiggy & Lucy: looking through the Friday Glass! Happy Halloween, dear John!

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    1. Thank you, Maria.

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  25. I can see where the time change would mess with the pups’ internal clocks. 🙂 Personally, I love it when we fall back, but that’s just me. Happy Halloween!

    Liked by 2 people

    1. Thank you, Jan. 😊


  26. So, you guys are going backwards right? You gained an hour? We recently went forwards and lost the hour. It’s great having the extra daylight after work, but boy, do I feel jetlagged for a while 😦

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    1. Yeah we wish they would just leave it alone.

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      1. Over here we have one state that refuses to do it. Their reason: it makes the cows upset. True.

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      2. I could imagine a cow wondering about the hapless human showing up an hour late for a milking and feed. I can see why they would get upset.

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      3. My dogs used to get upset. They’d stand there at 4pm saying, ahem, where’s my dinners? It’s dinners time!

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      4. Yup we had that tonight. Held them off until 4:45.😁

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  27. Twice per year, I wish I lived in the few parts of Canada where DST is NOT observed – and how insane is it that it is not national? Stoooopidest idea ever.
    Kids, pets, and even adults suffer from that hour difference. sigh.

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    1. Yeah we wish we could just stay on either. Thanks, Dale. I hope your Vay Kay was terriic.

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      1. Yeah. How about we abolish the damn thing?
        It was, thank you. Nice to just get away for a bit.

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  28. I hear you about the time change. Why not just leave it alone. Congratulations on the reviews and ratings for Eternal Road!

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    1. Thank you, Mark. 😁

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  29. Perfect JohnKu! The only good part of daylight savings is little children don’t have to wait at the bus stop in the morning when it’s dark and cold. I can’t think of anything else. Great news on the Amazon reviews!

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  30. Yeah, seriously.

    Although I wasn’t upset about the hour’s bonus sleep.

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    1. Our animals make that impossible.

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  31. I’m not a fan of changing the time and clocks, but I use this time to remind me to rotate or flip my mattress, change the filters in my house, and the batteries in the alarms. I’d be happy all year on one time standard.

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    1. Very productive of you. I just complain about changing the clocks. I would be happy with one too. Thanks, Deborah. 😊

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