Stream of Consciousness Saturday – Prompt – Where


Photo by Aaron Lee on Unsplash

Today’s prompt. Your Friday prompt for Stream of Consciousness Saturday is “where.” Use it any way you’d like.

A picture of a string with drops of water- the logo for SoCS

Where by John W. Howell © 2021

Thinking of where I was 20 years ago today, the memories came back in waves. The producer and I were helping set up a fundraising dinner and night of entertainment. This was an event put on every year to benefit children’s charities in San Antonio. We had moved to Texas in 2000 and were volunteers for one of the charities.

In the morning, we were in the process of setting up the dining tables, and slowly the recognition that the Twin Towers and the Pentagon had been hit by an airplane became clear. The news was very spotty, but eventually, it was decided to cancel the event. This was no small decision since this one night pretty much supplied additional necessary operating funding for the charities for a year. It was only after returning home did the magnitude of 9/11 become apparent. Even though I was off for the day, I got a call to come into the office for an emergency meeting, so more time was spent away from knowing the total devistation of the situation.

That night all the information came together, and I’ll never forget the feeling of sadness for those at the Twin Towers, the first responders, those at the Pentagon, and the passengers and crews of the four airplanes used as weapons. Since that time, these attacks have taken their toll on the survivors and those tasked with the twenty-year fight that followed. It is sad to see the people who supported and aided this tragedy are now back in control of Afghanistan. I have to hope that our government never recognizes this regime as legitimate. Denial of the recognition that the Taliban desperately wants would be a real way to honor those who gave their lives in the fight against terrorism.

If you want to participate in Stream of Consciousness Saturday, visit Linda Hill’s blog and read how easy it is. Here is the link




  1. That day is seared in my memory as well, as I had many colleagues in NYC at the time and more on the plane that set down in Newfoundland. An absolutely devastating day. Seems like only yesterday…😥

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    1. It does doesn’t it? Thanks, Lori

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    1. Thank you, Michael.


  2. Thank you for the remembrance, John! Now, 20 years later, i hope we have gained something positive out of this horrible act against humanity. xx Michael

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    1. That remains to be seen, Michael.


  3. A day and time we will never forget. 🇺🇸

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    1. I agree. Thanks, GP.

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  4. I remember how hard it was to grasp what had happened. Only when the news footage from the ground started coming in did it seem real.

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    1. I had the same experience. Of course, initial reports were confusing at best. Thank you, Liz.


  5. 🇺🇸❤️🇺🇸❤️

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    1. Thank you, Jill.

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  6. Well done, John.

    We lost a number of people (insurance brokers) who worked with our company. Men who had been in our office. Men I had worked with when developing new systems. One was a former coworker who left his job for a better one in NYC. Families and friends left behind will never forget – none of us should.

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    1. Agreed, Dan. Thank you for sharing.

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  7. Gwen M. Plano · ·

    It seemed the world stopped turning on that fateful day. We all stopped, wherever we were. Horror captured us, wouldn’t leave. I visited the devastation the following month — to see my son and his family. The air still hung heavy with smoke and the smell of death. I cannot forget. It’s visceral for me. People need to ask what, what in God’s holy name, are we relinquishing in Afghanistan? Our country? Hope? Dignity? What are we doing?

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    1. I think you have to ask Joe Biden that question, Gwen. But don’t be surprised if he doesn’t have an answer. Thanks for your personal reflection. 😊

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  8. We must never forget the tragedy and the tragic events in the years that have followed.

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    1. And still are happening. August 31sy was the latest. Thank you, Maggie.

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  9. Always a surreal day around here.

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  10. It’s so sad John, all the dead from 9/11 and all the atrocities world wide before and since for what for the US and UK to pull out…. All the war dead, all the innocent civilians, nothing learned nothing gained.
    Sending you love and peace 💜

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    1. Sending love and peace back to you, Willow.


      1. Thank you John 💜


  11. I agree! The talieffed should never be recognized.
    If they opened the border to all who want to leave, I think most of the population would exit.

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    1. I think you are right, Resa.

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  12. The full circle aspect of watching the Taliban retake Afghanistan is — I can’t find the word, distressing doesn’t begin to cover it. Maybe devastating? Today’s anniversary feels like a cruel reminder of everything we’ve been through in the last twenty years.

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    1. Well said, Laura.


  13. Thank you for your remembrance, John ❤

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    1. Thanks, Marie. 😊

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  14. This was a day felt the world over. Like everyone who is old enough to remember, I know where I was, what I was doing, where I was going on that fateful day. I’ll never forget the day and when I see what’s going on over there, I am heartbroken. It feels all for naught.

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    1. I don’t think our dear President had an understanding of the situation in Afghanistan. He made a promise to be out by August 31st and no amount of logic or begging by our allies was going to dissuade his old, flinty, stubborn ass. I refuse to watch anything he had to say about 9/11. He owes the 13 Americans killed and those that lost their lives on 9/11 and since an immense apology.

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      1. I definitely don’t think he thought it through. Or that his team succeeded in making him understand the consequences of his decision. He does.
        This is such a sorry state of affairs.

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      2. Nothing like being led by a grumpy old man.

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  15. Nicely done, John. Great big hug.

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    1. Thank you, Teagan. Big hug to you.


  16. I remember that day so vividly too, John. Every single moment of it. The sadness was overwhelming, and I still can’t watch the old footage without reexperiencing the visceral tragedy of that day.

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    1. It was and is still a sadness that won’t go away. Thanks, Diana.

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  17. petespringerauthor · ·

    Certain days stay with all of us. 9/11 is one of those. Good call on canceling the charity at the time. It was a time when normal life had to stop for a while to let us process the enormity of the tragedy.

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    1. So true. Thanks, Pete.

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  18. A day we’ll never forget.

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  19. Thanks for sharing and remembering, John. Our daughter had just turned 10 and our son was 6, both sleeping still. I had gone on an early walk with a friend and had just walked in the door when I saw my husband watching the news, shocked and teary-eyed. There are so many horrific images from that day that we would’ve hoped would only be in a horror film. I don’t know how the survivors moved forward, because everything is so unimaginable. And 9/11 does still feel like a very recent event. Unforgettable. I’m not surprised that your event was canceled.

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    1. Thank you for sharing, Lauren. It was a horrible day for all of us.

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  20. Tragedies like 9/11 can never be forgotten. I feel so betrayed by what just occurred in Afghanistan and can only imagine what the soldiers must feel who fought on that blood-soaked soil. To put it bluntly, Biden betrayed America. I’m with you, John. I would not listen to anything he had to say about 9/11 because it’s all hypocrisy (and dare I say it – like all of government). I’m sick of it all!

    Liked by 2 people

    1. I hear you, Jan. I’m sick of it too.


  21. Thanks for this post, John. 9/11 is one of the dates that is frozen in our memories. We can all remember it so clearly.

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    1. So true, Robbie. Thanks

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  22. Well said, Boss.

    Never recognize the bastards who want to be seen as legitimate, and never forget the heroes.

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    1. Good advice, Pilgrim.

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      1. Always here for you, Boss 😉

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  23. It is a frozen memory, and hard to believe twenty years have passed. God Bless America.

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      1. You’re welcome, John.

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