Friday JohnKu – AKA – TGIF

“You want to chase me, Lucy?”
“It is Friday, so take off.”
“Give me the count of three.”
“One…two, three, Hahaha.”



Well, Friday is here and inviting us all to the weekend. Thanks, Friday, I accept.

This has been the week of Washington.

Congress was successful and extended government funding until December 3rd. On the $1 Trillion infrastructure bill and the $3.4 Trillion climate, healthcare and education bill, there is trouble in paradise. Seems strange that the Dems who control the Senate and house can’t seem to get everyone in line. The progressives (to be read, socialists) want the bigger bill brought forward before approving the smaller. Good luck, Schumer and Pelosi. Of course, the saying is, “Never underestimate Pelosi.” She says she is bringing the infrastructure bill to a vote. As of this writing, I don’t know if she did.

The generals in charge of the military aspect of the Afghanistan withdrawal fiasco have been testifying in front of the Senate and House on Tuesday and Wednesday. Much was said about Biden not following the advice of the generals to have 2500 troops on the ground to cover the withdrawal. The only other big reveal was that the Taliban had offered the U.S. military the option to secure the entire city of Kabul while it was leaving. This would have required more troops which Biden turned down. Had the city been secure maybe, just maybe those 13 Americans might have been spared. Of course we’ll never know. Now that the generals have been grilled by the Senate and house maybe the whole thing will blow over. I’m sure Joe hopes so. I still feel badly for the Americans still left behind and for the families of those killed.

The issue at the border was cleaned up. All the Haitians were shipped out. Looks like 12,400 were let into the country on a temporary basis and about 2000 sent back to Haiti. I think the rush to the border paid off for those wanting to be here.

Right now 55% of all Americans are fully vaccinated. The Biden mandate has not been implemented since there is some guidance needed from the feds. When it does it is probable the numbers will go up.

Today’s JohnKu talks about having Washington in the news. I hope you have a great weekend.

Washington News by John W. Howell © 2021

You know it’s bad news,

When all you read about is. . .

Washington hijinks.


  1. I hope you have a great weekend too John and that the girls don’t invite any large predators in for a game.

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    1. Yes me too. If they escalate to dragons who knows. Hugs, David.

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  2. Steer clear of the news, John, and your weekend is bound to be better. 😉

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    1. I think that is true, Lori. Thanks for that advice. 😊

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  3. The news is beyond depressing. It makes me furious. You barely scratched the surface, and already my blood pressure is rising.

    Try to have a nice weekend, John.

    Liked by 2 people

    1. Sorry for the blood pressure. Here take this margarita it’ll help. (It’s five O’clok somewhere.)

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      1. Perfect. (I started my morning with Irish Cream in my coffee, but I can move on to harder stuff now. 😉 )

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      2. There you go. 😁

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  4. There are other topics that could be in the news, John. I think it’s going to be like this for three more years 😦

    We’re going to need longer weekends. I hope yours is a good one.

    Liked by 2 people

    1. We could make Mondays permanent post-Sundays.

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  5. Enjoy the weekend, John. And I’m with Lori, steering clear of the news will make it so much better.

    Liked by 2 people

    1. Yeah, I try but it’s like not being able to turn away. Thanks, Joan.

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  6. When the Washington foolishness comes on, I’m pretty much yelling, “Oh, come on!” and leaving the room in disgust. Has it ever been this bad before?

    Liked by 2 people

    1. It was bad during the Clinton years and of course we just finished with the orange one. Thanks, Liz.

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      1. You’re welcome, John. I think we may still be experiencing aftershocks from the orange years.

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      2. Now it’s shocks from the Biden (I don’t know what I’m doing ) years.

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      3. We’ll get through it, one way or t’other.

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      4. I believe that too. Thanks, Liz.

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      5. You’re welcome, John.

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  7. I’m continuing my search for the “Good News” channel. Enjoy the weekend, John.

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    1. Good luck, Jill. Might be hard to find. 😁

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  8. I tend to catch the morning news before work, and some again when I get home. I turn it all off during the weekends. It’s become something I’m better off taking in limited doses.

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    1. Limit is the key. To try and go deep is an exercise in frustration. Thanks, Craig.

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  9. John, about the only thing that stinks more than my beloved Red Sox right now is the stench from the ‘Swamp’. But the Sox is only baseball, a kid’s game. The ‘Swamp’ affects real life. Nevertheless, a ‘Bronx cheer’ is appropriate for both. Have a great weekend, John.

    Liked by 2 people

    1. Thanks Steve. You as well.

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  10. Stephen Cobert said, that “Congress did the absolute minimum of work necessary to keep the country going. Sort of like on TV, instead of the bomb squad cutting the red or blue wire, they simply hit the ‘bomb snooze button.'”

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    1. Good one, GP 😁

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  11. Been so busy that I missed all of those events. Probably for the best.

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    1. I think so, Charles.


  12. Yep, definitely a news-free weekend ahead. Have a lovely weekend, John and everyone 💕🙂

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    1. Thank you, Harmony. 😁

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  13. I don’t think the news will be on my weekend agenda, John. 🙂 Have a good one!

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    1. I would avoid it for sure. Thanks, Lauren

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  14. Gwen M. Plano · ·

    News? Propaganda? I just try to stay clear of it. Although I must confess to writing to my congressmen and senators about Lt. Col Stuart Scheller. Yep…I’m sure they were waiting for my advice about doing their job and getting this Marine out of solitary confinement. 😊

    Liked by 1 person

    1. I’m sure they were waiting 😁. Of course, he did violate the Uniform Code and I’m sure he knew the consequences.

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  15. I may be out of the loop most times, but I stress a lot less by avoiding the news as much as possible.
    Have a fantabulous Friday, John!

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    1. Good idea, Dale

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      1. I have my moments 😉

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      2. BTW. I went to Marc’s site from the email using both Firefox and Safari and still got the oops nothing here message. I tried 🙁

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      3. At the top where it says Miscreants?
        That is so weird…


      4. Yes.

        Sent from my iPhone



  16. D.L. Finn, Author · ·

    I’ve been avoiding Washington news, it stresses me out. I just want people to do the right thing. Happy Friday, John.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. It is not in people’s nature in Washington to do the right thing. Their nature is to do what ever it takes to keep their job. Thanks, Denise.

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  17. Supposed to rain and storm all weekend here — but there’s football on the TV, I have several good books I’m itching to read, and my Monkey is always ready for a game of Fetch. Good times (and no news I have to pay attention to!)

    Liked by 1 person

    1. There you go. I think that is the way to go. Have a good one Debbie.

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  18. The progressives are making it easier for Trump to remain relevant, unfortunately. While we are still two years from the general election, a year from today we’ll start hearing whispers about candidates. And if He Who Shall Not Be Named is even in the conversation, the GOP isn’t the only party that is going to have to answer for such a shit show scenario. The democrats will have to answer for it as well.

    Here’s hoping that vaccination number keeps rising as more people get educated.

    Have a great weekend Sheriff

    Liked by 1 person

    1. You are very wise, Pilgrim. That is exactly what is going to happen. Meanwhile all thumbs Biden keeps on falling on his own petard.

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      1. Petard is a good one, Boss. I’m putting it in the Melville Files. Enjoy your frosty. 😉

        Liked by 1 person

      2. Yes indeed. Hope yours was delicious

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      3. It sure was.

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  19. A fantastic JohnKu! I couldn’t agree more. I pray for our country. Happy Friday!

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    1. Thank you, Jan

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  20. petespringerauthor · ·

    Do we ever have any good news? It feels like we’ve been stuck in this endless cycle for decades.

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    1. I agree, Pete. No good news today.

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  21. Washington politicians are pathetic … and that’s being kind. When the bipartisan agreement between President Biden and the bipartisan group of senators, I told my friend what would happen – and it came true. Throw all the bums out.

    Enjoy your weekend!


    1. I have had this sentiment forever. It seems the Dems are eating each other. Thanks, for the comment, Frank.


  22. Come to the UK and be guaranteed of good news! All our petrol stations are either empty or with queues that make our roads look like some drive-by Hajj, we’ve just been relieving the most egregious murder of a young woman as her killer is sentenced, and we’re in the middle of the party conference season where the main political parties get to stand on stage and pontificate about how good they are/will be while the rest of us wonder if we’ll ever find another toilet roll. At least Dog is happy…

    Liked by 1 person

    1. First world hell for sure. How is the tea supply holding up?


      1. Tea. Hmm.. we’ve started flaying Bostonians. Apparently they make an acceptable if slightly meaty tissane.

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      2. Good thing they are available in a goodly supply.

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      3. I had the impression they were both ubiquitous and expendable.

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      4. They are from Boston after all

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  23. What a charming Friday, dear John! Twiggy & Lucy are inaugurating a stair to the week-end! Be it so! 🙂 🙂 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

    1. So true, Maria.


  24. It does get discouraging at times, doesn’t it? But hey, there’s always sunny days and entertaining pets. 🙂

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    1. That’s for sure. 😁

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  25. Good JohnKu
    Good boy
    Write abut idiots
    A ReKu! I break rules. This is possible, because I don’t know many rules. I know the Golden Rule.

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    1. Then there is the stainless steel rule. Do unto others before they do you under. Thanks for the laughs, Resa.

      Liked by 1 person

      1. Ahh, a new rule!
        Well, I’ve got news for those that would do me under! I’m quite capable of doing myself under, and don’t need anyone’s help. As a matter of fact, I’m knee deep at this point.

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      2. Hahahaha. You and me both.

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