Tag Archives: Fresh Ink Group

Voice of Indie with #FreshInkGroup and John W. Howell #interview

Just a quick note to let you know I have been invited to an interview on the Radio by the team from Fresh Ink Group. The episode is tonight, Wednesday, February 14th, at 8 pm ET. The show is live.  To listen, just click the link.  https://www.blogtalkradio.com/voiceofindie1/2024/02/14/voice-of-indie-episode-185 These are fun interviews, and it would be […]

On the Radio with Fresh Ink Group

The terrific guys at Fresh Ink Group invited me to appear tonight on their 138th Blog Talk Radio show. That’s them above. Of course, if you invite me, I will show up. So tonight at 8:00 Eastern Time, Stephen Geez, Beem Weeks, and I will be chewing the fat about all things authorly. To listen […]

Sŭbmarine-Ër #New Book – Guest Blog by Robert G. Williscroft

Since my dad was a naval aviator in World War II, I have been interested in all things Navy. I am therefore delighted to have as a guest Robert G. Williscroft, submariner and author of multiple series including The MacMcDowell Missions, The Oort Chronicles, and The Daedalus Files. Robert compiled and edited the true-life adventures […]

Honored to be a Guest on a Fresh Ink Group Podcast.

Tonight at 8:00 PM Eastern Time I am being interviewed by Stephen Geez and Beem Weeks on their popular Voice of Indie podcast. Here are the details and I hope you can attend. To listen, use this link. https://www.blogtalkradio.com/voiceofindie1/2021/05/20/voice-of-indie-episode-042 To call in with questions or comments (516) 453-9902. If you would like to send a […]