Tag Archives: Tempeste

Thursday – A Little Personal – Twiggy and Tempeste Pose for Photos

“Okay, you two. I want a nice photo to put on the blog.” “What do we do?” “Look at Twiggy, Tempeste. I want you to stand next to her and smile.” “What is that yellow thing in Mom’s hand?” “No, Tempest. Go stand next to Twiggy.” “But I want to see what it is.” “Okay, […]

Thursday – A Little Personal – Twiggy and Tempeste at the Pool

“Hey Tempeste. Leave that hose alone, and let’s get in the pool.” “There’s water dripping out of here.” “Not as much as in this pool.” “It’s so hard to leave a dripping hose.”   “Okay, now that you are in, move over and let me in, too.” “Let me get this ball first.” “You can’t […]

Thursday – A Little Personal – Niece Kizzy, Twiggy, and Tempeste

“I think we better get going Tempeste.” “Why. What’s up?” “Niece Kizzy is coming to visit. She’ll be here any minute.” “That’s terrific. She’s always a lot of fun, unlike some I could mention.” “I do my best to keep you entertained.” “Oh, I know I was just pulling your four legs.” “I think I […]

Thursday – A Little Personal – Twiggy and Tempeste with Toys

  “Hey, Twiggy. What you got there?” “It’s a butterfly.” “I’ve got this special Martian.” “What makes it special?”   “He flies. See.” Uh-huh. I can see that.” “Of course, he sometimes gets lost.” “Look behind you.” “Oh my gosh. There he is.” “Amazing.” “Oh no, you don’t, Mr. Martain. No more flying today.” “Good […]

Thursday – A Little Personal – Twiggy and Tempeste Playing

“Do you have to stand over me like that?” “You taught me that this is the winner’s stance.” “Well yeah, I did. I may have made a mistake.” “I don’t think so. This seems like a great move.” “I think I’ve lost the feeling in my hindquarters.” “That’s silly. You look fine to me.” “Are […]

Thursday – A Little Personal – Twiggy, Tempeste and Bubbles

      “What is that thing, Twiggy?” “It is a human made little piece of heaven.” “I don’t get it. What do you mean, piece of heaven?” “These are bubbles. More fun than anything. You chase and pop them.” “One just landed and popped on its own.” ” You have to get them while […]

Thursday – A Little Personal – Twiggy and Tempeste On a Rainy Day

“Tempeste. What are you doing?” “Looking for crumbs.” “You have to believe there are none around here.” “So I’m finding out. I’ll keep looking, though.” “Suit yourself. Believe me, I’ve been over this place with a fine-toothed comb.” “Fine-toothed comb? What’s that supposed to mean?” “I’ve looked carefully, and there are no crumbs.” “Shoot. There […]

Thursday – A Little Personal – Twiggy and Tempeste in the Yard

“Why did Mom let us out in the yard?” “So we can run and play together. Besides, she picked up all the leaves.” “What is that fencing doing there?” “That is to keep you from eating leaves on the other side.” “How about a race.” “Okay, I’ll race you to the other fence.” “Hey, no […]

Thursday – A Little Personal – Twiggy and Tempest on Walk

“This is so exciting, Twiggy. A walk.” “Yes, I’m always happy to take a walk.” “Look at that grass over there.” “One rule of walking is not to go off by yourself.” “Thanks for the tip. What happens if we do wander?” “You could get the yank of your life.” “What is a yank?” “Um, […]

Thursday – A Little Personal – Tempeste Gives a Demonstration

“Hey, Twiggy. I’ve been watching some WWF wrestling.” “Okay. It is always good to get some experience.” “Yeah, but I need to put what I’ve learned into practice.” “Don’t tell me you have found someone to practice with?” “Not really. I thought I would be able to practice with you.” “Yeah, I was being facetious. […]