Top Ten Things Not to Do on the Weekend

Here is the 49th installment of Ten Top Lists of What Not to Do by Marie Ann Bailey of 1WriteWay at and John W. Howell of Fiction Favorites at These lists are simu-published on our blogs each Monday. We hope you enjoy.

a to do list

Top Ten Things Not To Do on the Weekend

10. On the weekend, do not attempt to catch up on all the sleep you missed during the week. If you do attempt, at best, you may miss a few meals. At worst, you might just find Monday morning arriving way too soon.

9. On the weekend, do not try to complete a week’s worth of exercise in one weekend day. If you do, at best, your body will remind you to take it easy next time. At worst, you will need to call EMS to help you out of bed Monday morning.

8. On the weekend, do not try to drink all the beer and margaritas you missed during the week. If you do, at best, you will still feel bad the following Friday. At worst,  you could have a monumental lost weekend and wake up naked,  restrained to a gurney at the county hospital with no idea how you got there nor how long you’ve been naked.

7. On the weekend do not feel you must fill in every hour with an activity to make up for the sedentary week. If you do, at best, you just might need a vacation after the weekend is over. At worst, you may be in a position to regret not having a stress test a little sooner.

6. On the weekend, do not power shop to make up for the times you were at work during the week. If you do, at best, you may see the end of the available money before the end of the available time to shop. At worst, you ignore the end of the money warning and continue shopping until your credit card company mercifully cuts you off in the most exclusive store.

5. On the weekend, do not do a marathon of chores hoping to catch up on those you missed during the week. If you do, at best, you will run out of daylight before the work is done. At worst, you will run out of energy and be faced with the end of the weekend and the prospect of an exhausted Monday morning.

4. On the weekend, do not try to watch every show you recorded during the week. If you do, at best, you will feel you have worked all weekend just watching TV. At worst, you will show up on Monday with bloodshot eyes and pasty skin leading everyone to believe you were in solitary confinement in jail for the weekend.

3. On the weekend, do not take a little work home with you. If you do, at best, you will have to sneak around to get it done before the family finds out. At worst, your boss will find out you are working during the weekend so the little work will turn into two full days of business as usual.

2. On the weekend, if you are a writer, do not try to not write. If you do, at best, you will become increasingly grumpy until your family locks you in your writing room. At worst, you will be successful in not writing and will be crushed by the guilt of ages simply because you are now two thousand words off your target causing you to change genres from Romance to Horror Fiction.

1. On the weekend, do not forget to find time to relax and recharge. If you do forget, at best, your productivity for the next week will suffer. At worst, your nerves will probably  be at the point of shatter and all will let loose when your hapless boss asks you to stay for an hour more on Monday with significantly ugly results.


  1. I think it’s highly irresponsible to advise writers not to write on weekend. Just saying 😉


    1. Hopefully the rest would produce some better results.


    2. Also there are two nots in the sentence. If you are a writer do not try not to write.


  2. #2 is so true. 🙂


    1. Tell me about it. I tried a write less weekend once and almost needed a shock treatment. “Hi. My name is John and it has been ten days since I last tried not to write.”


      1. If it does happen then it’s usually caused by outside influences.


  3. Oh no. John, I’m guilty of #10 this weekend.


    1. REPENT and carry on.


      1. The bad part is that I’ll probably try it again.


      2. Well with Raco (REPENT and carry on) you can do it as often as you like.


  4. Good morning, John! Well, this weekend was a bust as I was actually on a business trip. And I’m still on that trip. I’m going to try and NOT try to make up for this lost weekend next weekend. I’ll have to keep this list at the ready to make sure I don’t fail 🙂


    1. Keep it handy


  5. I wholeheartedly disagree with #10. The saturday afternoon nap is one of the joys of life.


    1. Nap is good. 24 hours of sleep not so good.


  6. During the week I am on my own. The weekends are the only time I can get help from the rocket scientist. So I write through the weekends and then take weekdays off to play when he’s not around.


    1. Hummm sounds a little reversed, but okay


  7. Some timely advice, lol.


    1. Yes sicne we are faced with weekends each week.

      On Mon, Jun 9, 2014 at 7:13 PM, Fiction Favorites wrote:



    2. since. Sheese.

      On Mon, Jun 9, 2014 at 8:06 PM, John Howell wrote:

      > Yes sicne we are faced with weekends each week. > > > On Mon, Jun 9, 2014 at 7:13 PM, Fiction Favorites> wrote: > >>


      1. Lol to both your replies.


      2. 🙂

        On Mon, Jun 9, 2014 at 8:14 PM, Fiction Favorites wrote:



  8. Ohh I’ll soon be back into weekends off work, at least when I’m working on my singing or learning new repertoire on the weekends it’s fun 🙂 now I must make up for two months lick and spit cleaning before term ends!


  9. Every one of these are gems (and good advice, I must remember to follow more often!)


    1. Or not. 🙂

      On Tue, Jun 10, 2014 at 4:37 PM, Fiction Favorites wrote:

