Thursday – Anything Possible – Lucy and Twiggy Out and About

“Well Lucy it looks like a beautiful day.”

“It does little one. I’m glad that cold weather is gone for a while.”

“What are you looking at over there?”

“Oh, you know. The usual. Stray pumas, peacocks, squirrels, water buffalos.”

“You would think you could spot one of those.”

“I wish. It would be good to have some excitement.”

“Wait. You mentioned peacocks. Have you seen any of those?”

“No I haven’t. I heard mom talking about one in our driveway.”

“Do you know what they smell like?”

“I hear like chicken.”

“Chicken? What the heck do chickens smell like?”

“Beats me. Maybe like peacocks.”

“You know Lucy. Sometimes I’m sorry I ask a question.”

“Well, you shouldn’t feel that way. I usually give it my best shot.”

“Is there anyone out there that knows what a peacock smells like?”

“Oh, sure. Break the fourth wall. Good luck with that.”

“Someone will know.”

“Why not ask what chicken smells like. Maybe more have smelled chickens than peacocks. Of course, human noses are pretty underdeveloped.”


  1. Peacock smell not good raw Lucy and Twiggy, don’t know about cooked:

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    1. Thank you, Chris. I should answer “Like chicken.” 😂

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  2. Glad that you guys are warming up again! Enjoy that sunshine and be careful on your backyard safari. No telling what you might run into (or what it will smell like!)

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    1. We may be forced to get a scent wheel for these two. Thanks, Lori.

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  3. I love the bit about peacocks smelling like chicken–and breaking the fourth wall, of course. 😀

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    1. Thank you, Liz. I corrected the typo too. 😂

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      1. You’re welcome, John.

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  4. I grew up with peacocks running around the farm, and I have no idea what they smell like. 😄 Chicken is a good guess. I’m glad you are having nice weather; it’s been mighty chilly in our area. ❄️❄️❄️

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    1. We finally got a break in the weather which is welcome. You are at an elevation where chilly is the norm this time of year. Stay warm.🤗


  5. These two make my morning, John. I don’t know what peacocks smell like, but I know what they sound like – worse than the UPS man.

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    1. We used to have some near our house on the coast. Their call sounded like someone calling “Help.” Thanks, Dan.

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  6. haha, yes, humans are underdeveloped in more ways than one!!

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    1. They can’t hold a nose to a canine. Thanks, GP. 😁

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      1. NOW – that is definitely the truth!! 👃

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  7. The girls are right. Even if we humans were to try to describe the scent, they would smell much more than us! Peacocks are all about their looks, anyway 😉 Happy Thursday!

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    1. As long as you look good there can be an accommodation to scent. Happy Thursday , Dale. 😁

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      1. You do have a point there, John 😉
        Thank you!

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  8. I’m happy you’re warming up. Tell the girls I saw my first bald eagle around the lake behind our house. It was magnificent to see! I’d still like to see a peacock. Enjoy the warmer temperatures!

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    1. Thank you, Jill. That sighting must have been thrilling. I envy you for sure. 😁

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  9. No human’s ever hung around a screaming peacock long enough to know what they smell like!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. That is for sure. Thanks, Linda. Twiggy appreciates your input. 😁

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  10. Sorry I can’t help the girls with the chicken or peacock smell. Glad you’ve got some warmer weather, John.

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    1. Thank you, Teri. 😁

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  11. That 4th wall picture is priceless. We hear a peacock in the distance occasionally. They’re not feral here, so someone nearby owns them.


    1. The ones around here used to have owners but escaped.

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  12. As GP said, we humans are underdeveloped in a number of ways. Thanks for sharing the girls’ lives, John. They always put a smile on my face. 🙂

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    1. I’m glad you enjoyed it, Tim.

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  13. Hi John, I have seen many peacocks but I haven’t noticed much of a smell, I’m afraid.

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  14. The peacocks wandering the zoo here aren’t big on being sniffed. They get pretty annoyed if you try.

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    1. Ha ha ha. I could see someone trying.😂


  15. We had a peacock in our yard a couple of years ago. It didn’t smell like anything actually. But Lia and I chased it down the street. Not coming into our yard! Your friend, Dot.

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    1. Ha ha ha. The neighbor has one sitting on his front porch. Couldn’t happen to a nicer person. Thanks, Darlene.

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  16. Hilarious, John! I agree with the girls, the human nose is definitely underdeveloped. 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Yes, indeed. I could see a human trying to track something. 😊


  17. I do love circular logic. There’s a point in every animal’s life when they smell like… Are we allowed to say shit!?

    Liked by 1 person

    1. You can say shit. Also remember some people resemble animals

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  18. Hmmm…well, I’ve had both chickens and a peacock in my yard, but never got close enough to decipher a smell. I might have to put it down for future research.

    The girls always have such in-depth and interesting discussions, John! 😂

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    1. Thanks, Mae. These two keep me smiling.

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  19. Oh! what important questions they discuss. On the other hand, why not to arrange a merry little year of peacock, dear John? A pretty little change will make the doggy life brighter. By the way, how does our old good Mr. Eel?🎄🎄🎄🍤🍤🍤🍻🍻

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    1. Mr. Eel is right here on the floor where he is happy. Twiggy plays with him almost every day. I would bring in peacocks but I’m afraid they would beat up on Lucy and Twiggy.

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      1. 😂😂😂 I think the dog team would react faster than these beautiful chickens. Do you know that their scream is awful, dear John? The neighbours would be impressed with their awful sounds. If take aside these inconveniences, the idea sounds fabulous, dear John: you would make a schedule of the court visits for dogs & peacocks separately.

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      2. I know how much noise peacocks make for sure. I always think it is someone calling for help. The separate visit idea does sound workable. We could have a parade of sorts. Maybe the peacocks would open their feathers.

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      3. 👍👍👍 Why not? And dogs will be always busy! watching them 🙂 🙂 🙂

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      4. And the peacocks will be busy watching the dogs. Sounds like a win-win to me. 😁

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      5. 😁😁😁👍👍👍 I think the same, dear John. When the pets are busy! the humans rest. 🙂 🙂 🙂

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      6. I can agree with that for sure. 😁


      7. What about the names? I suggest Albert & Daisy.😂😂😂

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      8. We have to see them to name them but those names are great. 😁


      9. Please, send my warmest New Year greetings to Mr. Eel. I wish him to be as chewy as he is. 😁😂

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      10. Mr. Eel sends his warm wishes back to you. 😁

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      11. Oh, I’m so touched, dear John! Thank him, please! 🎄🎄🎄🥂🎉

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      12. He blushed when I thanked him. 🥂🍰

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      13. Oh, he is a true gentlefish, dear John! :-)🎄🥂🎉

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      14. He seems to be. Of course he could be a gefilte fish too. 😁


  20. A peacock would cause a little excitement in your backyard, but the girls are good a keeping strangers away. Makes sense to me that a peacock would smell like chicken. A beautiful day for the girls to patrol.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. I cannot imagine the chaos that a peacock would bring. Thanks, Jo. It was a nice day.


  21. “Oh, sure. Break the fourth wall. Good luck with that.” This made me laugh. I suddenly saw them on stage, in Hamlet. Their repartee is so believable. I swear I can hear them.

    Happy New Year Lucy and Twiggy. And to you too. John. 🙂

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    1. Thank you, Susannah. Happy New Year to you. 🎊

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  22. Lol, this sounds like a conversation between me and my husband. I hear chicken smells like frog 🙂

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  23. Oh, to be able to smell like a dog…well, maybe not.

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    1. Just roll in the mud and you will then smell like a dog.

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      1. Haha!! 😅

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  24. petespringerauthor · ·

    Stray peacocks remind me of one morning when I came out to work in my yard and found three peacocks sitting on our roof. I have no idea where they came from, but I don’t imagine they were wild. They stayed up there for a couple of hours. I went to call animal control, and they disappeared while I was on the phone. No drinking was involved. 😊

    Liked by 1 person

    1. I think you shared an experience with a lot of folks where there was no drinking. Thanks, Pete.

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  25. A very thoughtful philosophical discussion today. I do believe peacocks smell like chicken, and maybe taste like them, too, although I would never eat one. I hope the girls had a good Christmas! You, too, John.

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    1. We had a lovely Christmas and hope you did too, Noelle.


  26. Haha! Human noses are rather under developed. I’m glad it’s warming up there.

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    1. They are. Thanks, Deborah.


  27. Looks like a beautiful day in your yard.

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    1. It was that for sure.


  28. Lucy, Twiggy… I have no idea what a peacock smells like. For all I know they could smell like day old socks. Sometimes my cat Johnny Depp smells like day old socks.
    So, maybe they smell like my Johnny cat.
    On another hand, as a vegetarian, I know what peas smell like, but not chicken.
    There was turkey around last week, that other people ate. That could smell like chicken.
    I’m so confused! Let’s stick with the day old socks.

    Did your dad run the OX en through the dish washer?
    🦚 🐂 🦚 🐂 🦚 🐂 🦚 🐂 hmmm this could be peacoxen!

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    1. He did and they shrunk so We think pea oxen is a great description. 🦚 🐂 🦚 🐂 🦚 🐂 🦚 🐂

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      1. Wow! Must be all that hair that caused the shrinkage.
        Actually, they should be easier to manage now. 💋 🦚 🐂 🦚 🐂 🦚 🐂 🦚 🐂 💋

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      2. Yes, they fit in a shoe box and they use the kitty litter.


  29. I dig how these two can make a party out of any occasion. . .

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    1. Ha ha ha. That is so true.

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  30. If a peacock smells like a chicken then a chicken must smell like a peacock. Trust humans to miss simple logical conclusions.
    BTW our area is full of peacocks, Ten years back they would sometimes fly into the apartment blocks as well, ten + stories high. But gradually humans have crowded them out. They are still visible in large numbers on many of the golf courses around. They preen and let themselves be photographed, but can’t get close enough to pet them. Or smell them.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. I wouldn’t let a human get close or smell me either. Thanks, Ankur.
