The Last Drive Tour with Marie Ann Bailey

I am grateful to be with Marie Ann Bailey today. She is helping launch The Last Drive. Here is the link to her post.

When I started blogging, Marie and I followed each other right away. That was in 2012. I guess you could say we have been buds since that time. Marie also created the concept and co-authored the Top Ten Things Not to Do on my blog for over a year in 2013 and 2014. Marie also is a very creative reviewer. I have been pleased to have two books reviewed by her. Here is a link to other reviews.

More about Marie in her words

I am a writer living in the southeastern United States with three cats, more yarn than I can knit up in a lifetime, and a dear husband who doubles as my best friend.

My writing career started in the fourth grade when I was asked to read aloud a story I wrote. Since then, I’ve taken creative writing classes whenever possible, joined writing groups and literary guilds, and participated in readings. Still, in spite of the support I received from mentors and fellow writers, lack of self-confidence made it easy for me to give up on writing. Once I got a “real” job (in an office with a biweekly paycheck and benefits), it was hard to argue with anyone that I should or could expect to do better by writing.

I’ve made a lot of detours in the past thirty years, trying to become a Professional whatever (social worker, data analyst), trying to believe in careers and working in offices and 401k’s. But now that I’m retired, I’ve woken up to the fact that those things–career, working in an office, going to meetings, conferences–has little value for me. My writing has picked up, as have my publications.

In my ideal world, I’m always dressed for yoga, writing until I’m empty of words, knitting down my stash, reading up my leaning tower of to-be-read books, and cuddling with my husband and kitties.

Marie also has her work published. You can access it HERE.

Thank you so much for helping spread the word, Marie.

Comments have been closed so your thoughts can be pure at Marie’s place.